well one of those great unwrittens are that you can have two out of three in corvette/ligth frigate. And those three are 1) one medium ASW helo 2) good GP armament (SSMs and bow mounted medium gun) 3) point defence (Sea Sparrow/OSA-MA caliber) SAM...there isent single proven desing out there that has managed succesfully marry these two. So naturally the SAM is the one that needs to go as modern CIWS can give the ship adequate self defence. Also these ships are ment to be the back bone of the coastal defence and that means that they are for defence, and in only enemies sea based Air power comes viable in their tactical enverioment. So naturally they are suspected to operate under friendly AAW network
But to ditch the helicopter...hmm...helicopters provide the ship a best possiple ASW system, and whitout that you need to have bigger sonar suite and ASW missile system, and still it wouldn't have the reach of onboard medium helo. And the helicopter needs to be shipboard to keep the response time and chain of command as quick as possiple...
But to ditch the helicopter...hmm...helicopters provide the ship a best possiple ASW system, and whitout that you need to have bigger sonar suite and ASW missile system, and still it wouldn't have the reach of onboard medium helo. And the helicopter needs to be shipboard to keep the response time and chain of command as quick as possiple...