Shenyang FC-31 / J-31 Fighter Demonstrator

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IMO Middle East, SE Asia and South American countries could be potential customers. For many countries like SA buying weapons from US and China at the same time is very natural, they even imported DF from China when no diplomatic relations between two sides in 1980s.


Banned Idiot
few months ago, a blogger claim that PLAAF ,unlike the J-20,never consider J-31 as gen. 4th fighter,reason,the lack of super cruise.
second, shenyang received a lot of technical support from Chengdu.particular in the area of steath .


Pencil Pusher
VIP Professional
few months ago, a blogger claim that PLAAF ,unlike the J-20,never consider J-31 as gen. 4th fighter,reason,the lack of super cruise.
second, shenyang received a lot of technical support from Chengdu.particular in the area of steath .

This I do not understand,

1) Do J-20 has supercruise?
2) Had the engine been confirmed yet for J-31 to safely say that it do not have supercruise?
3) What has it got to do with who give who technical support?


Maybe the DPRK could afford a few planes themselves, of course this would put chitters among the South Korean air forces, therefore put in more orders for the F-35A while waiting for their own stealth plane to be develop. I can imagine even Iraq, and some South American countries that needs to update their air forces pretty badly. Georgia perhaps and maybe Poland could be in the market as far as Europe.
This is truly wild. If the planes are for export and not for PLAN then South Korea would be much better off cancelling the F-35A and buying them itself. It would be on the road to reunification at the same time. Poland belongs to NATO so isn't allowed to buy Chinese fighter planes. Georgia will first have to make peace with Russia and abandon notions of NATO membership which means virtually a revolution.


Banned Idiot
This I do not understand,

1) Do J-20 has supercruise?
2) Had the engine been confirmed yet for J-31 to safely say that it do not have supercruise?
3) What has it got to do with who give who technical support?

according to Chinese official,J-20 has a supercruise, speed of mach 1.2,by contrast F-22 has supercruise speed of M 1.6
the existent J-31 (or some refer as Sin-93) first appear around 2002,but the project may been started in late 90's.the paper mention two prototype will be build one power by RD-93,the other WS-13


Pencil Pusher
VIP Professional
according to Chinese official,J-20 has a supercruise, speed of mach 1.2,by contrast F-22 has supercruise speed of M 1.6
the existent J-31 (or some refer as Sin-93) first appear around 2002,but the project may been started in late 90's.the paper mention two prototype will be build one power by RD-93,the other WS-13

However is there any evident that WS-13 do not have supercruise? And the paper mentioned that two prototype will be used, these are prototype, and not actual production aircrafts.

(edit: yes. WS-13 do not have supercruise.)
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Junior Member
Hehe, I was too eager to join in and took that guy for you. And what you did with "Time to unveil a new stealth fighter..." for "又该泄露一种新型的隐形战斗机了" is what I liked and sort of suggested to him.

But I'm not sure about this "天啊。你们是不是要挑战我们啊!?" for "Sheesh, guys, can't you make it a challenge?"... Sounds to me "can't you not make it a challenge" closer to your translation?

I think, Sweetman's humor lies in: "This, check (same as last time), that, check (same ole same), fuzzy pics, check (again the same style)", hence "Can't you guys make it more difficult (a challege) for us?"

"天啊。你们是不是要挑战我们啊!?" means "gosh. r u going to challenge us?"


Lieutenant General
There are many many countries who would be very interested in this bird if it lives up to its potential.

There are many JSF partners who are starting to look distinctly green around the gills at the F35's sky rocking price tag who might just be interested in the J21/31 (btw, wth are we supposed to call this birdy?), especially those keen to develop their own indigenous aviation industries.

So I can see Turkry being potentially very interested in this bird, especially if it comes with meaningful ToT. Egypt would be another prime candidate with the relationship already established via the K8 deal and the new Egyption president taking down the military and wanting to steer a more independent course from US influence, I think diversification of defence purchases would be of much interest to the new leadership.

In Latin America, I can see Brazil being another big potential customer as they are also keen to expand their own local aviation industry and the importance of Chinese trade to their economy and the fact that both often stand together internationally on key global decisions are solid foundations that China might be able to build on to expand into the military field.

In Africa, South Africa seems to be increasingly friendly with China, and so a big defense deal would not be all that shocking.

In the middle east, the J31 might find interested buyers in the form of the UEA because of the strong Pakistani connection, and also because I am sure the F35 they will get will be both more expensive and less capable than what Israel will get, and that will irk them to no end, there will also probably be all sorts of concerns about back doors, trackers and kill swithes in all the American black boxes that will be of serious concern to all export customers of the F35, so I can easily see them ditching the F35 if the J31 turns out to be a credible alternative.

Then there is always the 'old faithful' of Pakistan, who would almost be a sheo in as a lead export customer, maybe even at the expense of the J10B, which I am sure will secretly please SAC to no end.

The J31 would likely be really useful to the Russian air force and navy, but I think their pride would prevent them from buying any fighter jets from their old student and who their media continue to disparage and slander with copying accusations. However, many former USSR republics like the Ukraine and many a 'stan could be very interested.

In addition to purely commercial sales, the J31 would also give Beijing an interesting and powerful new political card to play against America. 'Hey Uncle Sam, here is the New Deal, if you sell any more weapons to Taiwan/stir up any more trouble in Tibet or with island disputes, we might just gift wrap some J31s to, oh I don't know, I mean where to start? Iran would love them for sure, maybe Syria too if Assad is still around, Chevez would love some too (again if he is still kicking by the time the J31 is available) and maybe Cuba would want a few as well'.


Senior Member
absolutely right wolfie, China should not shy at marketing this fighter aggressively and using it as a political bargain tool

supercruise? depends on who you ask, everyone got their own definition of supercruise

it's a matter of fuel fraction, T:W ratio, and sfc at certain M speed
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