Russian Military News, Reports, Data, etc.


Banned Idiot
If it is at sea, I am confident that the US has gotten a read on its acoustic signature.

I believe ONI is basing its "estimates" off of hard data they alredy have at this point...but that is just my opinion.

The US will attempt to tag every new class of new neuclear sub that comes and gather its acoutsic signature out precisely so it will know what it may be up against.

Many times they use our own subs to do this, SSNs, probably the Sea Wolfs are vey ionvolved in this shadowy task...but the US, if they know where a sub will be operating, also has other, even more stealthy means to gather the information without a sub having to be there when the potential sub passes by, or operates there.

Both of those methods are used.
DefenseSeverodvinsk Sub Acceptance Delayed Says Severodvinsk nuclear attack submarine
MOSCOW, November 30 (RIA Novosti) - The Russian Navy will not receive its first Yasen-class submarine, the Severodvinsk, until next year, a Defense Ministry spokesman said on Friday.

"The boat is now on shipyard sea trials. I don't think it will be put in service this year, that will take place in 2013. It still has to complete state acceptance trials in the White Sea," said Defense Ministry State Orders department head Andrei Vernigora.

"Also, there were delays with construction by the main contractor and subcontractors. All this led to delays, so we are late now," he said.

In August, the boat's maker Sevmash said it hoped to hand the Severodvinsk over to the navy at the end of 2012.

Severodvinsk carried out a series of cruise-missile firings earlier this week including launch of a supersonic cruise missile at a land target.

The Severodvinsk, laid down in 1993, is one of eight Yasen-class boats being built for the Russian Navy.

The multirole attack submarine has a submerged displacement of 13,800 tons, length of 119 meters, speed of 31 knots, and can dive to 600 meters. It has a crew of 90 including 32 officers.

Its main armament consists of 3M55 Oniks (SS-N-26) and 3M54 (SS-N-27) Kalibr cruise missiles and conventional torpedos, rocket-torpedos and mines.
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12.12.2012 Sukhoi Company adds the 4th PAK FA prototype to flight tests program in Komsomolsk-on-Amur

Moscow, December 12 — Today the first flight of the 4th prototype of the fifth generation aviation complex (PAK FA) took place in Sukhoi’s KnAAPO aircraft plant in Komsomolsk-on-Amur. The plane was piloted by distinguished test pilot of the Russian Federation, the Hero of Russia Sergey Bogdan.

The aircraft spent in the air forty minutes and landed on the factory airfield runway. The flight was successful, in full accordance with the flight plan. Stability of the aircraft test was conducted during the flight as well as evaluation of the power plant systems’ performance. The aircraft proved itself well in all phases of the planned flight program. The pilot confirmed reliable operation of all systems and components.

The first flight of the PAK FA was held on January 29, 2010 in Komsomolsk-on-Amur. At present, work is underway on the full range of ground and flight tests. Three PAK FA prototypes take part in the test program. At the present time more than 200 flights have been made on the flight test program.
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From Marine Forum Daily News, 21 December:
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Business daily “Vedemosti”, citing “government sources”, reports Russia has abandoned plans to have two MISTRAL class helicopter carriers built in Russia … concerns about cost and military need … make do with the two French-built ships.
(rmks: unconfirmed with no official comment yet)
I suppose the Russians decided it is better to adapt the concept of the MISTRAL class to what is available or should be made available in Russian shipyard methods than to adapt one Russian shipyard to build two French ships. A bit late in the day.


Banned Idiot
Russia has ordered additional 30 Su-30SM for delivery in 2016

Russia's fifth-generation stealth jet fighter, the T-50, will start state flight tests in March 2013, Russia’s Air Force Commander, Lt. Gen. Viktor Bondarev said on Sunday.

Currently three fighter jets are performing test flights at the Zhukovsky airfield outside Moscow, the fourth plane is undergoing factory test trials and the fifth plane is in the process of factory approvals, the commander said.

All these planes will fly to Akhtubinsk in the Astrakhan Region in March next year where “state tests will begin,” he said.

There will be a total of eight planes involved in state trials in Akhtubinsk throughout 2013, the commander said.

“We’ll complete them [the tests] within 2-2.5 years and somewhere in 2015-early 2016 these planes are expected to go into serial production and we’ll start receiving them and supplying our combat units with them,” the commander said.
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asif iqbal

Lieutenant General
A obvious observation looking at the T-50 is that its pretty much a Flanker rebranded, the Wing span and wing area, the rear of the plane is all Flanker the front which is redesigned to minimise radar cross section

But with limited funds and resources its probably best Sukhoi can do right now


In fairness, the Russians wanted a long range fighter that could also do strike, so that would more or less dictate a Flanker style lay out.


Banned Idiot
A obvious observation looking at the T-50 is that its pretty much a Flanker rebranded, the Wing span and wing area, the rear of the plane is all Flanker the front which is redesigned to minimise radar cross section

But with limited funds and resources its probably best Sukhoi can do right now

The T-50 shares the same aerodynamic concept of highly blended wing and fuselage with podded engines and LERXed wing but is a totally new aircraft, the wing shape and airfoils are different, the vertical tail is all moving. the LEVCON is not present on any flanker variant, the faceted forebody is totally different to the Flanker`s round cross section and ogive radome.
The LEVCON has a much blunt sweep angle than the Su-27`s highly pointed LERXes.

The intakes also are different in shape and position and design.

Does it share a common concept yes it does, is the same aircraft? no it is not.

Does it bring new solutions to the Flanker concept? yes it does in the all moving vertical fins and 3D TVC nozzles that work in pitch and yaw control reducing vertical fin area and deleted the ventral fins and in the LEVCON that adds extra control of the forebody and wing root vortices without adding the drag of canards.

Russian Ministry of Defenсe and JSC United Aircraft Corporation sign a contract for delivery of 39 Il-76MD-90A transport aircraft
October 4, 2012- Ulyanovsk. The Russian Ministry of Defense and JSC United Aircraft Corporation have signed a contract for delivery of 39 Il-76MD-90A transport aircraft produced by Aviastar-SP. The contact was signed by the Russian Minister of Defenсe Anatoly Serdyukov and United Aircraft Corporation President Mikhail Pogosyan during the meeting under the chairmanship of the President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin.

The contract is worth about 140 bl roubles. The head of the state noted that this contract is the largest order in the history of Russian aviation. The Il-76MD-90A is the first new transport aircraft manufactured by the national aviation industry over the past 20 years.
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Banned Idiot
In fairness, the Russians wanted a long range fighter that could also do strike, so that would more or less dictate a Flanker style lay out.

they wanted a highly blended wing fuselage airframe that reduced the area exposed to the radar on a very flat fuselage, because blended wing body shapes add extra space for fuel and weapons bays.

Add the podded engine naceles add lateral stability.

They wanted no S ducts and no canards to reduce weight and drag, however it implies a radar blocker
5 more Su-34 delivered to the Russian air force air base baltimor

Several Russian ministries have nearly completed a consolidated order for about 130 aircraft from United Aircraft Corp. (UAC), Vedomosti newspaper reported. The Ministries of Defense, Internal Affairs and other Russian agencies plan to order a mix of Antonov 148s, Sukhoi Superjet 100s, Tupolev 204SMs and Ilyushin 476 cargo planes.

Minister of Industry and Trade Denis Manturov said the order will be a version of the state support for UAC, which will assist in promoting Russian aircraft abroad. Earlier this year, Manturov suggested that not more than 20% of the price of each aircraft should be subsidized. The rest should be covered by the long-term credits and leasing agreements.

According to Vedomosti, the Ministry of Defense will be the main customer, as it will decommission 80 civil aircraft through 2018. It currently operates mainly old Soviet-built aircraft such as Ilyushin Il-62s and Tupolev Tu-134s and -154s, which cost the state nearly $40 million per year due to their low-fuel efficiency, Manturov said.
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MOSCOW, December 28 (RIA Novosti) – The Sukhoi aircraft maker delivered on Friday the first six Su-35S fighter jets to the Russian Air Force, the company said.

The acceptance documents were signed by Defense Ministry officials at the Komsomolsk-on-Amur aircraft manufacturing plant in Russia’s Far East.

© RIA Novosti.
4++ generation fighter Su-35S

“The Sukhoi holding has fulfilled its obligations on the delivery of this type of aircraft under the 2012 state defense order,” the company said in a statement.

“The fighter jets will fly to their designated home base in the near future,” the statement said.

The Su-35, powered by two 117S engines with thrust vectoring, combines high maneuverability and the capability to effectively engage several air targets simultaneously using both guided and unguided missiles and weapon systems.

The aircraft has been touted as "4++ generation using fifth-generation technology."

The Russian Defense Ministry is planning to buy about 90 Su-35s, which will gradually become the core of Russia’s fighter jet fleet.
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asif iqbal

Lieutenant General
On the last day of 2012 the Russian large landing ship Novocherkassk passed through the Bosphorus and on the first day of 2013 she entered into the Aegean, joining other Russian warships in the region.

The following warships are in the Eastern Mediterranean
Slava class cruiser Mosvka,
Kashin class destroyer Smetliy,
Ropucha class landing ship Azov,
Ropucha class landing ship Novocherkassk,
Amur class repair ship, PM-56,
Boris Chilkin class tanker Ivan Bubnov.
The Uda class tanker Lena is in the Gulf of Biscay heading for the Mediterranean.


Banned Idiot
T-50-4 made the first flight from Komsomolsk-on-Amur to Zhukovsky

Moscow, January 17. Today the fourth flight model of the prospective 5th-generation fighter aircraft (PAK-FA T-50) came to the airport of the M.M.Gromov Flight Research Institute in Zhukovsky near Moscow. The flight of the aircraft was performed for the first time with several intermediate stops from Komsomolsk-on-Amur, production location of these aircraft at the Y.A.Gagarin (KnAAZ) aviation plant. The T-50-4 was piloted by the Distinguished test pilot of the Russian Federation, the Hero of Russia Sergey Bogdan. The aircraft performed well during the flight. There were no reprimands on the performance of engines, systems or equipment.

The first flight of the T-50-4 took place at the airfield "Dzemgi" of Komsomolsk-on-Amur on December 12 last year and lasted forty minutes. The flight was successful and in full accordance with the flight plan.

The first flight of the T-50 fighter took place on January 29, 2010. At present, the work is going on a whole range of ground and flight tests of three aircraft. Soon the T-50-4 fighter will join the tests. To date more than 200 flights were carried out under the flight test program.

The 5th-generation fighter tests are carried out under the task set by the President of Russia Vladimir Putin to modernize the Russian Armed Forces and deliver modern aircraft. This work is in the framework of the State Defense Order implementation, which is coordinated by the Military-Industrial Commission. Its chairman, Russian Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Rogozin, today congratulated President of the United Aircraft Corporation Mikhail Pogosyan on the first long-distance flight of T-50-4.

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MOSCOW, January 17 (RIA Novosti) - Russia's prototype fifth-generation Sukhoi T-50 fighter jet has carried out its first long-range flight during the transfer from a manufacturing plant in Russia’s Far East to an assigned airfield near Moscow, deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Rogozin said on Thursday.

“It is a serious breakthrough! The plane flew 7,000 kilometers (4,350 miles), making two landings, in Abakan and Chelyabinsk, on the way to the Russian capital,” Rogozin, who oversees the Russian defense industry, wrote in his Twitter blog.

The plane joined three other T-50 prototype models at the Zhukovsky airfield prior to state flight tests, which are scheduled to start in March 2013. The fifth prototype aircraft is being built at the Komsomolsk-on-Amur factory in Siberia.

The T-50, also known as project PAK-FA, first flew in January 2010 and was presented to the public at the Moscow Air Show in 2011.

The Russian Defense Ministry is planning to finish the state flight tests of eight prototypes by 2015, so that they could go into standard production in 2016.

The T-50, which will be the core of Russia's future fighter fleet, is a fifth-generation multirole fighter aircraft featuring elements of ‘stealth’ technology, super-maneuverability, super-cruise capability (supersonic flight without use of afterburner), and an advanced avionics suite including an X-band active phased-array radar.

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