The article stated resource. It takes the data from USGS.
View attachment 108276
Here is the 2021 USGS report. You can see that Argentina has only 1.9 million reserves but 19.3 million resources.
View attachment 108277
Definition of resource and reserve can be find here.
You can see that reserve is readily extractable by industry, while resource is only possible.
Resource. —A concentration of naturally occurring
solid, liquid, or gaseous material in or on the
Earth's crust in such form and amount that
economic extraction Of a commodity from the
concentration is currently or potentially
Reserve Base. —
That part of an identified resource
that meets specified minimum physieal and
chemical criteria related to current mining and
production practices, including those for
grade, quality, thickness, and depth. The
reserve base is the in-place demonstrated
(measured plus indicated) resource from which
reserves are estimated. lt may encompass
those parts Of the resources that have a
reasonable potential for becoming economically
available within planning horizons beyond
those that assume proven technology and current
Of course higher resource is always desirable because eventually it may make economical sense to extract them once the reserve runs dry.