Russian Military News, Reports, Data, etc.


Senior Member
One dead seems implausibly few from explosive damage and aftermath severe enough to ultimately sink the ship. If it is true, one must wonder how hard did the crew fight the fire and try to control the damage, and whether the ship was abandoned too easily.
I don't know a single reason why they would lie, please.


Registered Member
Russia's overall external environment is so very much worse than China's in almost every aspect.
when word overall is used it mean all the variables are taken into account. on that basis i dont think China will fare better as non of its allies can help when West de-platform and de-certify products and services in China.
than significant decline in trade with Taiwan and there is no assurance Taiwanese can easily be integrated and more productive in Chinese system. All Asian currencies and stock markets will be significantly impacted.
Russia special operation is more unique as it created enormous wealth at certain places. the influence that will come with that wealth is not quantified yet. and even Turkey understand that ultimately it is more beneficial that Russia integrate 10 million people and with seamless transition to ports connections around black sea for exports and imports with income in hundreds of billions per year. Germany will also come to this conclusion.


Registered Member
28 dead is still too few for casualties expected from damage that would cripple a major warship plus efforts to contain damage that took a day to sink the ship.
If the fire is seen has uncontrolled, uncontrollable and can light up the ammo dump anytime... you abandon ship and left just minimal staff to try to maintain pump and fire system if they are operable. That staff is probably the 27 missing... not sure if having 300 missing would have been better.

Richard Santos

Registered Member
If the fire is seen has uncontrolled, uncontrollable and can light up the ammo dump anytime... you abandon ship and left just minimal staff to try to maintain pump and fire system if they are operable. That staff is probably the 27 missing... not sure if having 300 missing would have been better.
given the fact that the fire did not appear to have lit up the ammunition store at all even after the fire appeared to have kept burning intensely for quite sometime after the ship has been abandoned, and the ship nonetheless took a long time to sink, it does appear damage control did not accurately appraise the situation, and may have panicked, and the ship was abandoned too precipitously.

It seems to me the only explanation that does not impugn the crew’s performance is the Russian navy did not put a very high value on the ship and did not believe the ship to be worth further casualties to save.

One question I have arising from photos of the damaged ship is what other russian warship was in company with the Moskva? When the salvage tugs in the picture were standing by the Moskva, what is providing the floatilla with protection against further ukrainian missiles? If there is no other warships providing defensive cover, that implies the russian were quite willing to accept further casualties to help the moskva. this in turn implies the moskva was not abandoned as a matter of casualty aversion.
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Registered Member
One dead seems implausibly few from explosive damage and aftermath severe enough to ultimately sink the ship. If it is true, one must wonder how hard did the crew fight the fire and try to control the damage, and whether the ship was abandoned too easily.

Feels like they wanted to get rid of the ship anyway one way or another.


Registered Member
Does not suck but it can be made much better. Then he shows how to make much cooler set ups using accessories sourced from Russian vendors that supply to Russian special forces.



Registered Member
Does not suck but it can be made much better. Then he shows how to make much cooler set ups using accessories sourced from Russian vendors that supply to Russian special forces.

The selector switch is a valid criticism which can probably be fixed easily. As for how to hold it, he's using the western style which is based around handling western guns with a more forward handguard. Using that as a criticism of the AK-12 is wrong.

Kalashnikov have a video on youtube on how soldiers are trained to hold Kalashnikovs.