possible confrontation scenario with the US


Junior Member
bd popeye said:
I don't think the US would send a Seawolf class SSBN to shadow a PLAN SSBN. More than likely an LA class sub would be used to shadow a PLAN SSBN. They are more suited for the task.

As for the Seawolf being snagged in the Towed array sonar. It's just not going to happen. But in someones immagination it would. If it did the Seawolf commander might well send out divers to cut the cable.

Honestly the story seems somewhat far-fetched to me.

relax popeye I think he was making a general point about a confrontation
situation please substitute whatever ships/subs you want for this scenario

bd popeye

The Last Jedi
VIP Professional
relax popeye I think he was making a general point about a confrontation
situation please substitute whatever ships/subs you want for this scenario

You are right Freeasia2000..:eek:

See us old military types have a bad habit of picking techo/military movies/books.. etc apart. Trying to make it as real as possible. We should realize afterall it's just make believe.

If a US sub of anytype US sub was captured by the PLAN I wonder what the reaction of the US would be? It would probaly be far different than when the EP-3 made an "emergency landing":rolleyes: :cool:....That would be way to much technology to compromise.


Junior Member
VIP Professional
If the US had one of its nuclear submarines captured by the Chinese, the US would by no doubt have it hit and destroyed by Tomahawk missiles. Capturing a US nuclear submarine would seriously compromise decades of painful research and work and since we all know that the China is quite good at reverse engineering advanced machinery, yeah, missile strikes would be the US option.


Junior Member
crazyinsane105 said:
If the US had one of its nuclear submarines captured by the Chinese, the US would by no doubt have it hit and destroyed by Tomahawk missiles. Capturing a US nuclear submarine would seriously compromise decades of painful research and work and since we all know that the China is quite good at reverse engineering advanced machinery, yeah, missile strikes would be the US option.
Your theary depends. Does the US have any ships near the area? Second, if they were to use cruise missiles, wouldnt that kill the Seawolf's crew too? Americans, are, life is the most important thing while Chinese are fight to the last breath. I do not think the americans will kill their own people. The two countries has to work out some sort of negotiation first before any one takes action. BY the way, even in internatinal waters, that US sub was spying on Chinese property, then there is no good excuse for US to claim the seawolf can't be towed away.


Banned Idiot
crazyinsane105 said:
If the US had one of its nuclear submarines captured by the Chinese, the US would by no doubt have it hit and destroyed by Tomahawk missiles. Capturing a US nuclear submarine would seriously compromise decades of painful research and work and since we all know that the China is quite good at reverse engineering advanced machinery, yeah, missile strikes would be the US option.

but if the ship is being towed, the gps of the tomahawk cannot locate the ship. besides, who knows where the chinese might tow the ship. probably somewhere well protected by missles and other plan vessels.


Junior Member
renmin said:
Your theary depends. Does the US have any ships near the area? Second, if they were to use cruise missiles, wouldnt that kill the Seawolf's crew too? Americans, are, life is the most important thing while Chinese are fight to the last breath. I do not think the americans will kill their own people. The two countries has to work out some sort of negotiation first before any one takes action. BY the way, even in internatinal waters, that US sub was spying on Chinese property, then there is no good excuse for US to claim the seawolf can't be towed away.

well in the book they said they moved the prisoners to a remote military prison on xiachuan dao a small island located of the coast of China.the book also stated that among the prisoners was the American presidents son and then the US dropped a bomb on the stationary seawolf causing the reactor to overload and causing a nuclear meltdown on the naval base at guanzhou.

but then again its just a book:eek:


New Member
I don't know if this has already been mentioned, but the most likely outcome would be the Amerian crew scuttling the boat, and taking to the life boats.

Scuttling it could be as simple as opening the outer and inner torpedo tube doors, and leaving the boats bulkheads open, but I would expect charges to be placed to destroy the boat on the bottom, and prevent it being raised by the Chinese.

America would not let such sophisticated technology fall into the hands of the Chinese.


Banned Idiot
well, if the ship is caught in a cable, its really hard to scuttle. the chinese might even send in a boarding crew to make sure the submariners dont do anything to sabotage the ship.


Junior Member
Through out this whole time I do not Know what book this is. Do you mind telling me the name of this book? I would really apreciate that. Thank you.


Junior Member
uh...it was Patrick Robinson's SeaWolf, he's written some other classics aswell like Kilo, HMS Unseen and Nimitz class.

as about scuttling the sub, they were prevented from doing that by chinese small arms fire as im sure i mentioned before, they where onli 500 feet apart so thats about 167 metres well in the effective range of type-56's etc

for those who want to know what the book "Kilo" is about:
the Chinese have ordered a further 8 kilo class submarine and that US is keen prevent China from obtaining them, you get the picture. so they devise a plan to destroy them before they can reach Chinese waters or territory.