Talk is cheap and it's easy to make pretty graphs and posters, the proof is in the pudding. Until the PRC actually produces an EMLS on a commissioned and functioning carrier, it's still just a dog and pony show.
What is your actual problem? What kind of hostile response was that? And when has the PRC said anything? Scientist and researchers are allowed to share their vision, it doesnt mean it will be achieved, but is only what they are working towards.
Your responses have been poisoning perfectly normal atmosphere and speculations by forum members, what ever country they are from or race they may belong, everyone is allowed to speculate as long as there is grounds to merit it.
So unless you have something of value to add to the descussion its best you refrain grom being so evidently Anti China or dismissing normal speculation with your arrogance of superiority.
I don't need to be a mod to tell you to quit it. You behave like a spoiled uneducated child, not a an man so kindly hold a seat!