PLAN Carrier Strike Group and Airwing


VIP Professional
Re: Ideal chinese carrier thread

The Su-33 is from same generation as the F-18A/B. There's been various rumored Su-33 upgrades and product brochures, but I have yet to see them in operation.

The current generation of Su-33 is not really comparable to the Super Hornet. But if the upgrades described in these articles materialize, then it'd be a better comparison:

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VIP Professional
Re: Ideal chinese carrier thread

The Su-33 is from same generation as the F-18A/B. There's been various rumored Su-33 upgrades and product brochures, but I have yet to see them in operation.

The current generation of Su-33 is not really comparable to the Super Hornet. But if the upgrades described in these articles materialize, then it'd be a better comparison:

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Re: Ideal chinese carrier thread

the SU-25 Frogfoots would make a good platform for an EW type as things stand.

Wouldn't they suffer from the same problems the Prowler did, wich is they might find it difficult to keep up with a Flanker package?
I think the Flanker with it's size should be able to carry a really powerfull EW suite and do so over distance and with speed. But then again there's the payload problem due to take off.
Fitting a AESA radar on their back for AEW duties would be an interesting concept...


Re: Ideal chinese carrier thread

the SU-25 Frogfoots would make a good platform for an EW type as things stand.

Wouldn't they suffer from the same problems the Prowler did, wich is they might find it difficult to keep up with a Flanker package?
I think the Flanker with it's size should be able to carry a really powerfull EW suite and do so over distance and with speed. But then again there's the payload problem due to take off.
Fitting a AESA radar on their back for AEW duties would be an interesting concept...


Re: Ideal chinese carrier thread

the SU-25 Frogfoots would make a good platform for an EW type as things stand.

Wouldn't they suffer from the same problems the Prowler did, wich is they might find it difficult to keep up with a Flanker package?
I think the Flanker with it's size should be able to carry a really powerfull EW suite and do so over distance and with speed. But then again there's the payload problem due to take off.
Fitting a AESA radar on their back for AEW duties would be an interesting concept...

Jeff Head

Registered Member
Re: Ideal chinese carrier thread

Wouldn't they suffer from the same problems the Prowler did, wich is they might find it difficult to keep up with a Flanker package?
I think the Flanker with it's size should be able to carry a really powerfull EW suite and do so over distance and with speed. But then again there's the payload problem due to take off.
Fitting a AESA radar on their back for AEW duties would be an interesting concept...
The Prowler has been a great aircraft. All weather, huge payload...but it does suffer in spped. That's why the EA-18G Growler is such a great replacement. It will fly right with the Superhornets with the same speed, all-weather, and a decent payload.



The porcedures, equipment, technologies, service/maintenance, logistics, and policies regardging this level of support are all fine tuned and honed by the US Navy. Other nations, newly developing this level of support will have a tough learning curve to catch up.

Jeff Head

Registered Member
Re: Ideal chinese carrier thread

Wouldn't they suffer from the same problems the Prowler did, wich is they might find it difficult to keep up with a Flanker package?
I think the Flanker with it's size should be able to carry a really powerfull EW suite and do so over distance and with speed. But then again there's the payload problem due to take off.
Fitting a AESA radar on their back for AEW duties would be an interesting concept...
The Prowler has been a great aircraft. All weather, huge payload...but it does suffer in spped. That's why the EA-18G Growler is such a great replacement. It will fly right with the Superhornets with the same speed, all-weather, and a decent payload.



The porcedures, equipment, technologies, service/maintenance, logistics, and policies regardging this level of support are all fine tuned and honed by the US Navy. Other nations, newly developing this level of support will have a tough learning curve to catch up.

Jeff Head

Registered Member
Re: Ideal chinese carrier thread

Wouldn't they suffer from the same problems the Prowler did, wich is they might find it difficult to keep up with a Flanker package?
I think the Flanker with it's size should be able to carry a really powerfull EW suite and do so over distance and with speed. But then again there's the payload problem due to take off.
Fitting a AESA radar on their back for AEW duties would be an interesting concept...
The Prowler has been a great aircraft. All weather, huge payload...but it does suffer in spped. That's why the EA-18G Growler is such a great replacement. It will fly right with the Superhornets with the same speed, all-weather, and a decent payload.



The porcedures, equipment, technologies, service/maintenance, logistics, and policies regardging this level of support are all fine tuned and honed by the US Navy. Other nations, newly developing this level of support will have a tough learning curve to catch up.


VIP Professional
Re: Ideal chinese carrier thread

The Russians had an EW version of Su-33 under R&D, called SU-27KPP. However no actual product has been revealed to date. If the Russians are serious about building additional aircraft carriers, I think we'd see more investment in the Su-33 product. But for now, the current generation Su-33's are rather dated, and the proposed upgrade in 1999 hasn't materialized.

Let's look at Indian Navy's upgrades to the MiG-29K:
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MiG-29K (Product 9.31)
Modification was made for Indian Navy requirement featured Zhuk-ME radar, RD-33MK engine, combat payload up to 5,500 kg, 13 hardpoints (inclusive of the multi-lock bomb carriers), additional fuel tanks situated in dorsal spine fairing and wing LERXs, increased total fuel capacity by 50% comparing to first variant of MiG-29 and updated 4-channel digital fly-by-wire flight control system. With special coatings MiG-29K radar reflecting surface is 4-5 times smaller than of basic MiG-29. Cockpit displays consist of wide HUD and 3 (7 on MiG-29KUB) colour LCD MFDs and French Sigma-95 satellite GPS module and Topsight E helmet-mounted targeting system. Compatible with the full range of weapons carried by the MiG-29M and MiG-29SMT.[25] NATO reporting code is Fulcrum-D.

And the proposed Su-33 upgrade from 1999:
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A 1999 Sukhoi/KnAAPO/Rosvooruzheni brochure described a Su-33 Upgrade configuration, though there is no real evidence that any such programme has been funded. The cockpit is to gain two large colour LCD multifunction displays, with a modernised flight control/navigation system and enhanced air-to-ground capabilities. The upgraded Su-33 is to be compatible with the R-77 (AA-12 “Adder”) AAM and with a range of air-to-ground PGMs, including TV-guided Kh-29, Kh-59N, KAB-500Kr and KAB-1500Kr and laser-guided Kh-29L, KAB-500L, and KAB-1500L. The use of the Kh-31P will give the aircraft an effective SEAD capability.

Su-30K-2/Su-33UB proposed variant:
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...New 'glass cockpit' with five colour LCD displays (one 53 cm; 21 in diagonally; rest 38 cm; 15 in) with provision for central or sidestick and with helmet-mounted sighting system. Aircraft has OBOGS and OBIGGS and so does not need oxygen or nitrogen bottles. N014 solid-state, phased-array radar, with enhanced air-to-ground and over-water capabilities...

I'd make an educated guess that the baseline MiG-29K and Su-33 products are 1980s level technology, and didn't fit India and China's requirements. If Indian Navy required many upgrades before accepting the MiG-29K, we can expect the PLAN, should they ever import the Su-33, to ask for similar upgrades. Perhaps Russian Navy would piggyback on the Chinese Su-33 upgrade projects too.

When you look inside a Su-33 cockpit today, this is probably what you'd see:

Versus what China would prefer see instead:

If and when China gets Su-33's, expect many upgrades!


VIP Professional
Re: Ideal chinese carrier thread

The Russians had an EW version of Su-33 under R&D, called SU-27KPP. However no actual product has been revealed to date. If the Russians are serious about building additional aircraft carriers, I think we'd see more investment in the Su-33 product. But for now, the current generation Su-33's are rather dated, and the proposed upgrade in 1999 hasn't materialized.

Let's look at Indian Navy's upgrades to the MiG-29K:
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MiG-29K (Product 9.31)
Modification was made for Indian Navy requirement featured Zhuk-ME radar, RD-33MK engine, combat payload up to 5,500 kg, 13 hardpoints (inclusive of the multi-lock bomb carriers), additional fuel tanks situated in dorsal spine fairing and wing LERXs, increased total fuel capacity by 50% comparing to first variant of MiG-29 and updated 4-channel digital fly-by-wire flight control system. With special coatings MiG-29K radar reflecting surface is 4-5 times smaller than of basic MiG-29. Cockpit displays consist of wide HUD and 3 (7 on MiG-29KUB) colour LCD MFDs and French Sigma-95 satellite GPS module and Topsight E helmet-mounted targeting system. Compatible with the full range of weapons carried by the MiG-29M and MiG-29SMT.[25] NATO reporting code is Fulcrum-D.

And the proposed Su-33 upgrade from 1999:
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A 1999 Sukhoi/KnAAPO/Rosvooruzheni brochure described a Su-33 Upgrade configuration, though there is no real evidence that any such programme has been funded. The cockpit is to gain two large colour LCD multifunction displays, with a modernised flight control/navigation system and enhanced air-to-ground capabilities. The upgraded Su-33 is to be compatible with the R-77 (AA-12 “Adder”) AAM and with a range of air-to-ground PGMs, including TV-guided Kh-29, Kh-59N, KAB-500Kr and KAB-1500Kr and laser-guided Kh-29L, KAB-500L, and KAB-1500L. The use of the Kh-31P will give the aircraft an effective SEAD capability.

Su-30K-2/Su-33UB proposed variant:
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...New 'glass cockpit' with five colour LCD displays (one 53 cm; 21 in diagonally; rest 38 cm; 15 in) with provision for central or sidestick and with helmet-mounted sighting system. Aircraft has OBOGS and OBIGGS and so does not need oxygen or nitrogen bottles. N014 solid-state, phased-array radar, with enhanced air-to-ground and over-water capabilities...

I'd make an educated guess that the baseline MiG-29K and Su-33 products are 1980s level technology, and didn't fit India and China's requirements. If Indian Navy required many upgrades before accepting the MiG-29K, we can expect the PLAN, should they ever import the Su-33, to ask for similar upgrades. Perhaps Russian Navy would piggyback on the Chinese Su-33 upgrade projects too.

When you look inside a Su-33 cockpit today, this is probably what you'd see:

Versus what China would prefer see instead:

If and when China gets Su-33's, expect many upgrades!