A hovercraft is extremely useful in all the scenarios we've mentioned be it actual invasion or just men and materals around especially in those reclaim islands where a proper dock or base has not been set up yet. Heck if I' the planners I'll be using the Zubrs all the time.. Imagine brining in construction materials, workers etc and putting it right by the construction site!Yes, the Zubrs are quite the overkill in SCS. I´m thinking this is one of the reasons that China will most likely use them there. The same reason as US navy has Super carriers.
The mere presence of a supercarrier or two can sometimes prevent problems. I´m thinking that China may have similar intentions with the Zubrs.
And sometimes things happens fast in SCS, so the high speed of Zubrs would be useful.
At one time an island in the Spratleys was controlled by the Philliphines. They had a number of marines stationed on the island. For some reason, all of the marines left the island for a short while.
Guess what they found when they came back? The Island was full of Chinese marines from a close by island.
As soon as the philliphine marines had left the Island, the Chinese moved in instead. If I´m not completely mistaken, this literary happened within minutes.
"They are leaving the island. Let´s go there. GO! GO! GO!"
The philliphines learned their lesson tough. ALWAYS keep personnel on the islands/reefs you claim. So this will most likely not happen again.
But it can be an example of how fast things could happen in SCS.
As far as intimidation I would argue the opposite. Zubrs is the least intimidating of all. I mean all it has are a couple of cannons.
Surely less intimidating that an actual warship which guns, missiles etc. Heck if PLAN really wants to play the 'PR' game they could easily remove the CIWS in the meantime and use it as nothing more than a high speed ferry.