I like it but the blue thing on the top of the hanger seems out of place on such a stealthy design. I assume it is a light weight SAM/counter measures launcher? Maybe you should consider making it either stow able or putting it in a vertical system. It might fit in the gap between the hanger and the large anti-ship missile launchers somehow? I am also not sure it
I'll agree with that one.
Box/turret launchers like those are really designs from a different era. i.e. Crotale, RAM, Sea Dart, Sadral (Mistral), etc. The Sea RAM was designed as a plug-in replacement for Phalanx CIWS, so you couldn't assume there's space below deck for VLS system.
For newer (or updated) ship-based SAMs like VL Sea Wolf, VL MICA, Barak, etc., the preferred configuration is VLs cels. It provides better 360-degree coverage, faster rate of fire, and gets rid of reloader & missile magazine hardware. You simply put the missiles in TLC's and plug 'em in.
The down-side to VLS system is below-deck space requirement. If you're refitting an older ship, this might not be an option. But for newer ships, you can design them with VLS cels to begin with.
So if we were re-fitting Jianghu-class ships, then we might not have a choice and have to use above-deck SAM system. But if we were designing the replacements, then I think underdeck VLS should be incorporated from start.
If the PLAN is looking to upgrade some of its older ships with better air-defense capability, what they need is something like the RAM/Sea RAM that can be installed as a plug-in replacement for the dual-37mm AAA guns. The standard AAA system on older PLAN ships is Rice Lamp fire control radar + 4 x twin-37mm AAA guns. The HQ-7 is way too big to serve as a plug-in replacement. If they can find a smaller, lighter and more compact SAM system for it, it'd improve the air defense capability by quite a bit.
If they're working on SD-10/PL-12 solution, I'd like to see something similiar to the Israeli Spyder system: