PLAN Aircraft Carrier programme...(Closed)

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Lieutenant General
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Due to this, I'd say that the PLAN is not using an euphemism when they say the Liaoning is a "training and scientific research vessel". In other PLAN vessels, there is much less emphasis on crew luxury and are instead optimised for combat efficiency. Such luxuries are only justifiable if the vessel is intended primarily for a role other than combat.

It seems to me that the PLAN does not intend to put Liaoning in combat and their primary focus is creating a welcoming and comfortable environment for PLAN sailors to learn how to operate a carrier; combat efficiency is a secondary concern. I seriously doubt that the next PLAN carrier would be nearly as well-endowed in crew luxuries as the Liaoning; the next carrier would be a true combat vessel optimised only for combat.

The liaoning's interior doesn't look that much more luxurious than any other newly built PLAN ship. Sure there are greater amenities due to greater space than in a destroyer or whatever, but that is to be expected.
The ship is not a training and research ship, and I'd expect all future carriers to have similar or greater levels of "luxury".

Nor is there anything in the pictures to suggest that the ship's "luxury" would impact on combat efficiency.


Banned Idiot
Due to this, I'd say that the PLAN is not using an euphemism when they say the Liaoning is a "training and scientific research vessel". In other PLAN vessels, there is much less emphasis on crew luxury and are instead optimised for combat efficiency. Such luxuries are only justifiable if the vessel is intended primarily for a role other than combat.

It seems to me that the PLAN does not intend to put Liaoning in combat and their primary focus is creating a welcoming and comfortable environment for PLAN sailors to learn how to operate a carrier; combat efficiency is a secondary concern. I seriously doubt that the next PLAN carrier would be nearly as well-endowed in crew luxuries as the Liaoning; the next carrier would be a true combat vessel optimised only for combat.

Why not? Carriers are prestige ships in the navy, and living conditions aboard carriers will receive lions share of publicity. If China wants to professionalize her navy, recruit more from educated urban youths from well-off coastal urban area at a time of high economic growth and large amount of other economic opportunities, then the living quarters on the naval ships the public sees most often on evening TV had better not be dumps.

Also, having good living quarters for its sailors would also increase the relative prestige of the navy in relation to other services in a world where general standard of living is rapidly increasing. Now that all threats of land invasions against china have essentially evaporated, the navy probably wants to supersede the army as the new senior service amongst China's armed forces. So conveying the impression that the navy is a privileged service would help a lot to achieve that goal.
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Why not? Carriers are prestige ships in the navy, and living conditions aboard carriers will receive lions share of publicity. If China wants to professionalize her navy, recruit more from educated urban youths from well-off coastal urban area at a time of high economic growth and large amount of other economic opportunities, then the living quarters on the naval ships the public sees most often on evening TV had better not be dumps.

Also, having good living quarters for its sailors would also increase the relative prestige of the navy in relation to other services in a world where general standard of living is rapidly increasing. Now that all threats of land invasions against china have essentially evaporated, the navy probably wants to supersede the army as the new senior service amongst China's armed forces. So conveying the impression that the navy is a privileged service would help a lot to achieve that goal.

Don't know about other countries but from my own experience a large majority of folks who joined the Navy have never ever set foot inside a an actual ship nevermind a naval vessel let alone seeing the living quarters etc... and this is from a country with two large oceans on either side LOL....Of course this was before the proliferation of the internet with a billion pictures of any specific subject. Heck many of the folks I know came from the cornfields of the midwest or inner cities of America.. Never even seen an actual ocean before!!

Air Force Brat

Super Moderator
Why not? Carriers are prestige ships in the navy, and living conditions aboard carriers will receive lions share of publicity. If China wants to professionalize her navy, recruit more from educated urban youths from well-off coastal urban area at a time of high economic growth and large amount of other economic opportunities, then the living quarters on the naval ships the public sees most often on evening TV had better not be dumps.

Also, having good living quarters for its sailors would also increase the relative prestige of the navy in relation to other services in a world where general standard of living is rapidly increasing. Now that all threats of land invasions against china have essentially evaporated, the navy probably wants to supersede the army as the new senior service amongst China's armed forces. So conveying the impression that the navy is a privileged service would help a lot to achieve that goal.

Excellent post chuck, well thought out and accurate, the living accomodations aboard the Liaoning are prestigious, and well thought out, and I have no doubt the Liaoning is a combat coded vessel in the process of becoming the Flag of the PLAN, as I have noted before, with-out her air-wing she is the love boat, (tongue in cheek), so at ease gentlemen! Once she receives six to twelve J-15s and associated helo's she will be combat coded, by then the indigenous carriers will likely on the water for outfitting. Make no mistake about it gentlemen, the Liaoning is already projecting Sino power, the neighbors are taking notice, (which is really what power projection is all about anyway!)

So before all the whooping and hollering starts, the neighbors will of necessity up armor, and the USN will continue its "swing to the Pacific", let the bumpin and rubbin begin, this will be interesting, and those of you, who are students of history, and the Air Force Brat, who was as a Yute, hauled here and there, during the cold war, will be watching developments very closely. Good job chuck!


Could someone do a rough translation and summary of this? It seems having to do with Chinese EMALS, judging from the accompanying photos. Automated translation software goes tits up involving technical jargons, so a pair of human eyes are best.

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bd popeye

The Last Jedi
VIP Professional
Could someone do a rough translation and summary of this? It seems having to do with Chinese EMALS, judging from the accompanying photos. Automated translation software goes tits up involving technical jargons, so a pair of human eyes are best.

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that link you posted is not any good good. Could you post a different link? I just wanted to see the pictures.


that link you posted is not any good good. Could you post a different link? I just wanted to see the pictures.

Hers's a different link from F Y J S:
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There has been several other related entries on F Y J S in the past few days:

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Note: Replace '****' with 'f y j s', minus the spaces.
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Jeff Head

Registered Member
that link you posted is not any good good. Could you post a different link? I just wanted to see the pictures.
Working for me. Here ya go:




Among others of individuals.

My translation produced this:

tranlastion said:
Last week, the foreign media said China's ongoing discovery of electromagnetic catapult experimental satellite photos, similar technology is one of America's newest aircraft carrier "Ford" class core technology. Recently, the Chinese Academy of Engineering, Naval University of Engineering, Professor Ma Weiming during National Science and Technology Progress Award acceptance speech was forwarded many netizens. During this speech, Mayuan Shi said China electromagnetic catapult technology research has been successful. The speech also revealed about our all-electric ship propulsion systems, etc. The same study chaired by 马院士 major military technology research projects progress.

a Weiming Chinese Academy of Engineering academician who is the youngest academician, he was born in 1960, is committed to an independent power generation and supply systems research. Create and develop the basic theory of second-phase generator system power supply system, capturing system stability prediction, natural oscillation suppression, complex fault diagnosis, domestic and international long-term and short circuit protection key unresolved technical problems (in Germany the company to purchase its stable device patent), developed a twelve-phase rectifier power generator system with the international advanced level, has been equipped with applications for the 2000 National Science and Technology Progress Award (first place). Proposed a three-phase / phase double-winding power integrated twelve new principle, under which developed the boat with AC and DC power generation and supply systems. Conducted an independent power system electromagnetic interference suppression technology forecasting theory and breakthrough completed vehicles of different power system electromagnetic compatibility research. The above results of both theoretical innovation and development, and the key technology to solve engineering problems, and has been applied, has made significant achievements. Also won the national invention prize two, three military and technological progress award, second prize four national patents 4. Published two monographs, professional level international journals published 61 papers, wrote 36 research reports. Presided over the completion of doctoral and post-doctoral programs, the research group led by the National Natural Science Foundation of "innovative research groups" funding. PhD, MA 50. Abandon the appointment of foreign-paid, third-degree executive positions declined to devote himself to research and teaching first line of defense and make an important contribution to the academic development.

n this published in 2011 acceptance speech, there is a text referred to "a cutting-edge technology", calling it "represents the future new main battle ship iconic core technology", published in this article is not as fashionable Reading this text is mentioned exactly what. Now combined with many other information can be found PROCEEDINGS academicians saying this is China's aircraft carrier electromagnetic catapult technology. The paper said the device's first prototype was made in 2008, followed by a full-size prototype made 1:1, "breaking all the key technologies to achieve the world's most advanced technology with the simultaneous development." U.S. aircraft carrier electromagnetic catapults ground experimental facilities in 2010 successfully stereotypes. This means that the Chinese aircraft carrier catapult electromagnetic type testing was completed at the same time, and may have been successful catapult testing.

This information can be had published in the "Liberation Army Daily" in an article in the Academy of Sciences in recognition of Walter Ma part to get cross-validation, the article said: "In the forefront of research on high ground, as long as Ma Weiming spotted subject, even though no one throw a penny, he will bite the bullet and forge ahead their own money. 5 years ago, he aimed at an international science and technology in the field of cutting-edge technology, apply to one million yuan demonstration funds, but after the completion of feasibility reports, no one was Give him the money voted reason is simple: the country hundreds of millions of special research funding has been allocated to the counterpart research institutions PROCEEDINGS stubborn fresh full: '! Zaguomaitie too dry' He took 20 million from their accumulated scientific research million, led by a gang of young experts laboratory work hard for two years, successfully developed a small prototype. "

Foreign media had previously reported that among Chinese Navy aircraft carrier catapult his early years to carry out research, was based on the old aircraft carrier catapult Old 80s purchased from Australia on the basic principles to find out the structure of the steam catapult, and conduct further research, developed with the hope that the U.S. Navy C-13 steam catapult similar large-scale steam catapults for our carriers. After the test found that there are some problems on the structure of China's self-developed steam catapult, it is difficult to meet the requirements of carrier-based aircraft catapult a variety of models. Steam catapult technology is extremely complex, rely on the Navy itself is difficult to complete an independent research institutes for further improvements.

In addition, Ma Weiming Academy acceptance speech also mentioned the development situation of China's AIP submarine power systems, the equipment in the world is originality technology. Before this technology appears, because the system does not rely on a small aerodynamic total power, it is difficult to satisfy simultaneously driven submarine navigation, electronic systems and charging needs, and therefore the world, including Germany, Sweden (Japan's "black dragon" class submarines Sweden technology) AIP submarines developed countries are only 1-2 knots underwater slowly "crawl", compared with the traditional conventional submarines is only increased the latency time underwater. And Ma Weiming Academy presided over the development of new power generation, substation system in one fell swoop to change this situation, our 039B type (Western called "meta" level) AIP submarine after using this technology can meet the underwater navigation and low battery charge and is based powered submarine electronic systems need thus truly need conventional submarines underwater combat long voyage, like a ship "small submarine." Russia and China last year reached an agreement with China to jointly develop "Amur" class submarines AIP model.

Ma Weiming ship Academician acceptance speech mentioned integrated electric propulsion system is also one of China's recent naval field to catch the world's highest levels of research. Walter Ma said in his speech: "ship integrated power system is the third revolution will ship power platforms daily supply, electric propulsion and power supply of the three weapons of modern high-energy one, due to the cancellation of the traditional mechanical propulsion. device, from the source to reduce the difficulty of solving the problem of acoustic stealth, while creating the conditions for a new concept of electromagnetic rail guns, laser guns and other weapons on the ship. "According to foreign media reports, the new generation of multipurpose frigates will be China's first use of type 054B This advanced technology, which will be a major task of anti-submarine warfare ships bear.

Lots of good stuff in there.


Could someone please translate these from an academic paper? They have to do with Chinese EMALS.






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