This was posted by me today on my wife's face book page;
My Condolences, Popeye.
I know how you feel.
In the last ten years, my Dad in 2004 (70) from heart disease, my next older brother in 2004 (48) from Lymphoma, my Mom in 2012 (87) from age related complications, and my oldest brother in 2012 (60) from Lou Gehrig' (ALS) disease, have all gone home.
My only surviving member of my immediate family, my younger brother, who lives on the East Coast and I talk each month and marvel at how it is just he and I left now...a family of six, now there are the two of us. Time passes as it wee a dream.
I miss them a lot, but am firm in the faith in knowing where they are with our Savior and that we will all be reunited one day.
In God's time, I look forward to that day...seeing them and my grandparents, Uncles, Aunts, great grandparents.
I have had my own serious bouts with cancer and understand exactly how that is. I often wonder why the good Lord elected to have me stay for a while longer...but I rejoice in His marvelous will and try and make the best of each day.
My wife, kids, in-laws, and grand kids are a great joy and blessing to me and I know I need to continue to provide for them financially and spiritually. I am blessed to be able to do so. At the same I am also so humbled to learn so much from them every day!
God's speed my friend.