PLAN Sovremenny DDG 136, 137, 138 & 139 Thread


Junior Member
True .... but the beauty of this forum is to predict what is not too clear ... educated guest, if you will ;)

I would say it would be UVLS

The forward VLS for sure is definitely a 054A type VLS as you can it in the following images. Whether there will be another VLS block and what kind of system it will be, it's to early to tell.



Deleted member 13312

I don't particularly see the need for the Sovremenny to retain their aft guns, after the refit these ships are too valuable to be used in a shore bombardment capacity. Would rather remove the aft gun and stuff in another 8-16 cell VLS.
And I thought that they are replacing the old AK-130s twin cannons with the new Chinese 130mm cannon.

Deleted member 13312

The forward VLS for sure is definitely a 054A type VLS as you can it in the following images. Whether there will be another VLS block and what kind of system it will be, it's to early to tell.


If they did replace the rear cannon with a VLS system, it might be possibly for them to find enough depth for a U VLS


Junior Member
Registered Member
If the final configuration will be the same as per above picture, then these 4 SOVs will play an important role in PLAN will last for at least 2 decades more.
Excuse me sir,I dare to guess the "important role" mentioned here is the context of frigate leader?As the construction rate PLAN performed by now,it might be suspectable to keep the destroyer throne of Sovremenny in next 10-15 years,if not less.

Deleted member 13312

Excuse me sir,I dare to guess the "important role" mentioned here is the context of frigate leader?As the construction rate PLAN performed by now,it might be suspectable to keep the destroyer throne of Sovremenny in next 10-15 years,if not less.
Quite possibly, if the Sovremennys were to ever have their rear guns removed and replaced with VLS cells. It could end up with a potential number of 40-56 cells. That is already approaching destroyer levels of armaments. They could function as heavy frigates like the Admiral Groshkov class.
And I apologize if I seem obsessed over this rear deck gun thing, but it seems rather inane to retain such a dated piece of equipment when it can be replaced with something far more potent.


Junior Member
Registered Member
That drawing cant be right.
The 2nd vls bay in that drawing in front of the bridge would not happen.
They fitted a satcom dome there...


Quite possibly, if the Sovremennys were to ever have their rear guns removed and replaced with VLS cells. It could end up with a potential number of 40-56 cells. That is already approaching destroyer levels of armaments. They could function as heavy frigates like the Admiral Groshkov class.
And I apologize if I seem obsessed over this rear deck gun thing, but it seems rather inane to retain such a dated piece of equipment when it can be replaced with something far more potent.

Has anyone done any measurements on the aft deck where the guns are? is the ammo compartment inside the hull even deep enough to install a VLS?