PLAN Carrier Strike Group and Airwing


VIP Professional
Re: Ideal chinese carrier thread

The Russians had an EW version of Su-33 under R&D, called SU-27KPP. However no actual product has been revealed to date. If the Russians are serious about building additional aircraft carriers, I think we'd see more investment in the Su-33 product. But for now, the current generation Su-33's are rather dated, and the proposed upgrade in 1999 hasn't materialized.

Let's look at Indian Navy's upgrades to the MiG-29K:
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MiG-29K (Product 9.31)
Modification was made for Indian Navy requirement featured Zhuk-ME radar, RD-33MK engine, combat payload up to 5,500 kg, 13 hardpoints (inclusive of the multi-lock bomb carriers), additional fuel tanks situated in dorsal spine fairing and wing LERXs, increased total fuel capacity by 50% comparing to first variant of MiG-29 and updated 4-channel digital fly-by-wire flight control system. With special coatings MiG-29K radar reflecting surface is 4-5 times smaller than of basic MiG-29. Cockpit displays consist of wide HUD and 3 (7 on MiG-29KUB) colour LCD MFDs and French Sigma-95 satellite GPS module and Topsight E helmet-mounted targeting system. Compatible with the full range of weapons carried by the MiG-29M and MiG-29SMT.[25] NATO reporting code is Fulcrum-D.

And the proposed Su-33 upgrade from 1999:
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A 1999 Sukhoi/KnAAPO/Rosvooruzheni brochure described a Su-33 Upgrade configuration, though there is no real evidence that any such programme has been funded. The cockpit is to gain two large colour LCD multifunction displays, with a modernised flight control/navigation system and enhanced air-to-ground capabilities. The upgraded Su-33 is to be compatible with the R-77 (AA-12 “Adder”) AAM and with a range of air-to-ground PGMs, including TV-guided Kh-29, Kh-59N, KAB-500Kr and KAB-1500Kr and laser-guided Kh-29L, KAB-500L, and KAB-1500L. The use of the Kh-31P will give the aircraft an effective SEAD capability.

Su-30K-2/Su-33UB proposed variant:
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...New 'glass cockpit' with five colour LCD displays (one 53 cm; 21 in diagonally; rest 38 cm; 15 in) with provision for central or sidestick and with helmet-mounted sighting system. Aircraft has OBOGS and OBIGGS and so does not need oxygen or nitrogen bottles. N014 solid-state, phased-array radar, with enhanced air-to-ground and over-water capabilities...

I'd make an educated guess that the baseline MiG-29K and Su-33 products are 1980s level technology, and didn't fit India and China's requirements. If Indian Navy required many upgrades before accepting the MiG-29K, we can expect the PLAN, should they ever import the Su-33, to ask for similar upgrades. Perhaps Russian Navy would piggyback on the Chinese Su-33 upgrade projects too.

When you look inside a Su-33 cockpit today, this is probably what you'd see:

Versus what China would prefer see instead:

If and when China gets Su-33's, expect many upgrades!


VIP Professional
Re: Ideal chinese carrier thread

The SU-33 is also handicapped by not being catapult launched, so it is limited in it's payload and range when using the ski jump.

I've been looking into that actually and i've concluded the payload and range limit can be almost negligable. Using the known figures for the deck and the plane, plus these equations
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I've gotten some interesting figures. Assuming zero wiind over deck and ship speed, Flanker should be able to take off from the first take-off position with mtow of 23100 kg. That is not half bad. When assuming 45 km/h combined ship speed and wind over deck speed, that figure rises to 28600 kg. That's still all from the first take off position which is some 110 meters from the edge of the ski jump ramp. If we use the other take-off position, 200 meters away, mtow rises over the declared mtow, meaning it could take off with pretty much anything. Granted, perhaps the carrier won't always be able to enjoy 45 km/h wind over deck speed...


VIP Professional
Re: Ideal chinese carrier thread

The SU-33 is also handicapped by not being catapult launched, so it is limited in it's payload and range when using the ski jump.

I've been looking into that actually and i've concluded the payload and range limit can be almost negligable. Using the known figures for the deck and the plane, plus these equations
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I've gotten some interesting figures. Assuming zero wiind over deck and ship speed, Flanker should be able to take off from the first take-off position with mtow of 23100 kg. That is not half bad. When assuming 45 km/h combined ship speed and wind over deck speed, that figure rises to 28600 kg. That's still all from the first take off position which is some 110 meters from the edge of the ski jump ramp. If we use the other take-off position, 200 meters away, mtow rises over the declared mtow, meaning it could take off with pretty much anything. Granted, perhaps the carrier won't always be able to enjoy 45 km/h wind over deck speed...


VIP Professional
Re: Ideal chinese carrier thread

The SU-33 is also handicapped by not being catapult launched, so it is limited in it's payload and range when using the ski jump.

I've been looking into that actually and i've concluded the payload and range limit can be almost negligable. Using the known figures for the deck and the plane, plus these equations
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I've gotten some interesting figures. Assuming zero wiind over deck and ship speed, Flanker should be able to take off from the first take-off position with mtow of 23100 kg. That is not half bad. When assuming 45 km/h combined ship speed and wind over deck speed, that figure rises to 28600 kg. That's still all from the first take off position which is some 110 meters from the edge of the ski jump ramp. If we use the other take-off position, 200 meters away, mtow rises over the declared mtow, meaning it could take off with pretty much anything. Granted, perhaps the carrier won't always be able to enjoy 45 km/h wind over deck speed...


Junior Member
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Re: Ideal chinese carrier thread

That is to say when the Flanker is extensively modified to take the massive force that catapaults act on the structure. Flankers structure aren't intended for that kind of force, so ski jump was suitable, though if catapault is to be chosen I would see that the Flanker should be undergoing serious structure change and strengthing. Personally the Flanker is too big and room consuming to be on a carrier. Its like F-15 launching of a carrier. But though the Chinese don't have anything between the heavey and light fighter category like the Americans do.


Junior Member
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Re: Ideal chinese carrier thread

That is to say when the Flanker is extensively modified to take the massive force that catapaults act on the structure. Flankers structure aren't intended for that kind of force, so ski jump was suitable, though if catapault is to be chosen I would see that the Flanker should be undergoing serious structure change and strengthing. Personally the Flanker is too big and room consuming to be on a carrier. Its like F-15 launching of a carrier. But though the Chinese don't have anything between the heavey and light fighter category like the Americans do.


Junior Member
Registered Member
Re: Ideal chinese carrier thread

That is to say when the Flanker is extensively modified to take the massive force that catapaults act on the structure. Flankers structure aren't intended for that kind of force, so ski jump was suitable, though if catapault is to be chosen I would see that the Flanker should be undergoing serious structure change and strengthing. Personally the Flanker is too big and room consuming to be on a carrier. Its like F-15 launching of a carrier. But though the Chinese don't have anything between the heavey and light fighter category like the Americans do.

bd popeye

The Last Jedi
VIP Professional
Re: Ideal chinese carrier thread

That is to say when the Flanker is extensively modified to take the massive force that catapaults act on the structure.

Arrested landings are, I think, more punishing on the airframes than a cat shot.

There is a film I saw while serving in the USN that was devoted to the engineering required to design an aircraft able to take the punishment of carrier life.

bd popeye

The Last Jedi
VIP Professional
Re: Ideal chinese carrier thread

That is to say when the Flanker is extensively modified to take the massive force that catapaults act on the structure.

Arrested landings are, I think, more punishing on the airframes than a cat shot.

There is a film I saw while serving in the USN that was devoted to the engineering required to design an aircraft able to take the punishment of carrier life.

bd popeye

The Last Jedi
VIP Professional
Re: Ideal chinese carrier thread

That is to say when the Flanker is extensively modified to take the massive force that catapaults act on the structure.

Arrested landings are, I think, more punishing on the airframes than a cat shot.

There is a film I saw while serving in the USN that was devoted to the engineering required to design an aircraft able to take the punishment of carrier life.