If you are having a hard time...for whatever the reason. If you are feeling way down. Then listen to this song...and internalize the great message.
I was listening to it on the way into work and just felt I needed to share it here.
I think this guy might appreciate a link to the song after a rocket engine smashes through his roof. I wonder whats the odds of that happening after a launch Jeff
When the newspaper described the location as a remote rural village a hade a image of the traditional clay brick home one often sees that havent changed for 100yrs.Despite the fact that it's got a dirty big hole in the roof with a rocket .booster in the living room. it is better than some Ive lived in,
If it was me, I would,nt return it to the govt..I would raise the booster so it could be seen through the roof and put up a sign reading
"I may not be a rocket scientist , but Im pretty good at..........."
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