Russian Military News, Reports, Data, etc.


Registered Member
In Mariupol, the Nazis are still holed up in the basement begging everyone to save them.
It's clear they were hiding there for most of the battle of Mariupol while Ukraine soldiers were fighting and dying on the streets.
Apparently they've brought children down with them.
That could be fake to try and stop the Russians from drowning them all. I don't know if it's true, but it seems to be working for now.

I'm 100% sure Azov have practiced cannibalism at this point. They have had no supplies since the start of the war, and despite that they all look fat. Notice how there are no more reports about French or other foreign soldiers being there. I think they've all been eaten already.

Cannibalism affects your soul, if you've done it once you'll forever be hungry for human meat. Not even the Siberian gulag can cure that hunger.

I think the most humane thing for the Russians to do at this point is just to flood the bunkers and stop the Ukrainians from doing worse things to themselves.


Tyrant King
The selector switch is a valid criticism which can probably be fixed easily. As for how to hold it, he's using the western style which is based around handling western guns with a more forward handguard. Using that as a criticism of the AK-12 is wrong.

Kalashnikov have a video on youtube on how soldiers are trained to hold Kalashnikovs.
With this I think you missed the issue of the criticism. It’s not about holding as in combat a soldier might need to brace the weapon against an object which would create the same problem, the few times that AK12 have been seen with accessories include a vertical foregrip which will cause the same issue. The main problem though is the the rails on the 12 o’clock of the hand guard as pointless. It’s fine for a white light or a grip but pointless for any aiming device. Making it worse is that the dust cover doesn’t hold zero either. Meaning that you have to rezero any optic the second it comes off the rifle. As there is a 3.5 moa difference potentially. Even the iron sights because they are dust cover mounted. After I first saw 9 hole’s video suddenly why none of the battle field pick up AK 12 had accessories made sense. It’s not really suited to any. It looks modern but at best is an inferior AK.
An AK74M fitted with aftermarket rails and stock would be more efficient at what AK12 was supposed to be.
Now before the “Nyet Rifle is fine” hear me out. The aim of rail systems is for the military a practical solution to night fighting. Night vision scopes and laser aiming devices are the means to achieve that goal. Problem is Night vision scopes don’t work well with iron sights. So the scopes are normally either operating as the sight, which AK12 would fail at due to inability to retain zero, cowitnessed with a reflex sight again AK12 would fail at or with an active laser mounted on the hand guard which again fails. Hell the AK74N from the 1980s has a rail mechanism that holds zero and though awkward is a better option for night operating.
So what is AK12? Window dressing. Infantry cope cages. Something meant to look very modern but in the end has every corner cut.


Registered Member
With this I think you missed the issue of the criticism. It’s not about holding as in combat a soldier might need to brace the weapon against an object which would create the same problem, the few times that AK12 have been seen with accessories include a vertical foregrip which will cause the same issue. The main problem though is the the rails on the 12 o’clock of the hand guard as pointless. It’s fine for a white light or a grip but pointless for any aiming device. Making it worse is that the dust cover doesn’t hold zero either. Meaning that you have to rezero any optic the second it comes off the rifle. As there is a 3.5 moa difference potentially. Even the iron sights because they are dust cover mounted. After I first saw 9 hole’s video suddenly why none of the battle field pick up AK 12 had accessories made sense. It’s not really suited to any. It looks modern but at best is an inferior AK.
An AK74M fitted with aftermarket rails and stock would be more efficient at what AK12 was supposed to be.
Now before the “Nyet Rifle is fine” hear me out. The aim of rail systems is for the military a practical solution to night fighting. Night vision scopes and laser aiming devices are the means to achieve that goal. Problem is Night vision scopes don’t work well with iron sights. So the scopes are normally either operating as the sight, which AK12 would fail at due to inability to retain zero, cowitnessed with a reflex sight again AK12 would fail at or with an active laser mounted on the hand guard which again fails. Hell the AK74N from the 1980s has a rail mechanism that holds zero and though awkward is a better option for night operating.
So what is AK12? Window dressing. Infantry cope cages. Something meant to look very modern but in the end has every corner cut.
The reason I mentioned that is it's the only one that seems to be a valid criticism for actual deployed new generation AKs.

As for wonky rails. They aren't testing actual AK-12s, just ad hoc kits assembled in America. That's like arguing H&K rifles are bad, look at this made in China replica. If it's a problem with field issued rifles we'll know about it sooner or later.

Also I think it's hilarious that youtubers who've spent their whole lives fawning over Russian AKs now think they're shit because Ukrainian lives matter or something.


Tyrant King
The reason I mentioned that is it's the only one that seems to be a valid criticism for actual deployed new generation AKs.
bogus. All points are valid. The selector is just the most visible problem. The tip of the proverbial iceberg. the Zero issue limits its users potential combat capabilities. The corrosive ammo and cleaning issue makes care and maintenance harder, the sling and stock may seem a nuisance but when you consider Russian infantry in compact thin armored vehicles facing combat situations where they are loosing alot of said vehicles. That could leave a soldier bailing out of a burning vehicle unarmed or not at all.
As for wonky rails. They aren't testing actual AK-12s, just ad hoc kits assembled in America. That's like arguing H&K rifles are bad, look at this made in China replica. If it's a problem with field issued rifles we'll know about it sooner or later.
bogus, completely and utterly uninformed (And I am being nice)
The rifles in question are not replica nor clones nor knockoff or fakes.
They are rebuilt from certified parts kits. The rail, top cover stock, gas block tube, receiver trunnion were in the kit and Stock AK12 parts. The bolt an barrel were replaced as they had been demilitarized.
Farther as the criticisms are targeted to the parts in the kit with not the replacement parts they have absolute barring. 9 hole even acknowledges that the one they had lacked a change that seems to have occurred in production. A change that would be familiar to anyone who knows M16 history, the change to chrome chambers barrels and gas blocks to address then in US service corrosive ammunition.
In essence you are saying that someone’s isn’t a “real Lamborghini” because the owner bought it used and had to replace muffler, pistons and tires. Everything else is original from the factory. It just wasn’t in running condition until it was repaired. Those rifles are AK12s.

Also I think it's hilarious that youtubers who've spent their whole lives fawning over Russian AKs now think they're shit because Ukrainian lives matter or something.
Seriously. You are conflating personal bias with technical criticism. Brandon Herrera was insulting the Russian government before Ukraine well still wanting to sample the latest AKs. 9 Hole is about as a political in their review as can be.
Frankly I believe your dismissal is as your personal bias is blinding you from anything that doesn’t fit your preconceived notion’s.