Banned Idiot
IT looks like someone in PLAN have been reading this thread… They covered everything except ASW helicopters… Now they only need to buy some more Ka-27s and they solved all problems…
if im not mistaken, the ka-29(if modifed slightly) is very much capable of performing the main roles of the ka-28. The ka-29 has a survalence radar aswell, and can carry dipping sonar.
Now is it just me or Russian defense minister seems to be little pisst off? Maybe they are not to happy with some Chinese projects based on Russian weapons?
when your broke and have to sell other people your weapons for a living, you accept deals on their terms. russia can stop selling weapons, but i highly doubt they would do that. The defence minister is awfully ambitious. even bush couldnt convince the chinese to follow his demands, what makes him think he can?