Actually, I would want the designers of F-60 to come out and say: "Yes, we intend it to be a F-22 knock-off so it will sell better. We want every third-world country to have F-22 look-a-likes. THERE IS NOTHING YOU CAN DO ABOUT IT!"
Thats rather harsh. CIA, NSA and other intelligent gathering agencies release only the info that they are cleared to release. They likely have agents within CAC, SAC etc. Remember their main weapon is secrecy.
If we want in turn to read into things, why would they bother calling it a knock-off of the F-22 and not the F-35? The only thing that makes it look like a F-22 are the tailfins and that's from the artistic concepts not from what's being transported on the truck. It's shaped more similiar to the F-35.
If anyone watched the PBS Frontline documentary, From China with Love, it basically said US intelligence on China comes from electronic surveillance. They have little to no assets on the ground. So even though they can probably find someone important to bribe, I think it comes down to they never even thought of trying it. Plus I think the game is someone usually approaches you to offer intelligence not the other way around. If you go around trying to bribe people to give intelligence, you're out in the open and exposed. I think intelligence agencies were lucky to have Hollywood glamourize them. Because the reality is the vast majority of the intelligence they receive is bad and from someone most likely just looking to make money and not someone that has a romanticized view and loyalty to Western values.
Actually a lot of "spooks" deal in misinformation, something internet fan boys like to fan the flames of in order to "be inside the bubble" so to speak. Really in Western culture aircraft design is something that is done out in public these days, although the F-117, "wobblin goblin" was largely brought to pruduction and operation in secret, there were lots of rumors floating around about "have blue" in the good old Air Force Magazine and other aviation mags as well. Many design features of "have blue" are still "classified" as are B-2 and F-22 features. When Max flew the first demo flights of the Raptor, no one was allowed to photograph the nozzles of the TVC. Then there is the infamous hacking of the F-35, so lots of secrets get "told" that shouldn't, but sometimes are intentionally "shared with friends". The truth is "knock-offs" are extremely difficult to do well, and seldom as functional as originals and the folks who designed the originals are hard at work on new projects. To reverse the camera, western intel might gather info on the J-20, but you would probably have to "pay" someone to base a western aircraft on that design and attempt to reproduce it, its simply too much trouble and western designers are more concerned about "originality" or "flavor" that builds on the philosophy of that company, look at the F-32, the Boeing JSF contender, a rather "geecky" looking bird, whereas the F-35 does retain a certain flavor from the F-22!
Well assassin, although the liberals at PBS would love to give away state secrets to hurt US, they really don't know much, their speciality are "hit pieces" designed to embarass or discredit the folks who are actually working hard to "save the nation and the planet", and feed the hungry, actually people with secrets would like to tell some-one, especially if that someone will pay them?
Brat, information, misinformation, disinformation, are all tools to spin...
Now, in my opinion, only some of the real stupid and jealous SOB's would still believe that knock-offs are an easy job and babble about "we will be the best if only we also steal and copy..." In this world, only the smart and hardworking ones can do it well (reverse engineering, spying, etc.) and while doing it, really learning how to create their own. Again, only the stupid ones would claim the moral high ground when they can't do shxt about their lacking the abilbity to even copy.
P.S. I don't think one bit that either the J-20 or the J-21 to come is a knock off of any other aircraft, either.
I would like them to come out and say: "Yes, we intend it to be percieved as a F-22 knock-off so it will sell better (being politically incorrect, I have to admit: the average humans being are stupid in many aspects). But verily verily I tell ya, it's a technologically more advanced aircraft by virtue of its being born decades later than the F-22... What? We dont' have engines as good? Well, we will get there soon. Just as our economy will soon be number one...that you believe, right? So, buy ours and you won't regret!"![]()
Well assassin, although the liberals at PBS would love to give away state secrets to hurt US, they really don't know much, their speciality are "hit pieces" designed to embarass or discredit the folks who are actually working hard to "save the nation and the planet", and feed the hungry, actually people with secrets would like to tell some-one, especially if that someone will pay them?