And what you haven't realized is that you are so lucky not to have been a chinese parent in mainlan China. With only one child here, you probably would have been driven insane long time ago!
...And I'm serious. It's very tiring and extremely challenging to be Ordinary (as opposed to Rich) parents here.
I realized early on Player that as an American, I was and am extremely priviledged and blessed to be born in what was a Christian Nation. One of the reasons that many Americans are generous is that sense of being blessed and having a desire to share what we have, including our freedoms and self-determination. I know that I have no idea what you and many others have been through, and I assure you that it is not arrogance, but a desire to share that motivates many of the actions that others may resent. I have good friends that I love from, Bangladesh, India, and Africa, and now China, whose struggles break my heart. I hate to see my own Nation move away from the belief in our Master, that has brought so much blessing and abundance, and I hate thinking that our children will miss these blessings if we don't turn this around. I assure you my brother, that you are far from ordinary, and have a very kind and gracious heart, like that Chinese lady who rescued those babies from the dumps, she is in many ways like Mother Theresa, a true heroine, and you my brother have a true nobility that transcends our cultural differences, and I really do consider you a true friend. Thanks for sharing a little wisdom with me, and I hope at some point that I can be a blessing to you as well. Bax
I really do like this J-31, it is a nice looking bird, and until Jeff posted his F-35/F-22 pictures it was my screen shot, I believe that Shenyang will get this baby up and running and may well have a shot at developing the follow on aircraft to the J-15, as it seems to be a right sized aircraft, and it does seem to have the potential for being another world class aircraft from the mainland.