Re: Ideal chinese carrier thread
And still Russia failed...
Let's be clear here. Russia did not fail to deploy a CV fleet for technical reasons, but for financial reasons. They went bankrupt in 1990/91 and money for military R&D dried up. The two Kuznetzovs were built with ski jumps instead of catapults because the cats were still under development (and considering all the soviet spies in the US and Britain over the course of the cold war I'd be surprised if they didn't have a full set of plans for a steam catapult somewhere). The third CV, the Ulyanovsk was to be the sea going test bed for catapults (two in the waist position with a ski jump at the bow) which would allow a wider range of aircraft to be deployed, ie AEW and COD for example. Cats would then most likely be retrofitted to the two earlier ships to allow the same types to be operated by all (economies of scale here). Ski jumps allow QRA fighters to launch at short notice, but without AEW aircraft their value is much diminished, hence the need for cats. The technology involved in steam catapults is not particularly advanced, certainly for a nation (China) with a manned space program, and the expertise necessary could be acquired from several nations around the world (Argentina, Brazil, Australia,-who provided a whole catapult in 1985! Holland, India, UK, USA) although some would be less likely than others to provide their engineering services, money talks.
Could China build a CV as big as a Nimitz? Yes. Would it be of any military value? No, it would be a death trap at their current level of shipbuilding knowledge, but might be useable enough to provide a training CV for a while. Varyag is at leased based on a proven design (albeit one proven inferior to western practice, it works at least) so sensibly she will be the PLANs first step. The Chinese aren't stupid, and they are fast learners, and Varyag will be like going to university for Chinese engineers and seamen alike, as much for what it will show them not to do as for what they will learn positively. Roll on 2008...
And still Russia failed...
Let's be clear here. Russia did not fail to deploy a CV fleet for technical reasons, but for financial reasons. They went bankrupt in 1990/91 and money for military R&D dried up. The two Kuznetzovs were built with ski jumps instead of catapults because the cats were still under development (and considering all the soviet spies in the US and Britain over the course of the cold war I'd be surprised if they didn't have a full set of plans for a steam catapult somewhere). The third CV, the Ulyanovsk was to be the sea going test bed for catapults (two in the waist position with a ski jump at the bow) which would allow a wider range of aircraft to be deployed, ie AEW and COD for example. Cats would then most likely be retrofitted to the two earlier ships to allow the same types to be operated by all (economies of scale here). Ski jumps allow QRA fighters to launch at short notice, but without AEW aircraft their value is much diminished, hence the need for cats. The technology involved in steam catapults is not particularly advanced, certainly for a nation (China) with a manned space program, and the expertise necessary could be acquired from several nations around the world (Argentina, Brazil, Australia,-who provided a whole catapult in 1985! Holland, India, UK, USA) although some would be less likely than others to provide their engineering services, money talks.
Could China build a CV as big as a Nimitz? Yes. Would it be of any military value? No, it would be a death trap at their current level of shipbuilding knowledge, but might be useable enough to provide a training CV for a while. Varyag is at leased based on a proven design (albeit one proven inferior to western practice, it works at least) so sensibly she will be the PLANs first step. The Chinese aren't stupid, and they are fast learners, and Varyag will be like going to university for Chinese engineers and seamen alike, as much for what it will show them not to do as for what they will learn positively. Roll on 2008...