Today: Sunny, hot, humid, heat index 100-110(38c - 43c)
Temps: 94-97 (34c - 36c)
Wind: S 10-20 mph
Tonight: Mostly clear, mild
Temps: 72-76
Wind: S 10-20 mph (16km - 32km)
***Excessive Heat Warning in effect Friday and Saturday***
It is not just going to be hot, but dangerously hot Friday and Saturday in eastern Iowa.
Temperatures will be climbing into the mid 90s this afternoon, but it will feel even hotter. Humidity will be very high and heat index values will be in the 90s in the late morning. By 11 am heat indices will get into the triple digits. Between 3 pm to 6 pm the heat index will peak between 105 to 110 degrees. If you are outdoors take frequent breaks inside and drink plenty of water. There will be a breeze, but it will be a very warm breeze.
The heat continues into the weekend. Temperatures will be in the low 90s Saturday and heat index values will once again be in the upper 90s to triple digits. A cold front will be moving in Saturday night and will attempt to provide some relief with scattered showers and thunderstorms. Storms will move through into Sunday morning and then wind down Sunday afternoon. Temperatures will be lower, in the mid 80s, on Sunday.
The heat doesn't stay away for long.. temperatures will be back in the upper 80s to low 90s next week. It will be dry and muggy to start July.
Meteorologist Rebecca Kopelman
Weather First Team