PLAN Amphibious assault capability

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Well lets look at your list...And remember I asked where PLA enjoys superiority with generation ahead of ROCA?

Chinese first AWACS tpye of plane not even fully operational and only couple existing planes which are yet to be intergrated to the actual operational level forces. Not much to brag around.

A tank based on the soviet T72 concept which prooved itself to be inferior even to the modernised M60's in gulf war. Chinese tank is better, but in the terms of capability not generations away and not anyway superior.

2 ships (with underpowered oversized hulls) with AAW missiles and SSMs but almoust non-existing ASW capacity. Firecontrol seems outward similar to the USN Aegis but which capacity is still unknown. Kidd's are based on the succesfull Spruance class hull and balanced AAW, SSM and ASW capacity. Only area where they are inferior to the Chinese ships is the firecontrol system for their AAW missiles but as we still don't know the true capacity of 052C its hard to say how big the cap is. Anyway the chinese ships are first efforts of anything resambling of an fleet unit from a country that has no experience in bluewater naval operations and the Taiwanese ships are from "the" navy...

Funny that you didn't mention other ships...;). Oh but you did..the 022...

Ao where does it stands? Well its basicly WWII era torbedo boat with steahtly hull and its fast. Thats about it. It's hull concept prevents it having any endurance what so ever and it seems to lack modern EW suite and airdefence, cruisal to FACs survival against helicopter armed with SSMs, the biggest thread to any FACs these days

For submarines PLAN most certainly enjoys bigger subforce but ironically the ROCN that actually has some ASW capacity can fight against them where as PLAN that basicly has no modern ASW capacity is in serious trouple even with the two subs of Taiwan...

What comes rest of your list, yeas China has made some efforts in its space program, anti-satelites and all...Not enough to win the war. I asked weapons, and what I ment was those that actually counts. Artillery, infatry and supports? Where are your examples in those areas? Where are your examples in Aicrafts, Airdefence, SEAD and counter SEAD? Where are your examples in used naval doctrines and overall fleet capacities?

We can argue to the doomsday over small details wheter this or that equipment is superior to one and another. The differences aren't that huge and as china doesen't have the capability to wage such a higly technologized warfare that we have withnessed in the latest US led campaings. And you would need at least that level to be able to completely destroy the ROCA.
I have argued that even the USMC with USN and USAF helping it would have serious proplems to invade Taiwan if they just fight back. Thats how hard it is to invade completely sea-blocked countries.

But again you can twist the facts and figures as long as you wish, just give me an explanation to my question in the previous post and I will rest...How can the under-brigade size unit without no fire support nor supplylines advange deep in to the Taiwans territory without being encircled and keep the beach head so that the main bulk of PLA troops can land when they are facing at least 1 army corps (thats three western division to those who don't know) size opponent force with the all the benefits of local area and existing supplylines?

Hi, There are at least 4 KJ2000 flying, and at least three of those 4 are IOC. and you asked for example of gen gap in tech between ROC and PLA. My examples are all there for everyone to see. If someone like you argue that KJ2000 is not at least one gen ahead of E2 hawkeye or 052C is not at least one Gen ahead of Kidd class. Then you need to go to a hospital to get yourself checked out, you have a serious case of self denial. No objective person would have argued like you just did.
If you know anything about the history of the ROC military, you would not claim that they have a first rate navy ( the ROC does not have much of a naval tradition to speak of because WWII happened too fast, too early for the ROC Gov). The ROC army was and still is the big brother of the three services over there and continential army thinking is the mainstay of the ROC military, regardless that they are now in an Island.
As for the 022, No FAC from anybody( country) stand a chance if attacked from the air with modern SSM.
If you think that Sat tech and anti-Sat capabilitaries are not the most important elements for winning during modern War, and thus should not count as part of the military EQP, then again you need to get your head checked out.
As for the ROC's ASW capabilities, they are better than PLAN, that is true. But if you do not have control of the air, or the sea, how is their S2 to fly? or for the ROCN surface ships to do their job of ASW?
Look, the facts and figures are all there for everyone to see, and if you do not see them, that is your problem, not mine.
As for your question on how the PLA would attack the ROC in time of war, I would not write anything on this issue, because the chance of fighting between the two ( PRC and ROC) are real, and there are a lots readers and posters are no doubt Intel agents that from the ROC, the Japan military and the U.S ( By the way, I wonder if you are truely in Finnland as you claim because it is early morning there and you are still replying my posts), and I do not think it is wise for me to point out how the PLA would fight because I want China to have a easier time during the real war. But if you want to know, then they are a lot posters on different defense fourms have written about this issue, check them out yourself.
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Junior Member
So szbd:

Worse weapons? In which sector does PLA enjoy over generation-level advantage in the terms of quality over any ROC branches?

You said ROCA and I suppose you mean ROC Army. I said worse weapons, not generation-level disadvantage. And yes, PLA's weaponary is better than ROCA's. Do I have to make a list of comparison? And ROCA's training is a joke compared to PLA's. The students who entered my university in 89-92 had one year of "military study". This is regarded a reaction of the government to the active role this university played in 64 event. I entered the university in 94 so I heard a lot of this military study. And you can get information of ROCA's training easily from the internet wrote by Taiwan people. I'd say that ROCA's training is not better than those students who by no means trained as actual PLA soilders. The doctrine and organization of ROCA have not improved much from their 1940's level either.

ANd yeas ROCN is a world class navy. Its weapon systems and ships are from USA and european nations which are in the terms of concept, craftmanship and technological aspects superior to those ships in PLAN service. Even the old wwII era DDGs which ROCN still have are in the terms of shipdesign better than the main PLANs destroyer class, Luda. The biggest advantage of ROCN is that it is actually a navy, not a floating branch of the army that PLAN has been right untill the very recent years.

They are superior because their weapons are from west and they have a seperated command right? They just got their 4 kidds, and PLAN just got 4 052Bs and 052Cs. And sure kidds are better because they are from US, and sure ROCN is better trained with those kidds because they have a seperated command. I got you.

Examples from civil sectors have nothing to do with military life. I can assure you that the simplicity and working chain-in command is the key to all military manuvres and actions. During my army times I withnessed few times when equal-branch nco's gave contradicting orders and caused the entire battery to stall. And military units cannot stall in combat enviroments. During the WWII, one of the main reasons to soviets failure in our front was the dual-leadership that effectivily made the soviet military units stiff and unflexiple and too slow in the matter of decision making. They paid heavy prize for this.

Why you assume there's no "simplicity and working chain" in PRC's military force when you don't understand the system at all? The things you see as the basic of the organization is probably nothing but how to decide people's pay package.

So Violet Oboe, Szbd, Vlad and others please explain me how PLA landing assault force will solve this situation in the means of reality, then you can claim triumph over me. If not then I suggest...well better not say it, you know what I mean;)

I said very clear in my previous post "I think currently PRC does not have the ability to occupy taiwan in a short time is widely recognized." "As for the PLAN amphibious assault capability, though I'm a strong pro China military fan, I do think there is no chance for PRC force to hold a reasonable beach head for the time being. "

What others said has nothing to do with me. My argument is currently PLA forces are superior than ROC counterparts, in both quantity and quality. But, It still far from enough due to the natural obstacle. Vlad said PLA can igore the natural obstacle since PLAAF can do most of the job, I don't agree on this. And your argument is PLA forces are inferior than ROC's which I can not agree either.


Junior Member
Anybody care to comment my post (#59)? I talked about air superiority and amphibious assault with some tactics and system needed, from my idea. Please share your thoughts.

Also, can anybody answer my question on "is it possible for missiles and rockets to carry some kind of submunitions or even mines to boost the effect of airfield attack?"



Junior Member
Even if the Chinese establish superiority in terms of the quality of weapons, it doesn't mean at all that it will have the ability to launch a successful invasion. Just as the number of advanced weapons are growing, the number of cheap methods to neutralize those weapons are also expanding. The invading force may have an attack helicopter, but the defenders may have a shoulder fired SAM.

To launch a successful invasion, the Chinese would need absolute advantage in both the quality of its weapons and the quantity of troops. When geography is not favorable, the quantity of troops or the speed at which forces can be sent to the battlefield become even more important. Right now, or even in five years, the lift capability just isn't there.

The only thing that China has going for it is the lack of morale in the ROC. I've heard some pretty bad things with regards to that. My buddy at West Point went over there on an exchange program over the summer and asked around the Taiwanese what they thought. Turns out many of them don't think they have a chance. That would be a fatal problem for the Taiwanese if the Chinese can achieve limited initial victories.


Junior Member

" ( By the way, I wonder if you are truely in Finnland as you claim because it is early morning there and you are still replying my posts)"

He's a college student and loves to surf the net, what do you expect?

To Golly, let's put the doctrine and organization aside shall we? The western doctrine doesn't prove anything.

At the beginning of the Chinese civil war, the backbone of ROCA in north eastern theater were trained by US and equiped by US weaponaries. Among them 3 divisions were trained in India for 2 years, they had artillary units, logistics units, communication units, engineering units etc. trained and equipped as US's light infantry level. They had an airforce equipped with US planes, trained and fought together with US counterparts for 2 years. And the army units I mensioned were also trained by US on how to use the air support. They went to the war againt Japan together with US and UK forces in Bruma, achieved quite excellent result.

At the beginning of the civil war, they were not only superior in all aspects I've mentioned but also out numbered their opponents. Their PLA opponents were a bunch of aggressive militias with everyone had almost nothing but an outdated Japanese rifle should be retired 2 years before and some gernades made by 19th centrury's amateur manual technologies. What was the result? Those elite ROCA forces were totally eliminated.

Indians went to the WWII with western giants, fully trained with western doctrines, played important roles in various theaters. Look at the medals they got, they were a capable force. And they were beat the shit out by B categary (actually maybe C cat. those units even never went to korea) level PLA who had a really severe condition of logistics.

And what was the result of Uncle Sam himself against PLA?

If you lose with better equippments and firepower, that just can not prove your doctrine is better.

So, since we don't wanna off topic too far, let's put the doctrine and organizations aside. Just assume both PRC and ROC forces can fully make the use of their weapons and they can do any reasonable job we assign to them.


Anybody care to comment my post (#59)? I talked about air superiority and amphibious assault with some tactics and system needed, from my idea. Please share your thoughts.

Also, can anybody answer my question on "is it possible for missiles and rockets to carry some kind of submunitions or even mines to boost the effect of airfield attack?"


You're referring to cluster bombs and they exist and have been used for anti-runway purposes.


Junior Member
Even if the Chinese establish superiority in terms of the quality of weapons, it doesn't mean at all that it will have the ability to launch a successful invasion. Just as the number of advanced weapons are growing, the number of cheap methods to neutralize those weapons are also expanding. The invading force may have an attack helicopter, but the defenders may have a shoulder fired SAM.

To launch a successful invasion, the Chinese would need absolute advantage in both the quality of its weapons and the quantity of troops. When geography is not favorable, the quantity of troops or the speed at which forces can be sent to the battlefield become even more important. Right now, or even in five years, the lift capability just isn't there.

The only thing that China has going for it is the lack of morale in the ROC. I've heard some pretty bad things with regards to that. My buddy at West Point went over there on an exchange program over the summer and asked around the Taiwanese what they thought. Turns out many of them don't think they have a chance. That would be a fatal problem for the Taiwanese if the Chinese can achieve limited initial victories.

Let's just make plans for both sides on how they should do, what else they need apart from what they already got, etc. Assume both sides are capable in using their equipments and don't make magic assumptions like PLAAF destruct the whole ROC force or PLA special operation force secure a harbor in one night.


Junior Member
You're referring to cluster bombs and they exist and have been used for anti-runway purposes.

I know this, but what I mean is how capable of these things. Also is mine possible? Like a 500kg warhead carries 500 mines and if the mines hit the ground, several hours is needed to clear them?



" ( By the way, I wonder if you are truely in Finnland as you claim because it is early morning there and you are still replying my posts)"

He's a college student and loves to surf the net, what do you expect?

To Golly, let's put the doctrine and organization aside shall we? The western doctrine doesn't prove anything.

At the beginning of the Chinese civil war, the backbone of ROCA in north eastern theater were trained by US and equiped by US weaponaries. Among them 3 divisions were trained in India for 2 years, they had artillary units, logistics units, communication units, engineering units etc. trained and equipped as US's light infantry level. They had an airforce equipped with US planes, trained and fought together with US counterparts for 2 years. And the army units I mensioned were also trained by US on how to use the air support. They went to the war againt Japan together with US and UK forces in Bruma, achieved quite excellent result.

At the beginning of the civil war, they were not only superior in all aspects I've mentioned but also out numbered their opponents. Their PLA opponents were a bunch of aggressive militias with everyone had almost nothing but an outdated Japanese rifle should be retired 2 years before and some gernades made by 19th centrury's amateur manual technologies. What was the result? Those elite ROCA forces were totally eliminated.

Indians went to the WWII with western giants, fully trained with western doctrines, played important roles in various theaters. Look at the medals they got, they were a capable force. And they were beat the shit out by B categary (actually maybe C cat. those units even never went to korea) level PLA who had a really severe condition of logistics.

And what was the result of Uncle Sam himself against PLA?

If you lose with better equippments and firepower, that just can not prove your doctrine is better.

So, since we don't wanna off topic too far, let's put the doctrine and organizations aside. Just assume both PRC and ROC forces can fully make the use of their weapons and they can do any reasonable job we assign to them.

Well, didn't ROCA also have 8 divisions trained by the Germans and equipped literally like the Nazi divisions minus the swastika? ROC lost in the civil war because they got too corrupt and essentially lost the support of the average citizen. Although there is corruption even in today's ROC, there's plenty of corruption in PROC today too. Every pro PLA poster here is assuming PLA will only getter better while ROC forces will get worse. How can we all be so sure of that? Yes, they may be on the downward slope right now but who is to say they will not reverse that trend, especially since there should be a new president soon, current one is practically a lame duck. The military package Bush offered to Taiwan is grossly over priced. So you can't say 100% it's Taiwan's fault for not keeping up, it's not wanting to get ripped off. What if Taiwan starts to build up an arsenal of ballistic missiles pointed at every PLA base that will participate in a Taiwan operation? Would posters here still claim PLA taking over Taiwan would be an easy task? Keep in mind, my position is hoping for an eventual peaceful reunification. But since we are analyzing PLA amphibious capabilities, I find some pro PLA folks are excessively overzealous about the PLA capabilities.

Vlad Plasmius

Junior Member
Vlad, you were the one that said China could beat Taiwan in a matter of hours if it wanted to. Short of using nuclear weapons (which isn't an option) that isn't possible.

When I used the term I was referring to making such an astonishing destruction of Taiwan's air and naval forces and landing significant troops in order to force a surrender. Over a few hours the advanced tech Taiwan has would be used up, incapacitated, or destroyed. Then it would only be a matter of time before Taiwan was forced to surrender.

So really you were demonstrating either:

a) your own ignorance of reality; OR
b) a deliberate misrepresentation of the facts to further an agenda or bias

This is a fallacy, known as false dichotomy or the "Black and White" fallacy, where you claim there are only two possibilities when in fact others exist.

You also earlier used strawman fallacy, because while I said China could you neglect to mention that I said it was not the most likely. I was merely stating they have the technology and could use it all at once against them, though it would likely be longer than that. I believe the real life situation would be somewhat slower than a few hours.

You are also resorting to ridiculous hyperbole - Golle has never said Taiwan couldn't be defeated. As far as I can see he has merely pointed out the difficulty China would face in trying to successfully invade Taiwan.

No, in fact, he has:

its impossiple to invade an Iland country if there is an modenr army to defend it

Now, maybe you couldn't tell what he wrote, because he apparently doesn't use spell check or anything like that, but he was saying right there that it's impossible to invade Taiwan, for anyone.
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