Talk is cheap and it's easy to make pretty graphs and posters, the proof is in the pudding. Until the PRC actually produces an EMLS on a commissioned and functioning carrier, it's still just a dog and pony show.
yeah, yeah, yeah. Your response is predictable. Let me try to be you:
- Two years ago, when there was no catapult on in the training facility, you would have said "Until the PRC actually launched an aircraft from their EMALS, blah, blah, blah".
- Now, you say the above "until a functioning carrier".
- When 002 launched a jet from its deck, you will say something similar by changing the carrier (singular) to carriers (plural), or carrier to CBG? And we all know that 002 will be there in the near future.
Do you see your problem? You are like some other nay-sayers in that you keep on moving the goal post to support your emotional denial or rejection of PRC achievement. When PRC is not there, you say "it is not there", when PRC is there, you say "it is too slow", when PRC overtake your idol, you say "it is copy".
Nobody can change what you think as one saying goes "one can not wake up a man who pretend to sleep". I know I can't, so I won't try, but I can point it out that denial based on ideological and political and emotional conviction does not do any good for you, nor any good for whatever idea that you are committed.
And last, is it more constructive and contributing to this forum that you provide some substances for discussion than empty skeptics? What about you tell me the pretty graphs won't work? Perhaps some tech details, mathematics, formulas, data and logics for a change?