PLAN Amphibious assault capability

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New Member
Well, didn't ROCA also have 8 divisions trained by the Germans and equipped literally like the Nazi divisions minus the swastika? ROC lost in the civil war because they got too corrupt and essentially lost the support of the average citizen. Although there is corruption even in today's ROC, there's plenty of corruption in PROC today too. Every pro PLA poster here is assuming PLA will only getter better while ROC forces will get worse. How can we all be so sure of that? Yes, they may be on the downward slope right now but who is to say they will not reverse that trend, especially since there should be a new president soon, current one is practically a lame duck. The military package Bush offered to Taiwan is grossly over priced. So you can't say 100% it's Taiwan's fault for not keeping up, it's not wanting to get ripped off. What if Taiwan starts to build up an arsenal of ballistic missiles pointed at every PLA base that will participate in a Taiwan operation? Would posters here still claim PLA taking over Taiwan would be an easy task? Keep in mind, my position is hoping for an eventual peaceful reunification. But since we are analyzing PLA amphibious capabilities, I find some pro PLA folks are excessively overzealous about the PLA capabilities.

Nobody said this war bewteen ROC and PRC is going to be a easy cakewalk for the PLA. In fact, Untill the sea lift capabilities are addressed, it's going to be a chancy thing ( ROC militray has said last year that they think the PLA can land up to 10 divisions in one day, the US military thinks the PLA have the capability to land 3 divisions). At this momment, Mainland China is working on to build a capability to militaryly force the issue with ROC and at the same time with enough capabilities left over to deal with possible U.S interference. The PLA is not there yet. But if the passed 5 years can be a guide for the future PLA growth, then that day is coming very fast indeed.
As for the KMT army troops with German EQP. Yes, that is true, but nowhere near 8 division in number. The ROC back then wanted to have total of 8 German EQPed divisions, but at the start of the War between China and Japan, only 3 division were so EQPed ( only two were so trained). During the war, those German trained and EQPed divisions were used up very quickly ( they were used wrongly, for plug the holes to stop the Japanese advance and for point defense, not the best way to use these troops and EQP) and nomore German help forthcoming after WWII stared in Euro land.
As for ROC's military hardware buying, it is all centered on $. The ROC defense budget have not grow for sometime now, because the overall economy have not grow much. So compare to PLA fast budget growth, the gap is getting bigger not smaller.
ballistic missiles Tech is not something a place ( or economy) the size of Taiwan can afford. ( the Jewish State example do not apply here) Plus, there are international laws that have to be overcame. Even if ROC can develope the ballistic missiles in number, they still have the disadvantage of size compare to mainland China.
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Junior Member
Vlad makes good points. Unless Taiwan joins up in a security alliance with nearby nations for immediate combat support, there's no way it can stand up against China in a future military confrontation.

Did someone steal your account? I've never seen you write in the way you did, or perhaps I haven't seen enough of your posts.


Junior Member
10 divisions in one day, maybe, if PLA had a secured harbor. Otherwise impossible.

ROC planed to build 60 German armed divisions, 30 cat. A and 30 cat. B. They actually finished 20 cat B but they are totally different things compared to German divisions. Each division has about 10000 personels, 4000 rifles, 324 light MGs, 72 heavy MGs, 24 mortars and 8 105mm light cannon or howitzers, that's it.

The 3 US trained divisions in india each has about 15000 personels, 468 MGs, 234 mortars, 36 anti tank guns, 24 light cannon and 12 howitzers. Othe 30 divisions have about 2/3 of this strength.


New Member
"10 divisions in one day, maybe, if PLA had a secured harbor. Otherwise impossible."
Sorry man, I do not know the details of how the ROC military came up with that # and how the U.S military came up with a different one. I read it in a report about a year ago. As for the Geramn EQP in the KMT army at the start of the War. 3 divisions of EQP was all they have got, Germany would like to ship more but KMT lost all sea port and sea lines of communication too fast for more shipments.

Vlad Plasmius

Junior Member
10 divisions in one day, maybe, if PLA had a secured harbor. Otherwise impossible.

I don't see why they couldn't. It's a tall order, but I think certainly possible.

This is, of course, if we include airlift as well as amphibious transports. In a purely theoretical situation the PLA could land with air and naval assets, around 111,000 troops and 200 tanks on Taiwan in a day, perhaps more. Purely theoretical though, however, if we include passenger airplanes and commercial ships, it might be possible to get even more than that.

This is without LPDs or Zubrs considered as well.

I think realistically China could use Y-8s, IL-76s, helos, and amphibious ships to land around 50,000 troops in the first day.


Junior Member
I don't see why they couldn't. It's a tall order, but I think certainly possible.

This is, of course, if we include airlift as well as amphibious transports. In a purely theoretical situation the PLA could land with air and naval assets, around 111,000 troops and 200 tanks on Taiwan in a day, perhaps more. Purely theoretical though, however, if we include passenger airplanes and commercial ships, it might be possible to get even more than that.

This is without LPDs or Zubrs considered as well.

I think realistically China could use Y-8s, IL-76s, helos, and amphibious ships to land around 50,000 troops in the first day.

What you said is not an attack, it's a transportation. You need to make Taiwan to open all their harbors and airports to welcome PLA get in to have this efficiency.


VIP Professional
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Now firts to Beijingar.

By the way, I wonder if you are truely in Finnland as you claim because it is early morning there and you are still replying my posts

Yeas I am, I wrote that reply around 23:00..
Like I said there is no real differance between the level of technology between the ROCA and PLA. Like I said you can twist and twist the figures from other side to another and fight unitll doomsday wheter either one is superior. Only sector where PLA really enjoys advantage is its space program but it's not the issue that will cause the tide to change. You shouldn't throw things like "who can ROCN ASW work with complete air or sea dominance by the opponent" becouse the opponent cannot achive that. PLAAF haven't gt the ability to gain full airsuperiority over ROCAF and certainly the PLAN has no way near the ability to gain seacontroll over about anything that floats and has weapons. Alone mining the Taiwan strait is enough to make the PLAN useless as it practiaclly has no modern minesweeping and no minehunting ability.

If you think that Sat tech and anti-Sat capabilitaries are not the most important elements for winning during modern War, and thus should not count as part of the military EQP, then again you need to get your head checked out

You shouldn't trow comments like that at all. They really aren't the most important elements. They are important yeas, and good satintell will give you huge advantages in prewar planning but their effect at least when we are talking in the level of chinese satelite development isen't like I said tide changing. In some other minor conflict perhaps, but not on this one.

Just for the side note Taiwan does have a EW ability in the from of C-130H, C-54 and Beech 1900Cs...again no superiority to the otherside.

And your awnser to my ultimate question in the form of "I wont reveal of anything becouse the others might found out" is just lame. Just admit it if you don't know. Or if you really have some true insights and you wish not to reveal them, send me a PM awnser. But by all means don't you dare to pretend and pose someone that you aren't.

The reaosn why I did ask it is beocuse in the end it all will fall down to that situation if China would attack ROCA. Its the key to every single Taiwan invasion wargames and thinktanks. And we are in this thread trying to determine just that, PLANs amphibious assault capacity and not to just generally rant over the ROCA vs. PLA. Becouse it doesen't matter. All the petty comparasions and depates are just backround noise in the real case scenario. The real question is exactly what I'm do you push through?

To szbd:

First of all may I ask you if you have yourself had any military training? And I'm quite right if I state that you haven't recieved Taiwanese military training. If not then how on earht can you judge if someone's training is inferior to other?

Seccondly I didn't say that Kidd or any other ships are superior beocuese they are from west...I said becouse the shipbuilding industry in western nations, exspecially in the USA has enjoyed long lasting benefits of modern technology and shipbuilding knowhow intergrated to ships being designed to the operations in which the users are knowing what they are doing. Thats pretty much give the western ships huge advantages from the starting point. Chinese shipbuilding industry is still in the childsshoes and is just in very recent years started to move forwards.

But my whole point with the weapon comparisons was (perhaps the late hour made me write in unneccerical haze so the meaning was left in the blurry) that neither ROCA nor PLAN has an huge advantage over quality and most importantly PLA doesen't have the superiority needed to achive some of the wildest dreams of our other members.

What comes to the general organisation of PLA you cannot ignore the strain of the dual leadership situation. The idea where the unit leader and political leader are equal in the normal terms but when it comes down to decision making, a comitee is set up and the political leader is the chairman and military leader only vice-chairman is no way near simpicity.

And yeas we can put the organisations and even doctrines aside as yourself said that "I do think there is no chance for PRC force to hold a reasonable beach head for the time being"

So why are we arguing then? Whats the point of this "which one is better ROCA or PLA" if the key to the whole succes of Taiwan invasion is unaccesable?
This is adressed to you all. This thread is not about who is better in off-the context issues but about PLAN landing capacity. You all can count it by yourself...


VIP Professional
Registered Member
And to Vlad... (thougth who is really begun to loose his credipility by hiding behind typing remarks to avoid answering...)

You seem to make the point well enough by saying not even the U.S. could defeat them.

No. I said that its even hard to US to defeat them. Its difference. US can crush Taiwan, but not with parade manners....and PRC cannot

I'm not saying they aren't "modern". However, does it really matter if their entire navy is sunk in the first hours and their air force can't get off the ground?

By what? Again you just repeat that cheast-beating mantra without proving how PLAFs limited capacity can manage to achieve it

Pure exaggeration.

Yeas? Ever heard of irony....

Hmmm, well that pretty much speaks for itself.

It speaks only for the fact that I've skipped some of the english classes;)

WTF are you talking about? How am I taking anything out of context?

Ballistic missiles ring any bells;) remember how you humiliated yourself by claiming over and over again how they are tactical weapon to be used in similar cases as air launched percission munitions or cruise missiles???

Not all, just enough to ensure dominance over the air and sea. There are maybe a dozen airbases, a dozen radars that give Taiwan early warning capability over China's mainland, a few dozen air defense systems, and only a few dozen ships in their navy.

And again you just repeat that they can do this and they can do that....
Without even bothering to base this to anything.....

So again I ask...with what forces?

The munitions China has in range of Taiwan would be sufficient to remove most of it.

what munitions? Are you now moving towards traditional artillery strikes or what? ballistic missiles where old news, so you decided to pick other equipment out of its operational contest and throw it into game....

...or what? Im getting bit confusing with your logic....(expecially when we get into this:)

There's not much room for failure in the scenario. The failures would have to be technical, but then again, I'm talking of weapons being used in such volume that even technical failure will likely do little to stop it.

Ahem! Thats what I have ranted over and over again myself. So you honestly claim that human errors are out of question when it comes to PLA operations?

If so, I guess there is little point of continue any depate with you
You writing is so horrid that I can't even begin to decipher what you're trying to say.

I said it quite clear: PLAN cannot conduct joint operations between surface ships and nuclear subs in sea with its current organisation as it would mean that SSNs would have to lead that task force as their commander and ship-rank system would make them senior compared to the surface units....
If you you understand naval warfare, you can figure out the result of such composition by yourself....

...but Somehow I begun to loose my hope that you understand.....:(

I'm still not sure where you're going with this. You keep using the Soviets as an example, but that's really just ignorant. China isn't the Soviet Union. Even if China uses a similar doctrine or uses similar tactics to the Soviets, that doesn't mean they'll be as unsuccessful. The phalanx was not perfected by the first people who used it. This is the case with most military tactics. Tactics are constantly modified and added onto, improved, to achieve greater rates of success. Point out where China's military has suffered a major failure in war, compared to the Soviets and then we'll talk about their doctrine.

Vietnam '79:) Well China really hasent gone trough military campaing that would equal the scale of annexation of Taiwan. perhaps thats the main reason why those horrible command structures and doctrines still remain in PLA service....
All soviet military failures have not come from the weapons or thecnologies, but out of simple inflexibility in their chain of command, from the dual-leader BS that still exist in PLA

I wasn't referring to jamming, but just plain attacking. Using PGMs against key communications. Again, you ignore parts of this, assuming I'm talking about attacking radar with just ARMs, when I mentioned several times befores that such sites would be target until they were incapacitated.

No you werent, becouse you werent refering to anything. Thats the proplem. You just say and say how PLAAF would smahs the taiwanese positions, and how its limited ground attack capacity can master something that even NATO couldnt master in 1999. What you say is principle what PLA should do, but unlike all others, you also assume that its exactly what is going to happen without even stopping to think that can PLA even manage to do that, not to mention how would ROCAs defences effect on these attempts.

You're not even explaining anything. What gives them a chance? What air threat are you talking about? Missiles? Helicopters? Aircraft? Why would they need all their modern fighters to protect it either? I'm not even sure how this is relevant as you're assuming there'd be significant air force for Taiwan to use.

Agains Taiwanese air elements that can spread havoc to unprotected PLAN ships. Have you even slightest clue of the state of PLAN air defences?

And why would they need all their modern fighters to protect it? becouse there is so few them. And becouse PLAN ship borne air defences cannot at the same time protetc the landing ships and the operational units operating against Taiwanese fleet, as well as its own supply lines.... PLAN itself needs a fighter umbrella upon it to even try to achieve the goals your scennario imposes to them. All those planes are out of other usage...

If it is that hard to understand, why you even bother to post in military forums?

You are the one assuming war is ordered and controlled. According to you, because the Chinese use a system the Soviets used, they're going to behave the same way in a conflict and suffer the same losses, despite no real history of military failures.

No. Chinese will suffer simply becouse they are humans. All armies aknowlidges this (and I hope PLA does it too, thougth I cannot be sure under ligth of some evindence...) and thats why the basic military leadershiptraining should always emphase innovativeness and spontanius so that military units can keep its fighting potential in ever changing and unpredictable operations. Chinese system and its inflexibility works counter-wise and really adds a multipler to disasters in conflict like Taiwan annexation that really isent winnable by simple quantative power, that has been key to all previous PLA triumphs.

According to you Taiwan being a "modern military" means they're untouchable, out of that wonderful la-la-land logic you use, which relies purely on assuming history repeats itself perfectly in different situations. History is full of upsets and things are constantly happening to do what people like you consider "impossible".

No. It means that it can add the element of suprise and unpredictability to your scennarios. It means that you cannot ignore it. Im not saying that China would fail in its annexation of Taiwan becouse ROCA can rebel it, claiming that would be as silly as your claim of PLA as superarmy without room for human errors.

My claim why PLA cannot succee bases simply to the lacks of PLA itself, most notably presented by its Amphibious arm and supporting naval units, which are the topic of this thread.

So i repeat my question to you:

How can the under-brigade size unit without no fire support nor supplylines advange deep in to the Taiwans territory without being encircled and keep the beach head so that the main bulk of PLA troops can land when they are facing at least 1 army corps (thats three western division to those who don't know) size opponent force with the all the benefits of local area and existing supplylines?

News flash: You can not read minds.

?? How you can claim that, by reading my mind:confused: :D :D

I'm not saying the ROCA isn't capable, they're just not capable of defeating China. That's all I'm saying. Their fighting ability isn't ignored, more like the whole point of what I said is insuring they have no chance to use it effectively.

yeas you are. You cannot claim that they have no change to use it effectively without spesifically explain why, and what PLA "super weapons" can bring such miracle upon them that they cannot.

You just plain never paid attention to a thing I said did you?

Yeas I have....why would I otherwise even answer to you. The fact that I need to repeat the same guestions over and over again speaks lot about all to be wice versa situation


New Member

Now firts to Beijingar.

Yeas I am, I wrote that reply around 23:00..
Like I said there is no real differance between the level of technology between the ROCA and PLA. Like I said you can twist and twist the figures from other side to another and fight unitll doomsday wheter either one is superior. Only sector where PLA really enjoys advantage is its space program but it's not the issue that will cause the tide to change. You shouldn't throw things like "who can ROCN ASW work with complete air or sea dominance by the opponent" becouse the opponent cannot achive that. PLAAF haven't gt the ability to gain full airsuperiority over ROCAF and certainly the PLAN has no way near the ability to gain seacontroll over about anything that floats and has weapons. Alone mining the Taiwan strait is enough to make the PLAN useless as it practiaclly has no modern minesweeping and no minehunting ability.

You shouldn't trow comments like that at all. They really aren't the most important elements. They are important yeas, and good satintell will give you huge advantages in prewar planning but their effect at least when we are talking in the level of chinese satelite development isen't like I said tide changing. In some other minor conflict perhaps, but not on this one.

Just for the side note Taiwan does have a EW ability in the from of C-130H, C-54 and Beech 1900Cs...again no superiority to the otherside.

And your awnser to my ultimate question in the form of "I wont reveal of anything becouse the others might found out" is just lame. Just admit it if you don't know. Or if you really have some true insights and you wish not to reveal them, send me a PM awnser. But by all means don't you dare to pretend and pose someone that you aren't.

The reaosn why I did ask it is beocuse in the end it all will fall down to that situation if China would attack ROCA. Its the key to every single Taiwan invasion wargames and thinktanks. And we are in this thread trying to determine just that, PLANs amphibious assault capacity and not to just generally rant over the ROCA vs. PLA. Becouse it doesen't matter. All the petty comparasions and depates are just backround noise in the real case scenario. The real question is exactly what I'm do you push through?

To szbd:

First of all may I ask you if you have yourself had any military training? And I'm quite right if I state that you haven't recieved Taiwanese military training. If not then how on earht can you judge if someone's training is inferior to other?

Seccondly I didn't say that Kidd or any other ships are superior beocuese they are from west...I said becouse the shipbuilding industry in western nations, exspecially in the USA has enjoyed long lasting benefits of modern technology and shipbuilding knowhow intergrated to ships being designed to the operations in which the users are knowing what they are doing. Thats pretty much give the western ships huge advantages from the starting point. Chinese shipbuilding industry is still in the childsshoes and is just in very recent years started to move forwards.

But my whole point with the weapon comparisons was (perhaps the late hour made me write in unneccerical haze so the meaning was left in the blurry) that neither ROCA nor PLAN has an huge advantage over quality and most importantly PLA doesen't have the superiority needed to achive some of the wildest dreams of our other members.

What comes to the general organisation of PLA you cannot ignore the strain of the dual leadership situation. The idea where the unit leader and political leader are equal in the normal terms but when it comes down to decision making, a comitee is set up and the political leader is the chairman and military leader only vice-chairman is no way near simpicity.

And yeas we can put the organisations and even doctrines aside as yourself said that "I do think there is no chance for PRC force to hold a reasonable beach head for the time being"

So why are we arguing then? Whats the point of this "which one is better ROCA or PLA" if the key to the whole succes of Taiwan invasion is unaccesable?
This is adressed to you all. This thread is not about who is better in off-the context issues but about PLAN landing capacity. You all can count it by yourself...

Now, I guess that the Finnish Corporal has spoken and the word is final! " PLAN has no way near the ability to gain seacontroll over about anything that floats and has weapons. " When I read this far, I realized that I am talking to a madman. Last time I checked, this a Forum, which is to say that people can differ on point of view but no need to, and, nor it is a place for personal attacks. As I said before, there are a lots people have writen about how the PLA would fight the ROC military and you can check them out, as for my ideas on this issue, I decided long ago that I should not write such thing. So show some respect for my decision. In the end, think and say what you want, this is the net after all, but what you think and say could not change the realities on the ground.


VIP Professional
Registered Member
How have I personally attacked you? I asked a question in which you replyed in a matter which indicates that you know something but you wont reveal it becouse you happen to know something so valuable that it could be used against china?

Now pardon me if I think you are saying such only to try to avoid the orginal question (as you haven't showed any sighs of actually being a person that could have such information). Becouse my question doesen't ask any state secrecy, only basics of military tactics and the general understandment of how different size landforce units work and operate under such a enviroment. To awnser the question needs only the basic understandment of those issues, nothing more.

So why not quit making comments like madman and such (and in the same time accusing me of personal attacks) and awnser the question...or not, but then at least keep your cheap accusations to yourself, it improves greatly my respect to your decision. If you wish not to take part to the discussion, fine its your right, but in the otherhand the forum rules are quite clear on offtopic ranting...
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