Russian Military News, Reports, Data, etc.


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Moskva may have carried the newer P-1000 missiles:
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In addition to the fire, there was an ammunition explosion on the ship, according to the report. A detonation of even a single 1000kg warhead would cause severe damage to the ship. In one report, the explosion preceded the fire.

My initial suspicion was a detonation within the hull. Possibly the S-300F complex.
Maybe a launch that didn't go well... But I don't think the Moskva got any substantial modifications. Mine could be the culprit, we have seen a couple gone drifting in clear water and they where in an heavy storm. One of the big question is did it have nuclear warhead tipped P-500 Bazalt onboard ?


Registered Member
I remember researching about these ship as an aftermath of the breaking of the Mistral deal quite a few years ago. I read back then that this lead ship will be battle ready by 2027.

That's very slow for delivery, as Russia would actually benefit hugely from these ship, if they could be in commission much earlier.

In my opinion, Russian leadership should have just let the French build the 4 ships, if that means getting them commissioned earlier.
Russia managed to deliver what ever sub-assemblies needed to French in reasonable time.
$1.1b is not big amount of money in overall context. i am not even sure any other foreign shipyard would like to have worked on such project that involve transfer of skills , western management practices with provisions of Russian equipment.
The overall project turned out to be beneficial that Ka-52K managed to find large export customer.




Registered Member
Well, the thing is, Russia's nuclear triad is not complete without their world leading advanced SSN's and SSBN's. This means that Russia will need to maintain an adequately strong navy at the very least. The thought that Russia should have not major advanced surface ships and ONLY build advanced nuclear submarines is flawed.

Russia will need medium to small size advanced surface fleet made of powerful and advanced large ships. In my opinion, a potent battle groups centered around 3 large-to-heavy aircraft carriers would be the minimum.
when loitering drones and more advanced satellite system. the need to create persistence presence will decrease.
large ships are still constrained by its operational speed and signature. if it was era of MIG-21 than i would agree.
but now even a 500kg missile could have 500km range and that from ground. its too big a task to protect a large surface ships.
this not even S-70 size drone.

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During Shoigu's visit to the company, Russian Aerospace Forces Commander Sergei Surovikin demonstrated the prospective workspace of drone operators, which allows for simultaneous operation of 16 unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs). The same equipment will be deployed on airborne versions of strike drone control centers, according to the commander.


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At this rate, you are pedaling conspiracy which is frankly beneath you as a mod.

The Russians have no reason to hide the fact if it was struck by Ukrainian missiles. In fact Putin could use the outrage to escalate his war.
Instead they've been saying it was an inboard incident. Even the US are saying the reasons are unknown and they--the US--have no reason to deny Ukrainians a kill if they really did sink the flagship.

The Russians didn't lie or hide Ukrainian helicopter runs attack deep into Russian territory and that was embarrassing enough. Why would they start now.

Really? it is a simple technical question but again it shows how deep the level here has sunken recently: Each and any statement or question is no longer seen as an unbiased fact and answered but weighted in terms of "you are from this side or that" and as such replied!

Indeed a pity. :(

Richard Santos

Registered Member
Well, the thing is, Russia's nuclear triad is not complete without their world leading advanced SSN's and SSBN's. This means that Russia will need to maintain an adequately strong navy at the very least. The thought that Russia should have not major advanced surface ships and ONLY build advanced nuclear submarines is flawed.

Russia will need medium to small size advanced surface fleet made of powerful and advanced large ships. In my opinion, a potent battle groups centered around 3 large-to-heavy aircraft carriers would be the minimum.

A country’s perception of its own needs must be calibrated to fit within its means. Russia does not have the financial, industrial and economic means to support a fleet of the size you describe.

I would argue a core cause of the problems besetting the Russian armed forces in this war results directly from Russia’s perception of her own military needs exceeded her true means. So to stretch her means to create the appearance of meeting her perceived needs, she created what is in effect a hollow force that looked large and formidable on the outside, but is riven with flaws and cracks on the inside caused by taking short cuts to stretch limited means further than they could reach.

Russia’s means is simply not up to the task of supporting what she pretended to have before the Ukrainian war: a first rate army of 300k men, a first rate tactical air force to match, a strategic tirade to rival those of the US, and a competitive blue water navy in three, for all practical purposes unconnected, seas. That’s why when force she pretended to have is tested in combat, the pretense fell apart.

When she can’t even support what is pretending to have now, She most certainly would not be up to the task of adding three well balanced carrier task forces to this mix.
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S-400 in action...

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A Mil Mi-8 aircraft involved in a raid on a Russian village on Thursday was hit while returning to base, Moscow reported
S-400 takes down Ukrainian border attack chopper – Moscow

FILE PHOTO. S-400 air defense systems. ©Russian Defense Ministry / Handout / Anadolu Agency via Getty Images

A Ukrainian military helicopter which conducted an attack a Russian village, on Thursday, was hit with an S-400 long-range missile as it was returning to base, the Russian Defense Ministry has claimed.

The Soviet-designed Mil Mi-8 helicopter was taken down near the town of Gorodnya in Ukraine’s Chernigov Region, the ministry said at a morning press briefing on Friday. The area is located around 30km from the Russian border.

The helicopter, according to the ministry, was used in the April 14 attack on the village of Klimovo in Russia’s Bryansk Region on the other side of the border, leaving seven residents injured, including a two-year-old boy and his pregnant mother. Russia said two Ukrainian helicopters fired at least six missiles at the village after approaching at low altitude.

The S-400 is one of the most advanced long-range air defense systems in the world, and is produced by Russian company Almaz Antey. According to the specifications, it can hit targets at a range of up to 400km, depending on the type of missile. China, Turkey, and India have purchased the weapon system despite the US threatening to impose sanctions against those buying advanced Russian arms.

The Defense Ministry also said it delivered a cruise missile strike on a military target in the Ukrainian capital and opt for more “in response to any terrorist attacks and acts of sabotage conducted by the Kiev nationalistic regime on Russian territory.”

Russian warplanes hit seven targets in Ukraine overnight, the update said. One of them was described as a unit of “mercenaries from a Polish private military company” in the Kharkov region. The ministry claimed that up to 30 Polish mercenaries were killed.

Russia attacked its neighbor in late February, following Ukraine’s failure to implement the terms of the Minsk agreements, first signed in 2014, and Moscow'’s eventual recognition of the Donbass republics of Donetsk and Lugansk. The German and French brokered protocols were designed to give the breakaway regions special status within the Ukrainian state.

The Kremlin has since demanded that Ukraine officially declare itself a neutral country that will never join the US-led NATO military bloc. Kiev insists the Russian offensive was completely unprovoked and has denied claims it was planning to retake the two republics by force.


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A Ukrainian military helicopter which conducted an attack a Russian village, on Thursday, was hit with an S-400 long-range missile as it was returning to base, the Russian Defense Ministry has claimed.

The Soviet-designed Mil Mi-8 helicopter was taken down near the town of Gorodnya in Ukraine’s Chernigov Region, the ministry said at a morning press briefing on Friday. The area is located around 30km from the Russian border.

Must be one located within Belarus, considering how low the Helicopter would fly.


Registered Member
They will never purchase any major arms from PLA. I think sub-systems, radars, and chips are more likely. Even drones too, but naval ships, aircraft. Never.

The Russian Navy has big plans. They just need the funding. I don't think they will ever build another cruiser. Just an enlarge version of the Gorshkov frigates to become destroyers. The Lider-class if it ever becomes a reality might be designated a cruiser or battle-cruiser.
When we're talking combat ships this may apparently change.

Fact is, after this week, Russia has just 3 true area defense ships(no, Gorshkovs only partially count), and all 3 of them are outdated to various degrees.
One more will perhaps be readded before 2025, but this is it - Russia doesn't build now anything that can replace Moskva, and it doesn't even have a suitable design ready.

So, I guess, 055R may turn pretty real within a few years.
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Its official!

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Russian warship: Moskva sinks in Black Sea​

A Russian warship that was damaged by an explosion on Wednesday has sunk, Russia's defence ministry has said.
Moskva, the flagship of Russia's Black Sea Fleet, was being towed to port when "stormy seas" caused it to sink, according to a ministry message


Junior Member
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Really? it is a simple technical question but again it shows how deep the level here has sunken recently: Each and any statement or question is no longer seen as an unbiased fact and answered but weighted in terms of "you are from this side or that" and as such replied!

Indeed a pity. :(

There was nothing technical about your question. You were asking users here to guess what might happened to the ship despite all the unknowns we have.
Why? Because you refuse to believe what the Russians claim.

The choices were simple. Who do you choose to believe.
1) Ukraine's claim -- They sunk the ship with prototype ASHM--This is coming from the group that has lied repeatedly throughout this conflict with examples like transport planes shot down or generals killed in the conflict or even the Snake island dead soldiers incident.

2) US claim -- They don't know what happened -- Even though US supports Ukraine, they try to be objective as possible in their analysis but in this instance even they were refuting some of Ukraine's claim who initially had claimed that they had sunk the ship when it was still afloat. US has no reason to deny Ukraine the achievement if they really did strike it.

3) Russia's claim -- Inboard fire caused significant damage -- They have less reason to lie and they could have used this incident to encourage more outrage from Russia's public and increase support for the war. They've probably lied in this conflict but not to the extent of the Ukrainians. And even they've revealed commander's death when they did happen for example and also the embarrasing helicopter strike in Belgorod.

If you take out the US claim, you are left with Ukraine and Russia. Who's more believable? One side lies a lot and exaggerate things and the other has no reason to lie in this instance and will have a hard time to hide the casualties from two missiles striking a ship but so far we have none.

I would not care if you were a regular user or any other user, but you are a MOD. You literally have the power to ban users, end discussions and shut down threads. If you are going to engage in comments, you need to be a little objective and show less bias. And if you think you can't, then stay out of the discussions.
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