PLAN Aircraft Carrier programme...(Closed)

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bd popeye

The Last Jedi
VIP Professional
How would they check for objects on the flightdeck at night?

You mean FOD or any other objects I assume.

The USN uses simple flashlights with a red lens. I've mentioned this previously. The USN has a condition aboard ship at night called darken ship.

Darken Ship = To turn off all external lights and close all opening through which lights could be seen from the outside of the ship. At this time only lights with red lenses are permitted on weather decks and any area exposed to the sea.

Air Force Brat

Super Moderator
I posted this info on the J-15 thread too, but thought, since it speaks to the real power and capabilities of the Liaoning itself, that the info should also be on this thread.

Since the Liaoning has been qualifying weapons loadout on the J-15, we no longer have to speculate about certain weapon fits that the J-15 can or cannot carry. We now have pictures of the Chinese doing it.

Now, we do not know what fuel load they had when they did this, so it is difficult to talk about maxuimum take-off weights and the like. But, we should presume that the "weapons," though probably inert, were actual training rounds and therefore accurate portrayals of the real thing in order to satisfy the weight, aerodynamic, and weight distribution calculations necessary to truly simulate the real thing.

So, let's look at a few of these pictures and loadouts:

Here's a couple of J-15s carrying two, wing-tip short range air to air missiles (Note: The second one is a special for Air Froce Brat 'cause I kow he would like that "top gun" look...hehehe! Notice the Liaoning off of his left shoulder, below.)



(Later) Oops! On closer examination, I see a longer range air to air missile poking out of the first picture on the centerline below the fueselage, so I have to presume there are two that first pic really belongs in this next section.

Now let's look at a couple of pics with the J-15 carrying four air to air missiles. Both of these are two wing-tip short range air to air missiles and two, centerline mounted, longer range air to air missiles. Mounted below the fuselage.



Finally, the largest loadout I have seen to date (if anyone has pics of larger loadouts taking off from, and landing on the Liaoning for J-15s, please let us know). These are J-15s with two wing-tip air to air missiles, and two wing pylon mounted air to surface missiles, which took off and landed on the Liaoning during some of the qualification testing we have seen.



There's probably been a lot more we have not seen...but we are getting a feel for the types of loadouts they are testing.

Believe me, when it comes to basic capability of the carrier group, any other carrier group, or any naval task force, would have to have great respect for the potential of a group of say, sixteen J-15s aircraft approaching with twelve of them carrying two LR ASMs each, and four of them fitted for air defense carrying four to six AAMs of various types. Such a group of aircraft could cause very serious harm to any task force if it were able to get through.

Thanks Jeff, the brat does approve!


You mean FOD or any other objects I assume.

The USN uses simple flashlights with a red lens. I've mentioned this previously. The USN has a condition aboard ship at night called darken ship.

Darken Ship = To turn off all external lights and close all opening through which lights could be seen from the outside of the ship. At this time only lights with red lenses are permitted on weather decks and any area exposed to the sea.

Also when you hear Set condition zebra over the 1MC all external lights are darkened, hatches closed and maximum watertight integrity is achieved. Ships go into this during wartime or high threat levels.

bd popeye

The Last Jedi
VIP Professional
Also when you hear Set condition zebra over the 1MC all external lights are darkened, hatches closed and maximum watertight integrity is achieved. Ships go into this during wartime or high threat levels.

..AND the USN can operate it's carriers in this condition.


VIP Professional
I see quite a lot of reports floating on the net that China has started building the second carrier and has plan to build up to four. Furthermore, they want all four carriers to be operational by 2020. That's just 6 years away. Any expert to confirm this?

I think it's extremely unlikely that the Chinese Navy would build 4 new carriers and have them all operational in 6 years.

But, I do think that we'd see a 2nd carrier at sea within 6 years.


I see quite a lot of reports floating on the net that China has started building the second carrier and has plan to build up to four. Furthermore, they want all four carriers to be operational by 2020. That's just 6 years away. Any expert to confirm this?

The original reporting got skewed in a game of journalistic telephone. The 2020 date was only supposed to refer to the carrier being built at Dalian. The goal for 4 carriers had no date in the original source of the reporting.


Senior Member

anyone know the context of this photo? posted by Jeff in the J-15 thread.
It seems to be some kind of defense logistics equipment exhibit.
the two red signs emphasis at sea replenishment and casualty transfer equipments.

the green trucks depicted as models also in the poster seem to be specialized logistic equipment for Liaoning.
I think we've seen these trucks before in a video about logistics support for Liaoning. PLAN seems to have containerized and motorized all the special equipments necessary to support Liaoning operation. perhaps because Liaoning doesn't belong to any of the three fleets and as we've seen in the recent SCS deployment is expected to operate from different home ports. the mobile logistic vehicles can quickly deploy to any port Liaoning is going to operate from.


Banned Idiot
If that model is to scale, those would be by far the biggest trucks in the world, and Liaoning would be the smallest angle deck carrier in the world.

Jeff Head

Registered Member
shen said:
anyone know the context of this photo? posted by Jeff in the J-15 thread. It seems to be some kind of defense logistics equipment exhibit.

I am not sure what the context is, but the orginal caption came with the photo on MILITARYPHOTO.NET was this (
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BEIJING, CHINA - OCTOBER 31: Female soldiers look at China's warship models as visiting an exhibition entitled 'Scientific Development and Splendid Achievements' before the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China (CPC) on October 31, 2012 in Beijing, China.

You can also read about the picture on "Chinese Military Review," from Novemebr 2012:

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Same story/article reported on
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Perhaps someone can translate those signs.

If that model is to scale, those would be by far the biggest trucks in the world, and Liaoning would be the smallest angle deck carrier in the world.
Clearly, the various models (trucks, ships, etc.) are not at all to the same scale.
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