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Banned Idiot
Re: Casual talk...Have fun!

They never had much of a China Town in any of NZ cities.Aucklands one consisted of about six buildings a couple of boarding houses for the old timers, a couple of restaurants and a Chinese grocery store. where the old timers smoked their opium out the back.. The law left the genuine chinese addicts alone, but I used to go there as a kid with my friend whose dad played mah jong in there. But I was wondering there would always be people come in where they would tick some numbers off a sheet, a bit like a early chinese version of lotto.

Does anyone know what those old timers were really playing?


Senior Member
VIP Professional
Re: Casual talk...Have fun!

Food Network doesn't have skinny cooks?
You mean Aida? Watch her in a couple of years.....
Who cares if there is a Chinatown or not..... a Chinese community is enough, you don't need a neighbourhood title just to show that the Chinese are there....... And what's so glorious about "Chinatown"? The last thing I want is for them to make it a tourist destination, especially if it's like ours, freaking dirty! They're dirty and unrepresentative.... Sometimes the only Chinese that think it represents China are the kids who grew up around there.....

bd popeye

The Last Jedi
VIP Professional
Re: Casual talk...Have fun!

Food Network doesn't have skinny cooks?

Yes they do. I can't remember their names but one lady makes "30 minute meals". she looks as though she never ate a square meal. There's a couple of others..


Banned Idiot
Re: Casual talk...Have fun!

Yes they do. I can't remember their names but one lady makes "30 minute meals". she looks as though she never ate a square meal. There's a couple of others..

Julia Child she wasn't skinny. She always spoke as if she had something in her mouth. Is she still around,or shes gone to the great big kitchen in the sky?

I suppose CT's remain in the human conciousness because they are different, the Chinese being the biggest ethnic group ,outside the Africans, to be introduced in large numbers, into Western countries. and for a lot of non asians visiting CTs, provides a introduction to a foreing culture in relative safety.

Ct's arent the only representation of whats different that has become tourist destinations, theres Harlem, Greenwich Village, The French quarter in New Orleans, the list goes on if you are prepared to look hard enough.

bd popeye

The Last Jedi
VIP Professional
Re: Casual talk...Have fun!

Julia Child she wasn't skinny. She always spoke as if she had something in her mouth. Is she still around,or shes gone to the great big kitchen in the sky?

Julia Child died in 2004. In fact she died the day after I arrived in Iowa to live.

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Julia Child worked for OSS during WWII

From her wiki bio.

...She volunteered with the American Red Cross and, after the bombing of Pearl Harbor in 1941, joined the Office of Strategic Services (OSS) after being turned down by the United States Navy because she was too tall. She began her OSS career at its headquarters in Washington, working directly for General William J. Donovan, the leader of OSS. Working as a research assistant in the Secret Intelligence division, she typed ten thousand names on white note cards used to keep track of officers.

For a year, she worked at the OSS Emergency Sea Rescue Equipment Section in Washington, D.C., where she was a file clerk and also helped in the development of a shark repellent to ensure that sharks would not explode ordnance targeting German U-boats. In 1944 she was posted to Kandy, Ceylon (now Sri Lanka), where her responsibilities included "registering, cataloguing and channeling a great volume of highly classified communications" for the OSS's clandestine stations in Asia, and where she met her future husband, a high-ranking OSS cartographer. She was later posted to China, where she received the Emblem of Meritorious Civilian Service as head of the Registry of the OSS Secretariat.


Re: Casual talk...Have fun!

Just come and tell a joke:

A few days ago Kim make a phone to Hu:

Kim: Hello, big brother
Hu: Yes, any problem?
Kim: Oh yes, a little problem
Hu: OK, You need help?
Kim: No, thanks. I can handle it myself
Hu: OK, what's the problem?
Kim: I want to perform a nuclear test.
Hu: When?
Kim: 10
Hu: 10 what? 10 years? 10 months? or 10 days?
Kim: 9, 8, 7, ...
Hu: Shit!....


Banned Idiot
Re: Casual talk...Have fun!

NZ is too small to have chinatowns, before when I grew up in Hamilton, there was just a few shops spread around the city that was Asian (Chinese, Taiwanese and Korean). No real place to hang around. Australia has Chinatowns...but they aren't as big as you'd expect...and they are quite boring after the second visit...or even the first visit.

The Chinese came to NZ for the gold mines, and a poll tax and in most cases a inability to bring family or women, saw most of them return home, wealthy or destitute.therefore the Chinese population was very small. The Sino Japanese war saw some relaxation with a small amount of women being allowed to join their husbands.
Actually because the population was small IMO the children of the first wave of Chinese migrants intergrated better into the community. why the than these latecomers who even now hang around in groups, speaking their own language.IMO Koreans are really bad for doing this. Thats why the latecomers refer to the first group of Chinese settlers as bananas or something. (Yellow on the outside but all white on the inside)
However Hamilton being a inland farming service city is an unusual place for newcomers to settle, unless you were a professional of some sort.
So you eventually ended up in Australia, ( another backdoor immigrant?:D) can't say I blame you if you were as I would do the same thing.
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Banned Idiot
Re: Casual talk...Have fun!

In the past it was a lot easier to go to Australia through NZ. You had to be a Nz resident or citizen.and that gives you automatic entry to Australia A lot of Asian migrants did it this way as the requirements were easier. to have automatic access.. This still stands; but there isnt so much privileges as in social security such as unemployment benefits etc, but health is still covered.In the early 2000 you could be granted australian citizenship automatically if you had been living there for 3yrs.that has now been withdrawn.