If all your associates are uni graduates of one kind or another, then the chances are you will end up marrying one.
However I had a architect cousin who was very good at his work who at the age of 40 married a 18yrold waitress in her fathers restaurant. It was hard to have a long lasting conversation with her before thinking duh. She was extremely attractive though. She dumped him after 23yrs or so but not until she finished bringing up a family of four fantastic children who went on to pursue very successful university qualified professions.
I cant say I blame her because most of my cousins social life meant, him alone being out with his friends quite a few times a week.
A guy that I know (definitely not a friend) has 4 Ph.D.'s and 2 Master's. However, his career is going no where. It seems that whenever he feels depressed about not being able to find a job, he goes to get another Ph.D. in a different field in hope that changing field might help him find a job. But in the end, he would just take another postdoc position somewhere. And a few years later, he wants to look for job again, but still can't find one, so enroll for another Ph.D. The cycle goes on and on... I honestly can't say he is smart, but he knows a lot about everything. No matter what you want to talk about, he has a Ph.D. in that field I don't think he is too proud of his "accomplishments" either. He never says too much about his degrees. Actually, I got to know him when I was in high school and my dad at the time was doing his postdoc in the same department with this guy. And at the time, he just finished his first Ph.D. and was full of ambition. And today and after 3 more Ph.D.'s, he is still doing postdoc, but in a different dept/field... Being book-smart doesn't mean you can make wise decisions on anything in your life...