PLAN Aircraft Carrier programme...(Closed)

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Lieutenant General
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Well this is troubling. I'm skimming through that link and it seems that the first link you posted might be* a rehash of this one. That would make the claims about IEPS and EMALS in the first article you posted 3 years old.

Is there a part about 2008 and 2010 EMALS?

And is there a speech he makes at the end? Because it may be a re hash but some facts may simply be repeated, it depends whether the important ones are.


Junior Member
Found these on Weibo, posted and "retweeted" by several large military forums. Claimed to be some screenshots of an official video that's yet but soon to be released, about the Liaoning.







Lieutenant General
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Not troubling per se, but why all of sudden is this making the arounds again? One possibility is that they are now confident enough to imply that they have something that works.

But what works? Is it the electric propulsion for large surface combatants or EMALS? Or both?


But seriously, we've known for a few months now that IEPS has experienced some kind of major breakthrough. That's old news.


Lieutenant General
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Alrighty, so I have a theory.

Taking the google earth photos in chronological order...

Mid 2008: Site begins meaningful construction. Note the more "deeply" or "reinforced" section which is dug up in the ground, circled red.

Early 2009: site begins to come together, the "deeper" section is still visible, possibly reflecting more extensive work, while the rest of the long line is already covered.

Late 2009: "section" is covered, by roofing separate from the right.

2010: A part on the diamond shaped head seems to be under work, also circled red. Little change on the rest of the facility.

Late 2011: Original "section" (circled 1) remains, the left "head" section (circled 2) has seemingly stopped whatever they were doing, while on the south eastern side, a new, exposed dig out seems to take shape (circled 3), suspiciously similar to the original construction work of 1.
Note: the buildings, which were previously on "top" of the long blue building seems to have moved to the "bottom" -- as if to be closer to section 3?

Early 2012: Construction work on 3 seems to have finished. Large, wide roof now covers it, with an extended concrete walkway or something of that sort.

So I wonder if we can take Mr Ma's revelation about the 2008 and 2010 prototypes... and link them to circled sections 1 and 3 respectively?
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Alrighty, so I have a theory.

Taking the google earth photos in chronological order...

Mid 2008: Site begins meaningful construction. Note the more "deeply" or "reinforced" section which is dug up in the ground, circled red.

Early 2009: site begins to come together, the "deeper" section is still visible, possibly reflecting more extensive work, while the rest of the long line is already covered.

Late 2009: "section" is covered, by roofing separate from the right.

2010: A part on the diamond shaped head seems to be under work, also circled red. Little change on the rest of the facility.

Late 2011: Original "section" (circled 1) remains, the left "head" section (circled 2) has seemingly stopped whatever they were doing, while on the south eastern side, a new, exposed dig out seems to take shape (circled 3), suspiciously similar to the original construction work of 1.
Note: the buildings, which were previously on "top" of the long blue building seems to have moved to the "bottom" -- as if to be closer to section 3?

Early 2012: Construction work on 3 seems to have finished. Large, wide roof now covers it, with an extended concrete walkway or something of that sort.

So I wonder if we can take Mr Ma's revelation about the 2008 and 2010 prototypes... and link them to circled sections 1 and 3 respectively?

Entirely possible... entirely possible.

Edit Note: removed quoted images, per Bltizo.
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Lieutenant General
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Entirely possible... entirely possible.

Rofl maybe edit the quoted post I make and delete out the photo URLs? Scrolling down massive quoted posts with full size photos taking up space is difficult -- one of those little things picked up after years of forum browsing :)


Not troubling per se, but why all of sudden is this making the rounds again? Ostensibly it's because the Chinese EMALS breakthrough has made it into Western news in the past week; but this likely baloney, since I've yet to see any recent Western coverage of China's EMALS program.

Then why have the Chinese rehashed this old article now? Are they perhaps implying that their electromagnetic catapult is finally mature?

But remember that Mr. Ma Weiming was also responsible for breakthroughs in naval electric propulsion. It's possible the Chinese may in fact be suggesting that they've finally nailed electric propulsion for large surface combatants.

What I know for sure is that the Chinese have voluntarily rehashed an old article from three years ago, ostensibly due to recent Western coverage, which I know to be non-existent.

Is there a part about 2008 and 2010 EMALS?

And is there a speech he makes at the end? Because it may be a re hash but some facts may simply be repeated, it depends whether the important ones are.

So I reread the Guancha article, the letter, and the Phoenix News article carefully to see if I missed anything, and have a much better idea of what's going on now. The Phoenix News article was a rehash of the content within the letter, mostly word for word, but organized differently. The person writing the Guancha article dug up the three year old letter because in the letter Mr. Ma mentions a specific project which was high risk and which other countries had spent years on without some breakthrough.

Whatever that project was the small scale and full scale prototypes were completed around 2008. The guy who wrote the Guancha article thinks this specific project is an electromagnetic catapult, but given that the Phoenix News article indicates Mr. Ma's other field of work is 电磁发射 (electromagnetic launch) and not 电磁弹射 (electromagnetic catapult), and the patent mentioned in the Phoenix News article was for the former, it's also possible that Mr. Ma was working on some other technology that uses electromagnetic induction, for example a rail gun.

There's no mention of a 2010 date in the letter, so I presume the Guancha article either simply assumed that Mr. Ma getting an award was a sign that they had finalized a design or pulled that information from somewhere else. This doesn't seem unlikely, since the Guancha article definitely pulls content from other places, including the stuff about China's foray into steam catapults, China's AIP technology along with its supposed work on the Amur Class with Russia, and the notion that the Type 054B will be equipped with an IEPS, none of which is mentioned in Mr. Ma's letter, but all of which are bits of information we've heard before.

My final assessment is that the information regarding Mr. Ma's work with IEPS is a lot more reliable than the assertions about the EMALS. That's not to say the Guancha article is wrong about the progress of China's EMALS, but because the author of the piece makes an assumption about what the specific project Mr. Ma was referring to was, there's no way of confirming whether he's right.
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