Russian Military News, Reports, Data, etc.


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She took on a lot of water at that point.

I don’t see any significant damage in the area of S-300 tubes. The port P-500 missile launchers appear intact, although it’s difficult to say for sure.

It looks as if it might have taken a hit amidships on the port side close to the waterline. There are considerable burn stains aft, close to the helo hangar.


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AK630 munitions bins catching fire ? Mid ship look burning madly, with hot spot on the flank.

It doesn’t look like there was an ammo explosion.

The smoke coming out of the funnel would seem to indicate an internal fire. It would be a surprise if it turns out two Harpoon class missiles sank her without setting off an ammo explosion.

A much smaller USS Stark survived two Exocet hits.


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Landing ship “Ivan Gren” [project 11711] has arrived in Baltiysk, Kaliningrad today after transferring from the northern fleet followed by corvettes "Stoikiy" and "Savvy" [project 20380].

Reports from Kalingrad indicate that naval infantry units have been embarked onto Zubr LCAC(s) in an effort to intimidate Finland in anticipation of their landmark decision to join the North Atlantic Treaty Organization [NATO].


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