PLAN Aircraft Carrier programme...(Closed)

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I know that aircraft carriers turn according to the wind direction. Its just that i got my direction wrong.:eek:

it's ok.. a lot of people think like that because it's counterintuitive. They think sails or even when carrying an umbrella where a strong wind would 'push' you forward. Planes need headwind because you need to generate lift, the more the better... bernoulli principle and all.
Landing would also be the same because landing is actually a control crash. You go full full power which to most folks is again counterintuitive! You do that because in case you miss the wires you won't be going in to the drink since you have enough power and lift to go around. Carrier pilots practice touch and go for the very reason. It's even more critical than land based birds.


Looking at that deck layout i would say that planes on the deck can only taxi to the launch position while aircrafts are landing only if:

1. They go for the launch position on the side of the island.
2. They are spotted no further then the island structure. I think anything further behind would be challenging if not impossible.
3. They have to make very tight turns.
4. There are no obstacle's in front.


They will have to try to create conditions on the deck for maximum efficiency. The problem is that the island structure is too big and is eating up too much space on the deck. And combine that with the fact the J-15 is a very big plane.
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Jeff Head

Registered Member
Okay, here's some nice eye candy for everyone.

I just updated my
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, and thought everyone here would like to see the pics.

You may have seen some before, others will be new, but they are representative of where the Liaoning is right now. (Note: If you reply to this message, please do not include all of the images in the reply...pick the specific one you are talking about, but not all of them please):
















The fourth one of the J-15 catching the trap wire is a really nice shot.

Merry Christmas all! More pics at the site linked above.
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asif iqbal

Lieutenant General
Okay, here's some nice eye candy for everyone.

I just updated my
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, and thought everyone here would like to see the pics.

You may have seen some before, others will be new, but they are representative of where the Liaoning is right now. (Note: If you reply to this message, please do not include all of the images in the reply...pick the specific one you are talking about, but not all of them please):


The fourth one of the J-15 catching the trap wire is a really nice shot.

Merry Christmas all! More pics at the site linked above.​

I didn't know they had a flying shark insignia on the tail? Is it photoshop?​

asif iqbal

Lieutenant General
Okay, here's some nice eye candy for everyone.

I just updated my
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Please, Log in or Register to view URLs content!
, and thought everyone here would like to see the pics.

You may have seen some before, others will be new, but they are representative of where the Liaoning is right now. (Note: If you reply to this message, please do not include all of the images in the reply...pick the specific one you are talking about, but not all of them please):



That looks a modernised Z8 at aft position not the usual Z8 with the comic nose cone

Looks more like this one, I sure hope they do use a modern version of the Z8 on the Liaoning


Jeff Head

Registered Member
asif iqbal said:
I didn't know they had a flying shark insignia on the tail? Is it photoshop?
They have been using the one aircraft, painted in PLAN colors (it was the third one we saw with the 554 aircraft number) that does have the flying shark insignia on it.

Here's another picture of the same aircraft being lowered on the elevator:


In the 4th photo of my post, you can see the Flying Shark on the tail as it catches the wire too.

This j-15 cockpit and canopy looks significantly different from normal j-15. Is this a mockup or a new variant?
I'm pretty sure that's a mockup J-15.

asif iqbal

Lieutenant General
We might be going over old ground but sometimes I can't get enough of the Liaoning lol

By these pictures it seems like there is 14 parking spots for J15

4 aft, 7 infront of the island, 2 opposite the island and 1 between the two primary launch points

Also they could have additional 3, thats one at each jet blast deflector so that's 17 x J-15 on the deck

Or 16 and still have the landing strip free for landing and touch and go's

However I have one question if the primary jet blast deflector is up (the one which is next to the landing strip) can they still do a touch and go on the landing strip, if that blast deflector is up it looks like it will be a tight squeeze past for a touch and go aircraft it could clip the wing of a passing aircraft


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