renmin said:Sounds like Robinson likes to right about naval stories. Well it seems to me the seals sent to rescue the American sailors are going to suceed since this is an American book then of course Robinson is going to make the Chinese lose, hey just a guess. oh and thanks Raven
Ha! I new it Americans always win (seems kind of unfair). Anyways it seems kind of unpracticle that the sub can become intangled in those cables because of the size and weight. Second the Sea wolf would have been probably too heavy to be towed. Next, in realty, the Americans would not send Seals right away into Chinese terrotory without nigotiations first with the Chinese government. It just seems unpracticle. I doubt the Chinese in real life would actually inprison the sailors, they would probably send them back instead since this is not a war.RavenWing278 said:no problem, and your right the chinese did lose in the end, with the sinking of the 167 and a couple of coastal patrol ships and the chinese admiral of the south sea fleet lost his job n got court marshalled for gross incompetence..
but to me it seemed like a fair trade : a US SSBN that cost a billion$ to research and another billion $ to construct for the 167 and 1 coastal patrol ship, 100+ chinese naval guards+ a kilo sub