Re: Ideal chinese carrier thread
Chinese carrier aircraft options... to relative scale
The L-15 has two engines which is seen as a safety plus, but would have pretty much the same deck footprint as the J-10 or FC-1 with nothing like the capability, even in a single-seat version with radar.
The FC-1 is technically the smallest footprint of all the aircraft shown (assuming L-15 has same wingspan as Yak-130), but for only a fraction more you can fit a J-10 in and the capability gap is rather obvious. And at less than 10m wingspan you needn't even have folding wings. Single engine is obvious weakness but it wouldn't be the only single engined carrier fighter in service... F-35 comes to mind
By comparison Su-33s and JH-7as are massive. The JH-7a is a non-starter, being a relatively one-dimensional type that although good for strike, could hardly double as an air-defence fighter (at least not well) and is plainly less capable than the same sized Su-33 (assuming "modern" Su-33).
I think the answer is a mix of Su-33s (say 12) and J-10s, or even just J-10s. J-10 may not be quite as good as Super-Hornet or Rafale but no doubt it is in the same ball-park and could easily deploy in multi-role squadrons offering good power-projection capability.