PLAN Aircraft Carrier programme...(Closed)

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Junior Member
A new coat of paint for the AEW helicopter. The photo is unclear on this, but it appears the radar is semi-nestled in the fuselage when not deployed.


What is painted in the tail?


VIP Professional
a bat and a shield? i would guess fine choices for an aew system, since shield symbolizes protection and bat can see in the dark with its sonar, just like aew sees with its radar in the metaphorical dark/fog of war.

Jeff Head

Registered Member
To BUILD a vessel is just welding and riveting steel unless you are telling me they use superglue! What you are referring to is DESIGNING the vessel not building one the guy with the welding torch doesn't need to know about ballasting just that part A needs to be attached to part B. The guy with the headaches is the one who has to come up with the plans for the vessel, given the Chinese already have one that works it follows they have some plans for it so that guy has done his bit.
As I said, and as one who has worked in the design and manufacture of naval is much more complicated than that.

Clearly, to build something, you have to design it. I have no problem with that. But you also have to be able to fabricate, manufacture, and build what you have designed and make it work as designed. The manufacturing process has to be very honed to do that, and once again, you reference to simply "attach part A to part B" reflects a rather simplistic understanding of that process.

hkbc said:
Perhaps you'd care to read what is written instead of telling me I know jack and regurgitating your rhetoric that it's really hard to BUILD an aircraft carrier. 24 Essex class built at 5 different yards in less than a decade using 1940s engineering and production technology says otherwise!
Well, hkbc, it is certainly not my intent to belittle you in any way. It is my intent, given my own experience, to say that you are oversimplifying the build portion of this.

Your mentioning of the Essex class build is a reference to something that happened 70 years ago during all out war...and by the way the 24 Essex class that were completed were built from 1941 to 1946, in five years. That said, it was not an "easy" process, and was a hugely significant accomplishment by a particular nation that had about 30 years expertise at the time in designing and building aircraft carriers, and has now proven it all the more over a 100 year history.

IMHO, bringing the Essex class of 70 years ago into a discussion of building an indigenous carrier by a nation that has never designed and built even one, is comparing apples to oranges.

Anyhow, it is clear we will not agree on this, and that is fine.

It is also clear that the Chinese planners, designers, and builders are taking very measured and considered approach towards the difficult task of building their first carrier. Again, if it was so simplistic and straight forward as you describe, they would have had no need to start with the Varyag that had already been built by someone else. The point in that part is that in fact "that guy,": who you reference as having "done his bit," was not the PLAN, it was the Soviets years earlier. The PAN did not design or build the Liaoning...they retrofit it, which is an entirely different matter. And it was also a major accomplishment for the PLAN at their stage of carrier development that has moved them along to this stage.

That took them the better part of 8 years in the actual retrofitting.

Now, here we are three years later after launching her, and they have not started major construction (at least to our knowledge) of their first indigenous carrier. I am sure they will start very soon...and perhaps they already have. We shall see, and it will be exciting when they do.

I believe the PLAN will master this capability. But clearly, as their own history has already amply demonstrated, it is not something that comes easy, either in the design or build of it.
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Jeff Head

Registered Member
a bat and a shield? i would guess fine choices for an aew system, since shield symbolizes protection and bat can see in the dark with its sonar, just like aew sees with its radar in the metaphorical dark/fog of war.
I think it is a pretty cool insignia for there carrier AEW squadron.


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  • Z-8YJ Black Bat - blurred.jpg
    Z-8YJ Black Bat - blurred.jpg
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  • Z-8YJ Black Bat.jpg
    Z-8YJ Black Bat.jpg
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Jeff Head

Registered Member
I like the one on the pre-serial better. The bat has this ferocious looking, like a vampire, that I like very much, .
The earlier one is a little more detailed and definitely has more "texture" to the drawing...but there is more contrast in the new one, and it is easier to make out IMHO.

If you mirror the logo/insignia on the earlier aircraft, it is almost exaclty the same image as the new one...the new one is just not as textured or detailed as the old.

So, here's the current one:


Here's the older one, which I have mirrored so it is oriented the same way as the new one:


And here is the older "bat" dropped onto the new aircraft's tail:


Again, the older one is more detailed and has more texture, but the new one has more contrast...but overall not a very big difference least not to my eye.
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VIP Professional
i like the new one much more. it looks like a proper logo, instead of a drawing. simpler is better for logos. and addition of the shield is a very nice touch, expanding on the whole theme of aew platform's mission. but in the end, we're talking just about aesthetics.


Got this from xinhui at CDF.

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2014年02月25日 上午10:26
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Summary is that they're building two carriers at Dalian and Shanghai. The first one will be 5% larger than the Liaoning, and the second one will be 5% larger than the first one. Both will be steam powered in preparation for the next two carriers which will be larger and nuclear powered. The first one will use a ski ramp but may be installed with a steam catapult. The second one will have four steam catapults.

SCMP is usually reliable when they're the primary source, but they're getting the story from another publication. If anyone can get a copy of the magazine and/or find the primary source, we can probably get a better assessment of the article's accuracy.


Got this from xinhui at CDF.

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Summary is that they're building two carriers at Dalian and Shanghai. The first one will be 5% larger than the Liaoning, and the second one will be 5% larger than the first one. Both will be steam powered in preparation for the next two carriers which will be larger and nuclear powered. The first one will use a ski ramp but may be installed with a steam catapult. The second one will have four steam catapults.

SCMP is usually reliable when they're the primary source, but they're getting the story from another publication. If anyone can get a copy of the magazine and/or find the primary source, we can probably get a better assessment of the article's accuracy.

Hmmmm... Steam cats, they say? I haven't heard anything new about them for over eight years. I am skeptical, but I'd love to be proven wrong.
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