Shenyang next gen combat aircraft thread


wow i feel like i stirred up a lot of activity... at least you guys are seeing a new prospective and i feel like we are approaching some kind of progress collectively.... i also believe some of these accounts might be some kind of bot.

the jh designation fighter bomber is like a medium bomber i guess... wasnt j36 called the jh-36 by some initially... im in that camp... for some reason it seems some people take it personally when you call the j-36 a medium bomber.

as for the shengad i believe its a naval verson of the j-36 that is meant to kill ships and big buildings and not just other birds... im not concerned with the label... more interested in its purpose
You literally offered nothing of value here. A plane that kills other planes is still a plane that kills other planes. That’s what a fighter is and nothing you’ve said changes that the J-36 is designed to be a plane that kills other planes.


Junior Member
Registered Member
And that still wouldn't make the J-36 and J-XDS into "medium bombers", which is what he's implying - Because anti-ship/land-attack role can be done by literally any warplanes with properly-rated weapons racks.

Classifying combat warplanes into their respective categories require deeper nuances and evidences than just shallow-level "oh, it can carry and launch missiles and bombs, so it must be a bomber".

And with the introduction of 6th-gen air combat systems - Trying to classify combat warplanes into specific, singular categories loses more and more actual meanings.
I know. I'm just pointing out that's how he perceives things, which doesn't make him right...obviously.


Registered Member
wow i feel like i stirred up a lot of activity... at least you guys are seeing a new prospective and i feel like we are approaching some kind of progress collectively....

More like a poorly-formulated and badly-founded perspective based on "muh feelings".

i also believe some of these accounts might be some kind of bot.

What can I say but lmao.

the jh designation fighter bomber is like a medium bomber i guess... wasnt j36 called the jh-36 by some initially... im in that camp... for some reason it seems some people take it personally when you call the j-36 a medium bomber.

To be direct with you, that camp of yours is stup1d - And many people in that camp who eventually came to know better have already abandoned that camp and agrees that the J-36 is indeed a 6th-gen manned fighter/multirole combat aircraft that is tailored for air superiority.

Furthermore, that camp is no different than those who claimed that the J-20 is actually JH-20 fighter-bomber due to its unusually large size (when compared to the F-22, F-35 and the rest of the PLAAF fighter fleet) when it first came out. We know what eventually happened to those people, don't we?

as for the shengad i believe its a naval verson of the j-36 that is meant to kill ships and big buildings and not just other birds... im not concerned with the label... more interested in its purpose

Imagine saying that bolded phrase with a straight face.

And there's this:
im not concerned with the label... more interested in its purpose

You want the answer? Here, read carefully:

The purpose of the J-XDS is the same as the J-36, namely to establish and maintain air superiority, which enforces the goal of/towards air supremacy.

Anti-ship and land-attack strike capabilities only come an added bonus, only if the internal weapon bays on the J-36 and J-XDS are large enough to carry those large-sized supersonic/hypersonic anti-ship/land-attack missiles.

Happy with the answer?

Unfortunately for you, one way or the other - You're gonna be happy with the answer, because that's the only reasonable and accurate answer you're gonna get. Anymore of this back-and-forth, and I'm afraid that you risk pulling this thread from the r/LCD level to the r/NCD level - And that's going to be a problem.

Iron Man

Registered Member
Anti-ship and land-attack strike capabilities only come an added bonus, only if the internal weapon bays on the J-36 and J-XDS are large enough to carry those large-sized supersonic/hypersonic anti-ship/land-attack missiles.
Not saying I agree with FNG here, but antiship and land-attack capabilities have to be designed into the J-36 (and maybe J-50) to begin with, not as a happy side effect. There's no way you're going to just randomly be able to fit a largish hypersonic or AKF-98 type missile into a bay meant originally for air-to-air missiles; the J-20's shallow weapons bays are what that looks like, and why the J-20 will never really have any internal antiship or land-attack capabilities unless the PLAAF specifically designs smallish ASCMs/LACMs to fit in its bays. Nobody thinks that's what the J-36's weapons bays look like.


Junior Member
Registered Member
Not saying I agree with FNG here, but antiship and land-attack capabilities have to be designed into the J-36 (and maybe J-50) to begin with, not as a happy side effect. There's no way you're going to just randomly be able to fit a largish hypersonic or AKF-98 type missile into a bay meant originally for air-to-air missiles; the J-20's shallow weapons bays are what that looks like, and why the J-20 will never really have any internal antiship or land-attack capabilities unless the PLAAF specifically designs smallish ASCMs/LACMs to fit in its bays. Nobody thinks that's what the J-36's weapons bays look like.
Not a surprise if they have multirole abilities designed into them from the get-go, but again we don’t know the depth of their weapon bays (and in the J-XDS’s case no info on the bays at all) so I would wait a bit till we have an idea of the actual bay depth before coming to any conclusions.