中国军网9月2日电 据国防部网站报道 (记者尹航、通讯员李彦林):当地时间9月2日,海军第六批护航编队组织第239批27艘被护船舶集结期间,“昆仑山”舰搭载的中型气垫艇在商船集结海域进行了2个多小时的巡逻警戒,航程达70余海里。这是海军新型气垫艇列装后首次正式执行任务。
An air-cushion boat of the Chinese navy patrols in the waters of the Gulf of Aden on Sept 2, 2010. The boat, part of China's sixth naval escort flotilla for the Gulf of Aden and Somali waters, patrolled against pirates for two hours near the vessels sailing through the region. This is the first time the Chinese navy deployed the air-cushion boat, carried by the amphibious landing ship Kunlunshan, on an escort mission. [Photo/Ministry of Defense]
I have a rather silly question to ask... LCAC seemed to be a fast boat to use... but if could a AK-47 round or a RPG knock a hole in the air cushion and render the boat quite useless?
I would expect a well aimed round from an AK-47 or RPG could render a lot of things useless.What could it do to the ship itself or a low flying aircraft for instance?
I have a rather silly question to ask... LCAC seemed to be a fast boat to use... but if could a AK-47 round or a RPG knock a hole in the air cushion and render the boat quite useless?
Well... the air cushion seemed like a pretty large target, and it don't move as fast as a helicopter. The somalian pirates do have RPG and AK-47, and they know how to use their weapon.
As for your example of the low flying aircraft, it always bring me back to the incident of the Battle of Magadishu (also in Somalia), RPG fired from the somalian shot down two Black Hawk helicopters... maybe it is luck, but the incident did show some vulnerbility of helicopters. (not going to go further, bcos it isff)
As for ship... I would believe that if AK-47 had absolutely no impact against a destroyer or a frigate. As to the RPG... well... a frigate or a destroyer had more armour on it for these weapons to be of much use.
But LCAC didn't share the same armour, plus, the cushion, which was quite big was actually a good target for trained militia.
contrary to rumours that one of the sovs will be on the next (7th) flotilla to Aden, it will actually consist of 529, 530 and 886. The mission will start on the 20th of this month and end in 28th of March. 886 is the replenishment ship for all of the flotilla from ESF and 887 is the replenishment ship for all of the flotilla from SSF.