They will never purchase any major arms from PLA. I think sub-systems, radars, and chips are more likely. Even drones too, but naval ships, aircraft.
At one point Russia wanted to buy the license to build the MA60. They had even chosen the region where they would build the factory. This was part of their strategy to increase the industry in the Far East of Russia at Komsomolsk-upon-Amur. Then they figured out it was going to be yet another aircraft with Western engines and pulled the plug on the project. I think Medvedev was in power then.
If China gets the 100% Chinese MA700 working with AEP500 engine I think they would jump at a co-production license.
Russia had already made a deal with Ukraine for co-production of the An-140. Then that flopped for several reasons. Issues with unreliability of the aircraft and then increasingly strained relations with Ukraine with 2014 Euromaidan coup. So they had to take old Soviet Il-114 project out of the drawer and try to get that to work. The prototype is flying but it still hasn't hit mass production.
The Aviakor plant in Samara was supposed to be building the An-140 in Russia. They have been basically bankrupt for like 5 years already. This used to be a place where the Tu-154 was produced. This was one of the major successes of Soviet aviation in terms of exports. Now that Russia can't import any more aircraft from the West I think this facility will be dusted off and put to use sooner or later. China could buy the plant off and use it to produce the ARJ21 with the CJ-500 engine for the Russian market.
Russia has a huge land area to service so they have a large requirement for these kinds of aircraft. They could be building or buying two or three models easily. If they can't, they will just expand production of the models they can produce themselves i.e. MC-21, Superjet, Il-114.
The Russian Navy has big plans. They just need the funding. I don't think they will ever build another cruiser. Just an enlarge version of the Gorshkov frigates to become destroyers. The Lider-class if it ever becomes a reality might be designated a cruiser or battle-cruiser.
They bought Mistrals from France. Why wouldn't they buy LHDs at least from China?
Part of the calculus of buying the Mistral was the thawing relationship between Russia and Nicolas Sarkozy of France. He was the president at that time and was incredibly pro-Russia. I think Russia did that deal due to politics and the belief of gaining a new ally in France.
China is different. They are naturally allies but also competitors in the arms department. Maybe if the PLAN approaches Russia with a good deal, they might agree to it. Maybe to also say a statement to the world.
Whatever deal the Russians agree will involve Russian shipyards building some of those ships which might require tech transfer. I just don't see it happening.
Simply. Russia has too much pride and need something for their shipyards to work on.
The problem is after the kerfuffle the Russians are already building their own LHD design i.e. Project 23900. So unless that program fails miserably I do not see them buying Type 075s. If something like the mythical Type 076 comes out, then they might buy it.
I would put more credence on the Lider coming into service than you guys. Since, you know, nuclear power is one of the strong points of Russian industry at this time. They already are producing the necessary power plants and using them on the icebreakers. Heck, they are going to mass produce them to use in location in the Arctic to power remote mines and things like that. I think they likely can produce like 2-4 reactors a year and seem to be ramping up production to like twice that.
To be perfectly honest I think Russia needs more something like whatever China will use as the Type 052 replacement than LHDs.
They take forever to build the Steregushchiy-class corvette. The frigate designs they have, both use gas turbine engines, and have roughly the same cost. So the Admiral Grigorovich is out. But they will need something. Then you have smaller corvette design which use engines they can't build in quantity. Their Achilles heel is their corvette program really.
In fact the concept of major surface combatant are being challenged now by so called "distributed lethality" concept.
Tho not to say countries will stop building big 10K tonne class warship. But smaller warship can have similar lethalities while being smaller and logically cheaper to build.
However above arguments can be disputed over the fact that there are benefit of bigger ships other than firepower namely :
Where did I hear this again. Oh right the Jeune Ecole argument in the XIXth century. It remains to be seen if more modern weapon systems might not change the equation again. But you have to see that at least if you want to use nuclear power making the ship smaller than a certain size isn't cost effective at all. I know the US retired its nuclear cruisers. But Russia doesn't seem to be giving up on the concept just yet.