Russian Military News, Reports, Data, etc.


Tyrant King
Mig, Sukhoi, Yak, Tupilov, Irkut, Ilyushin, Beriev, KNAAPO and TAPO Are all part of the United Aircraft Corporation. which in turn is owned by the Russian Government.


Tyrant King

Flickr link no work....

not quite military but the potential is there.
Russian Helicopters schedules first flight of high-speed type for 2018
By: DAN THISDELL MOSCOW 09:00 20 Aug 2013 Source:

Russian Helicopters plans to perform the maiden flight of its new developmental high-speed rotorcraft towards the end of the decade as it eyes the fledgling market for advanced vertical-lift aircraft.

Development of the airframer's Russian Advanced Commercial Helicopter - or RACHEL - was first revealed at Farnborough air show in 2012. The company is now targeting first flight in 2018, says chief executive Dmitry Petrov.

A flying testbed is being built around a Mil Mi-35 to validate systems that Petrov believes will translate into a 10t-class machine capable of carrying 21-24 people at a cruise speed of 195-205kt (360-380km/h). Comparatively, AgustaWestland's 30-passenger AW101 boasts a cruise speed of 150kt.

Critically, says, Petrov, the aircraft must go into large-volume serial production, rather than exist as an expensive niche product.

In addition to the basic passenger transport model with convertible cabin suitable for offshore operations, Russian Helicopters envisions special variants for search and rescue, patrol and medevac missions.

At this point the company is giving away no clues as to the configuration of RACHEL, although its Mil and Kamov design bureaux in 2011 both fielded concepts for a high-speed helicopter. In addition, when it outlined the RACHEL programme in 2012 Russian Helicopters said it had decided to follow a "twin track" development approach.

Kamov's Ka-92 concept echoes Sikorsky's X2, with coaxial main rotors and a single rear-mounted pusher prop. Mil's Mi-X1 takes a different tack, with a single main rotor and pusher prop with steering vane.

The latter design offers an interesting blend of the X2 or Ka-92 with Eurocopter's X3 hybrid concept, which features a single main rotor and twin pusher props mounted laterally on short wings that provide some lift in forward flight.

The speed parameters Petrov outlined at an August briefing at his Moscow offices fall well below the speeds in excess of 240kt achieved by the Eurocopter and Sikorsky demonstration programmes.

But Petrov believes that while technologies such as those being evaluated at Eurocopter or Sikorsky "will eventually be used", he does not see any market breakthrough for at least five to seven years, during which time conventional rotorcraft will dominate.

RACHEL is being designed to replace the long-standing Mi-8/17 family, and sit alongside the heavier Mi-38. Meanwhile, a flying testbed has been evaluating the upgraded avionics, rotors and engines that will go into serial production with the Mi-171A2.

According to Petrov, this aircraft will "bridge the gap" to RACHEL, and should have a market up to 2025. Talks are ongoing with prospective launch customers, he adds.
I love that acronym. If it's aimed to replace the Mi8/17 it's going to end up in the colors of the Red army.
in terms of weight and capacity hip is loosely.equal to the American ch46 seaknight or European puma series given the promised speed. I feel it right to classily whichever helicopter is built as a V22 equivalent.
od the two known offerings the kamov seems the most realistic and factional the mill has to many questions.
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Tyrant King
MAKS: Russian Helicopters grows backlog for Kamov Ka-62
By: MICHAEL GUBISCH MOSCOW 3 hours ago Source:

Russian Helicopters strengthened the backlog of its developmental Kamov Ka-62 medium twin on the first day of the MAKS air show, with an order for five of the 6.5t type from Colombian operator Vertical de Aviación.

The firm is the second Latin American customer for the new helicopter, with Brazil's Atlas Táxi Aéreo in December 2012 having committed to seven of the type.

First flight of the Ka-62, which will be powered by Turbomeca Ardiden 3G engines, is pegged for the end of the year, with entry-into-service due to follow in 2015. However, a press release from Turbomeca suggests the maiden sortie could take place "in the coming weeks".


A completed prototype of the 15-passenger helicopter was shown on the static display at MAKS. It will undergo ground tests over the coming months, says Alexander Vagin, Kamov's chief designer.

Russian Helicopters intends to perform certification trials with a three-strong flight test fleet. The second prototype should arrive in December, with a sister aircraft following in early 2014.

Two additional Ka-62 airframes will be used for ground tests. One fuselage will be employed in static tests, while the other - equipped with powerplants, gearboxes and landing gear - will undergo engine and transmission system trials.

Vagin says the flight test programme should be finished either in late 2014 or early 2015, with certification and deliveries following.

The manufacturer will also work with both its Latin American customers to obtain certification for the Ka-62 from their respective national regulators, Kamov says.

Kamov aims to produce up to 35 units a year, although the capacity could be expanded if necessary, adds Vagin.

Vertical de Aviación additionally ordered five Mil Mi-171As at MAKS, for use in a transport role at its Mexican subsidiary.
The KA62 has be delayed for sometime. the engines of the KA62 are said to be based on the same base as those that will be used on the PLA's Z15

Jeff Head

Registered Member
The KA62 has be delayed for sometime. the engines of the KA62 are said to be based on the same base as those that will be used on the PLA's Z15
The Russian military version is the KA-60, and it was first flown in 1998...fifteen years ago. I know they ordered 100 of them, but I have no idea how many have actually been delivered. There is a navalized version called the KA-60K I believe.

Here's an artist depiction of the civilian version:


Now, I thought the KA-62 was the designation for the Russian/Eastern export market for the civilian aircraft and that the certified western aircraft was going to be the KA-64 with a (as shown above) five blade rotor and two GE engines.

Either way, these helicopters definitely have much more of a "western" look about them.


Tyrant King
KA60 is the military version using Rybinsk RD-600V engines
KA64 is the wester version using General Electric T700
KA62 is the Russian Domestic civil using Turboméca Ardiden 3G

Jeff Head

Registered Member
KA60 is the military version using Rybinsk RD-600V engines
KA64 is the wester version using General Electric T700
KA62 is the Russian Domestic civil using Turboméca Ardiden 3G
That's what I thought.

So, Brazil and Columbia are buying the KA-64 then?


Tyrant King
not sure about columbia but according to this Brazil is going KA62.
Brazil’s Atlas Taxi Aereo becomes first export customer for the Ka-62
By: KATE SARSFIELD LONDON 11:00 19 Dec 2012 Source: Flight international

Brazilian operator Atlas Táxi Aéreo has become the first export customer for the Russian Helicopters Ka-62 following an order for seven of the medium twin-engined types and options for seven more. Deliveries will be staggered over 12 months from early 2015.

Under the terms of the contract Atlas Táxi and the Oboronprom subsidiary will jointly establish a service centre in Brazil to support the Russian Helicopters aircraft fleet within the country. Atlas Táxi already operates Mi-171A1 medium twins for offshore transportation.

Meanwhile, Russian Helicopters has delivered the first Indonesian-owned Mi-171s to an undisclosed mining company in the country.

MAKS: Rysachok twin turboprop exhibited in armed guise
By: VLADIMIR KARNOZOV MOSCOW 12 hours ago Source: Flight global

Russian industrial collaboration was on display at MAKS in the form of the Rysachok twin turboprop.

Designed by the Technoavia bureau, which is headed by Slava Kondratiev, a former chief designer at Yakovlev and Sukhoi, production of the type is being undertaken by TsSKB Progress - more famous for the Soyuz rocket - in Samara. The latter firm has taken on the role as a means of filling under-utilised manufacturing capacity.

The Rysachok shown at MAKS was painted in a military colour scheme mimicking the Russian air force livery, and featured twin fuselage-mounted rocket pods.

Rysachok twin turboprop Billypix

In this configuration it is being offered to the Russian air force as a multirole aircraft for training, liaison, transport and other duties.

TsSKB Progress says this example is the fifth to be built and the last of an initial production batch. Of these, three are flying examples and the remainder are destined for static and fatigue testing.

A second five-strong production run is under way, with four to be built in a 10-passenger variant and a solitary stretched airframe to accommodate 16 passengers.

All the latest news from MAKS 2013
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Question that has being bugging me for while. Why is Russia buy Su-35 AND Su-30SM at the same time? :confused: The Su-35 should be able to do everything the Su-30SM can plus more. Is it cost? Time needed to produce? :confused::confused:

