Things to think about today
about this decision. It's interesting that according to the Duran folks, US had no knowledge of this production cut decision, while China did. That would indicate how things are now shifting in the oil producing world. Saudis are openly moving away from American spheres. I crack up at the MAGA people who think Trump can just wave a wand and get Saudis back in the fold. Saudis have been slowly moving toward China for years and they've decided to be open about it now. Just need to wait for military announcement to come out now.
Why are the Arab world openly moving away from America? Well.
This might have something to do with it. It's one thing for Arab countries to have relationship with Israel when they are dangled the economic benefits and promised F-35s in return. It's quite another thing when they are told to give up relationship with China & have these continued attacks on the Palestinians and Syrians. Sunnis and Shiites are both victims in this crisis.
We will see how long the Abraham accord can last. Hong long can UAE keep its relationship with Israel when all of this is going on.
oh yeah and this. non-oil countries are getting slaughtered by IMF
of course, even the Kenyans can buy oil with their own money now. That will be an interesting test case
and let's see what comes of this meeting. I'm sure China enjoys being in the lime light for bringing peace to the Middle East
I do wonder if China will have a military presence in the middle east. military cooperation with saudis seem certain at this point