Junior Member
We don't know how expensive this plane is. You're also forgetting Malaysia, Indonesia, Argentina, Brazil, Vietnam, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, UAE, Turkey etc etc.
And I wouldn't use the JF-17's record to determine how successful or not the J-31 will be. They're two very different products geared towards different demands. That's not to say the J-31 will be successful, but that it's opportunities are not as limited as you're suggesting.
Malaysia, Indonesia and Vietnam have territorial disputes with China, especially Vietnam, whom just had a war with China not too long ago. The Gulf states never buy weapons like these from China, they buy straight from EU or US. Even if they wanted to, the West would not let them buy from China. Turkey is a NATO country with American missiles on their land. To this day, months after the missile purchase news, they still have not finalized the purchase and mentioned time and time again that they highly value "suggestions" from the West. Brazil and Argentina never bought weapons from China.
If we take a deep thought and really think it through, you can see that geopolitically, no one will buy large batch of warplanes from China, apart from those poor and underdeveloped countries. At least in the forseeable future, next 10 - 20 years, China will not be able to export anything too significant, due to geopoliticality.
As for the price. Even JF17 is very expensive for Pakistan. The Chinese is the main funder of the program, not the Pakistanis. Doesn't matter how cheap J-31 will be, it is still a 5th generation fighter. The cheapest F-16 now is already 70-80 million. J-10 was 30-40 million about 10 years ago. Due to drastic domestic inflation and rise of the RMB, J-10 wouldn't be that much less than the base model F-16. Adding onto the fact that J-31 is a 5th generation warplane, it will be very expensive. Obviously it won't be F35 level, but for sure definitely approaching or even exceeding the 100 million mark. Unless the Chinese are willing to throw in another few billion dollars, they Pakistanis will not be able to afford even 10 J-31.
How many countries out there that has good relations with China, that is rich enough to afford it, not part of the "Pro-/NATO Camp", doesn't have territorial dispute with China and is not under international sanctions?
All I can think of is Brazil, Thailand, Egypt, and Argentina, but none of them ever even showed interests or desires in 5th gen planes.