Russian Military News, Reports, Data, etc.


Banned Idiot

the stars of le burget



Tyrant King
Well, the Apache is also armed with a 30mm gun (with a 1,200 round magazine).

The Long Bow, like the Alligater, has up to three hardpoints for each wing (one on each wing tip for the Apache) for a total of six. Those outer two specifically to house the AIM-92 ATAS missile (two on each stub wing for a total of four) for A2A engagements on the Longbow Apache.

So, the Apache can be configured as a hunter killer as well, or in the attack role for anti-armor/anti-personnel as required.

I believe the KA-52 Alligators are going to replace the KA-50 Black Shark inventory in the Russian Air Force. Right now, the Mil-28 Havoc does represent the Russian Army's primary attack helicopter and is configured like the Apache.

But I really like the look of the Alligator, and believe, if they could afford it, it would be a very capable mass-produced attack helicopter that could function in many roles.

I agree to a point the modern Apache is adding a lot more to the package. However The US army and most armys still maintain light scout Attack helicopters, As independent platforms from general anti tank. The Apache may be able to scout but there will still be a Kiowa warrior or AAS fallow on probing. The Russians never adopted one. The closest they come is the Ka52. I am not sure about replacing the KA50 as the Hokum A is the point of derivation for the Hokum B also It seems to me that Since the Russians are looking to add Mistral class ships to their fleet and retired there Yak 38 type and Yak 141 never went into production. The Ka 52 would seem their best Amphibious escort/ Attack option. meaning that new runs may be eaten up by the growing Naval infantry capability

Jeff Head

Registered Member
I am not sure about replacing the KA50 as the Hokum A is the point of derivation for the Hokum B also It seems to me that Since the Russians are looking to add Mistral class ships to their fleet and retired there Yak 38 type and Yak 141 never went into production. The Ka 52 would seem their best Amphibious escort/ Attack option. meaning that new runs may be eaten up by the growing Naval infantry capability
I believe that the intent for the KA-52 at this point is primarily two fold:

1) For the Air Force as Special Operations helicopters.

2) For the LHDs the Russians are building as the principle close air support platform for troops deployed from them.

This will amount to quite a few...but the real numbers are still in the Army for helos.

The US, OTOH, has the Blackhawk derivitives for the special forces, the Apaches for the Army heavy anti-armor, the Kiowas and their follow on for the Scouts, and the MArines use the new (and very effective) AH-1Z Vipers (the Cobra follow-on).

I will tell you that some of those MH-60L DAP helos are pretty awesome. Carrying two 6-barrelled 7.62mm miniguns, one 30mm chain gun (same as on the Apache), four to eight hellfire missiles, and two to four Stinger missiles, they can put a lot of hurt out...and with the refueling probe, they can do it pretty much anywhere they need them to go.


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Su-35S? Well the T-50 can also do an aerial ballet :
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Lieutenant General
Registered Member
China russia joint naval training July 2013

To complete the thread below

and approach regarding the Russian Pacific Fleet :

She have operational ( some in reserve/inactivity difficult for know, mainly for Sub Oscar and Akula )
1 CG Slava
4 DDG Udaloy + 1 rés
1 DDG Sovremenyy
3 FF Krivak Coast Guards i put with
8 CO Tarantul II/III
4 CO Nanuchka I/III
8 CO Grisha
4 LST Ropucha/Alligator
6 MS Sonya/Natya
6 Combat Support Ships mainly 2 Chilikin and 4 little Dubna/Alyay
3 SSBN Delta III
8 SS Kilo
4 SSG Oscar II + 1 rés + 1 soon destroy
3 SSN Akula I + 1 rés + 1 inactive

In Konsomolsk shipyard there one Akula ( I ? ) completed 40/60 %, laid down 1994 ! name Irbis ? is it that India would

Naval aviation :
12 TU-142
7 Il-38
21 Ka-27/29
in more transport, helo...

Coastal defence :
12 SS-C-1B ( SS-N-3 derivative )
some guns...
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Jeff Head

Registered Member
For those interested, here is the general service record of the Russian Aircraft Carrier, Kuznetsov.


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She was commissioned in 1990, and now has been in active service 23 years:

1985 - Launched
1990 - Commissioned
1995-1996 (Dec-Mar) - Mediterranean Deployment
1997-1998 - Repairs/Refit
1999 - Shakedown
2001 - Large deployment cancelled after the loss of the Kursk SSGN
2002 - Repairs/Refit
2003-2004 (Dec-Jan) - Shakedonw and Trials
2004 - Atlantic Ocean Deployment (One SU-33 slid off deck into the OCean during these exercises)
2005 - Atlantic Ocean Deployment
2006 - Major Modernization Refit
2007 - Shakedown
2007-2008 (Dec-Feb) - Mediterranean Deployment
2008 - Barents Sea Deployment
2008-2009 (Dec-Feb) Mediterranean deployment (Fire aboard kills one sailor off Turkey)
2009 (Jan-Mar) - Atlantic Ocean Deployment (LArge oilspill while UNREP off Ireland)
2010 - Repairs/Drydock
2010 (Oct) - Shakedown
2011-2012 (Dec-Feb) - Mediterranean Deployment
2012 (Late) - Mediterranean Deployment
2013 - Begin 3-4 yer major refit/modernization

In 23 years of active servise, the Kuznetsov had deployed on active operations nine time. Five to the Mediterranean, three to the Atlantic, and one to the Barents. It is interesting to note that in her first fifteen years she was only officially deployed three times. Since that time, in the last eight years, she has been officially deployed six times...twice as many in about half the time, so four times the frequency. The Russians have really stepped her up in the last eight years compared to the first fifteen.

In that same time, she has been (including the present one) laid up for repairs and refit five times.

When deployed, she normally goes out with 12-14 SU-33s, a couple of SU-25s and 10 or more ASW/SAR helicopters. The Russians have a total of 19 SU-33s, but intend to replace the SU-33s with Mig-29Ks on the Kuznetsov after her current major refit.





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Jeff Head

Registered Member
Jeff, on this picture do you know what type of helo that is? it doesn't look like a KA-27 to me.
Well, IMHO, it is most probably a Ka-27. Probably specifically the KA-27PS SAR version.

It definitely has the dual tails and dual rotors so I cannot think what else it might be.

There is an outside possiblility I suppose that it is one of the new KA-252RLD Radar Picket helicopter first shown in 2008, which was developed from the Ka-31, but I doubt it because there are so few of them (a handful) and I do not think they would use one like that in a clear SAR role.

Anyhow, that's what I think, most probably a Ka-27SP. Others can certainly chime, who have more knowledge of Russian Naval helos and correct me if necessary.


Lieutenant General
Registered Member
It is always accompanied by a tug ...

When deployed, she normally goes out with 12-14 SU-33s, a couple of SU-25s and 10 or more ASW/SAR helicopters. The Russians have a total of 19 SU-33s, but intend to replace the SU-33s with Mig-29Ks on the Kuznetsov after her current major refit.

I have 21 Su-33 dam ! :) normaly 24 build : 1 Rgt.
Unit : 279 Fighter Rgt to Severomorsk-1 with also 4 Su-25 UTG for training new pilots.

In fact Kuznetsov have been used as mobile air defense base to defend strongholds Soviet SSBN.

Su-33 were used only for " defensive " air-to-air missions, their bomber capacity was marginally smaller because they operated from a STOBAR CV without catapults that i limit the offensive load ofc weapons air-ground/surface which are heavier.

But he is a fortress with 448 AA Miss, 20 ciws, 12 big AShM...
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