Well, I upgraded to Windows 10. It's the first time since before Windows XP that I upgraded to the most recent Windows operating system without either waiting 6 months, or waiting for the first service pack. Quite frankly, I stayed on Windows XP Service Pack 2 until I wnet to Windows 7 a little over two years ago.
Anyhow, why did I do this?
Three reasons.
1) It was free.
2) I had upgraded to Winodws 8.1 over a year ago, but did not ike the lack of a start menu and how all of that worked (among other things) and since they were bringing those back, I thought, "What the heck?"
3) It has the new Miscrosoft Edge browser and I wanted to see how that was.
I started by making an image copy of my existing system onto a 1 tb external drive. (I have two 1 Tb extrenal drives, one for image backups and the other for file backups). That way I can go back quickly at anytime I want if I think I need to.
So, I then reserved my copy by responding to one of the on screen prompts, which placed the Windos 10 App on my tray. T then got an email confirming and asking me if I wanted to download it in background when it was available. They indicated it might be several weeks in the roll out before it was available for my machine and O/S. So I said yes.
Three days later, on Friday, August 7, I got the notification that the Software had downloaded (3 Gb) and I could install it. I arranged to have it installed Friday overnight, after 11 PM.
I woke up Saturday to a new O/S and logged in. It goes through the normal windows type set up. When it was done, I had my same desktop screen with all of the icons where I had left them, but I had the new Start Menu which I like a lot better than the windows 8 routine. I fired up Edge and found that it was fast, and allowed for a quick update to bring over all my favorites and settings. I have to say that Edge is working faster for me than Explorer. One issue is that the Favorites Bar does not have an Icons only view yet. Apparently there has already been a large outcry and Microsoft is working on it...but editing the Favorites Icons and adding short names was an easy fix for me and so I did that.
For the last two days I have put probably 10-12 hours into working on my system and I have to say, so far I am satisfied. We will see what the long term brings.
I will start a separate thread in the members club room for people to relate their experiences and to see if we can help one another (for those upgrading) if there are any issues.)