I think we need to review some exhibitions from Zhuhai 2016:
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The FC-31 could carry 4 500-kg bombs or 4 supersonic ASMs in its internal bays. I never insinuated that it could carry YJ-83-class missiles in its bay, although the 4 ASMs could easily be substituted by a lightweight anti-ship weapon.
Are You sure that these images are reliable ?? A weapons load of 8 CM-400AKG standoff supersonic ASMs - alone four of them in the bay - looks IMO much over; IMO even plain impossible.
The CM-400AKG is said to weight 900 kg, which would be a load of 3600kg in the bay. Size-wise the CM-400AKG is advertised as having a 5.1 m. length, a 400 mm diameter...
IMO this cannot be.