PLAN SCS Bases/Islands/Vessels (Not a Strategy Page)


Re: New base for the Type 094 subs?

You mean like when the fisherman dock within the ring of land they are considered on Chinese territory?

I guess but I was simply thinking more along the lines of providing shelters scattered across the islands to enable a fishing fleet presence even during storm season as the boats can ride out a storm in a protected enclosure.


Junior Member
Re: New base for the Type 094 subs?

Here are some pictures I've collected of Woody Island, aka Yongxing Island, off the internet.

Paracel Islands - Woody Island.jpegParacel Islands - Woody Island2.jpgParacel Islands - Woody Island7.jpgParacel Islands - Woody Island10.jpegParacel Islands - Woody Island11.jpg


Junior Member
Google Earth has a beautiful new image of Sanya naval base from June 27, 2012.

Among the chances from 2011:
- some large buildings have gone up on the hill just south of the main base
- the windy road on the southern-most part of the peninsula has now been paved over
- more construction along the eastern beach
- a few new buildings in the main base area of the peninsula
- construction has finished on the southern-most pier
- there are two ~92 meter subs and 1 ~120 meter sub docked at the southern piers
- there are two ~106 meter destroyers docked at the northern piers
- there appears to be new construction for a wall in the hills to the north of the base
- there's a good shot of the huge tunnel opening on the southern peninsula looking into the bay

sanya submarine base4 June 2012.jpgsanya submarine base4 june 2012 submarines.jpg

What other changes do you all notice?


Senior Member
The most significant change is the completion of the fourth submarine pier - meaning that the present complement of one JIN and two SHANG is not the end state, if any thought so.

It is a pity that the cove south of the old Yulin base has not been updated. All you see of the carrier home port area is the breakwater extending west from Cape Jinmujiao, at 18 10 19 N 109 33 00 E (with a lot of interesting Panoramio pictures), but that was way back on 2010.

The two surface combatants at Pier 1 are two Type 053H3 JIANGWEI II class frigates.


Junior Member
franco-russe, why do you say Yulin will be the homeport of the carrier? Another poster speculated that a naval base at 35 43 N and 120 00 E is the future homeport of the carrier because they are building a huge pier there. This the base I'm talking about:

naval base.jpg


Senior Member
That other blogger was also me.

The base you show here is the Xiaokouzi carrier homeport near Qingdao-Jiaonan in the North Sea Fleet.

The other at Cape Jinmujiao is practically identical. They were both started in 2010.

You should think BIG! LIAONING will no doubt be based at Xiakouzi. Two Type 002 will be likely be split between Jiaonan-Xiaokouzi and Yulin-Jinmujiao. Best guess (Taiwan's) is that they will be completed 2020 and 2022.