I think kyanges is just trying to be sacrastic... LOL
Hehe, whether he was being sarcastic or not, I don't doubt his good intentions. I was just taking the opportunity to say what I had to say.
I think kyanges is just trying to be sacrastic... LOL
kyanges, I don't mean to pick fight with you. I just really don't get it. Three years is enough for what? For digesting all the details and putting togather a couple of models and then putty them through thousands of windtunnel tests? And also for God-knows-how-many-times of tests and fine-tuning on the VLO aspects? ...And if it's that as easy as copying and pasting (as the morons love to say), why the heck can't any others have done it the easy way as the Chinese do? No I'm not talking about big-mouthed, good-for-nothing Indians, I'm talking about the good old Europeans, Russians, etc.
And I agree with for the rest of what you said.
Nah, I wasn't trying to be sarcastic. Sorry, I should have elaborated.
I think 3 years would be enough time to do everything you said. But only if the engineers wanted to make a so-so/garbage airplane. The thing is... Why would the Chinese want that? In short, they wouldn't.
I do believe the story about Chinese hackers infiltrating Lockheed Martin and its subcontractors. The Chinese are likely putting that data to work. However, who here or in the media can clearly say what was stolen and what it's being used for?
The possible scenarios are so open ended that claiming anything post-hack is a copy is definitely based on some other premise. And the only thing differentiating those premises is what one assumes about what/how much data was stolen and what/how much it's being used.
In the case of the J-31 being a F-35/22 lovechild based entirely on stolen data, it looks like that assumption is the Chinese stole everything and used everything, and would settle for something terrible. Which, just... No. Come on..
Let's concetrate on engines and ignore the fact China has at least two stealth fighter programs...
I'm reading a lot of reactions doing an internet search. I especially like the ones, yes there seems to be a common ignorance out there from self-proclaimed experts, asking if any of China's stealth fighters, including the J-20, have even flown, ergo, they must be just mock-ups to fool the West. I read another article that said China can't make a reliable domestic engine they can trust to put on a single-engine fighter, so that's why their stealth fighters have two engines. We see them on J-10s. Oh yeah let's leave out that fact so the conclusion made before writing looks true.