PLA Strategy in a Taiwan Contingency


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What would be some signs that Taiwan is secretly trying to build a nuke?

They don't have nuclear power plants so they would have to ship most of the materials.

Asking this because a cornered animal is very dangerous. With US seen as retreating by her allies and China getting stronger, I think many in Taiwan will consider this.

I have my own opinion as to why even if Taiwan builds a nuke, it won't save them because of:
  • not enough quantities to threatened China
  • declaring them will start a war so they won't even function as a deterrent
  • losing support international
Eager to read the discussions that result from my question.

It has been discussed to death many times, like
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. Conclusion is always the same: technical and political obstacles make it near-impossible to pull off in practice.


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I always admired Lee Kuan Yew, but reading his words 25 years ago is crazy to see how right he is today. Truly a visionary leader.

The last thing any Taiwanese, even of mainlander descent, desires is to be ruled by China. What for? I was in Hong Kong recently, two and half years after the handover. They don't like to be China Chinese. Many call themselves Hong Kong people. But Taiwan's international fate was forged at the Cairo conference in 1943 when Churchill and Roosevelt agreed with Chiang Kai Shek the return of Taiwan to China. If the U.S. can keep Taiwan separate from China indefinitely, the Taiwanese would be eternally grateful. But if Americans cannot, it's cruel to let them believe that they can.

Because as a result Taiwanese nationalists are set on the creation of a different national identity. This will make the eventual adjustment, whether in twenty or fifty years, that much more painful. They are indigenizing themselves, emphasising a separate and different identity, re-writing school textbooks to reverse 50 years of the Republic of China's Nationalist government's sinicizing of Taiwan. That change was intended to over-write the preceding 50 years of Nipponization. I've been through the same process. I've sung the British national anthem, God Save the Queen; I've sung the "Kimigayo", the Japanese anthem; I sang the Malayan anthem; and I now sing my own anthem. It's a wrenching experience each time - your sense of self suffers. After he's grappled with this problem for some time, President Chen Shui Bian may come to a different conclusion from Lee Teng Hui. My "feel" of Chen is that he is more pragmatic.

Clearly, the US can choose to fight and probably can defend Taiwan for another ten to twenty years. But for how much longer? Are Americans prepared to pay the price that the mainland is ready to pay? So, all this will end up in tears. It's a cruel game to play with the Taiwanese. Their spirits will be crushed.​

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This is an old article but I never got a closer look at it. Apparently the secret to US forces defeating China is the JASSM. The US launched thousands of these missiles to destroy Chinese ships and land based assets. The LRASM is the anti ship version of it. Is it really that simple? Is China's land and sea based air defenses capable of handling this missile? Also, it's not like China cannot hit back. Although with the Extended Range version of this missile, the planes launching them would likely be outside of the range of Chinese air defenses.


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This is an old article but I never got a closer look at it. Apparently the secret to US forces defeating China is the JASSM. The US launched thousands of these missiles to destroy Chinese ships and land based assets. The LRASM is the anti ship version of it. Is it really that simple? Is China's land and sea based air defenses capable of handling this missile? Also, it's not like China cannot hit back. Although with the Extended Range version of this missile, the planes launching them would likely be outside of the range of Chinese air defenses.
that's just another wunder weapon. China can hit back much harder.
-H-6 with CJ-10 and YJ-12
-UAV with cruise missiles

US gonna destroy China costal airbases, so what? every US assets in the 1st and 3nd Island Chain will be wiped out as well.
Chese airforce can still use the airbases inland while the costal bases are getting repaired but all US bases in asia is done done for.

Result, US getting pushed out of Asia.


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This is an old article but I never got a closer look at it. Apparently the secret to US forces defeating China is the JASSM. The US launched thousands of these missiles to destroy Chinese ships and land based assets. The LRASM is the anti ship version of it. Is it really that simple? Is China's land and sea based air defenses capable of handling this missile? Also, it's not like China cannot hit back. Although with the Extended Range version of this missile, the planes launching them would likely be outside of the range of Chinese air defenses.
for some years now Taiwan/US game plan has been to use AshM to take out landing crafts. doesnt matter what China can deliver in the air and on land, if they cannot ferry troops over the strait, it is all useless. so it's best to use missiles to take out landing crafts in transit. not saying that this is gonna work just saying that this is their plan.


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This is an old article but I never got a closer look at it. Apparently the secret to US forces defeating China is the JASSM. The US launched thousands of these missiles to destroy Chinese ships and land based assets. The LRASM is the anti ship version of it. Is it really that simple? Is China's land and sea based air defenses capable of handling this missile? Also, it's not like China cannot hit back. Although with the Extended Range version of this missile, the planes launching them would likely be outside of the range of Chinese air defenses.

David Axe is not a credible source for anything. Even the CSIS wargame he cites in the article is more credible, and it was notoriously awful.


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This is an old article but I never got a closer look at it. Apparently the secret to US forces defeating China is the JASSM. The US launched thousands of these missiles to destroy Chinese ships and land based assets. The LRASM is the anti ship version of it. Is it really that simple? Is China's land and sea based air defenses capable of handling this missile? Also, it's not like China cannot hit back. Although with the Extended Range version of this missile, the planes launching them would likely be outside of the range of Chinese air defenses.
This article is utter nonsense. It makes an absurd assumption that the B-1, B-2, and B-52 can fly to within 70–110 kilometers of Taiwan, release their JDAM-ERs, and then leave unscathed. Just take one look at Google Maps, and you’ll realize that this is already within the combat radius of J-10As taking off from Fujian, relying only on their internal fuel tanks.Moreover, there is an outer air defense perimeter formed by destroyers and frigates, as well as potential land-based air defense systems and close-in weapon systems deployed on Taiwan itself. More importantly, U.S. military bases in Japan have never operated such a massive bomber formation, and I have serious doubts about their actual sortie efficiency.


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This is an old article but I never got a closer look at it. Apparently the secret to US forces defeating China is the JASSM. The US launched thousands of these missiles to destroy Chinese ships and land based assets. The LRASM is the anti ship version of it. Is it really that simple? Is China's land and sea based air defenses capable of handling this missile? Also, it's not like China cannot hit back. Although with the Extended Range version of this missile, the planes launching them would likely be outside of the range of Chinese air defenses.

Do JASSM/LRASM missile swarms present major concerns and threats to the PLA's operational planning and execution for Operation AR? Yes.

But is the PLA without countermeasure capabilities of their own? COME ON, we're talking about the PLA of 2025, not 1995, 2005 or even 2015.

If LO cruise missile swarms are that easy against the PLA of 2025, then what are those AEW&C aircrafts and UAVs, manned fighter jets and HALE/MALE missile truck UCAVs, ELINT and EW platforms, counter-LO radar, sensor systems and SAMs + CIWS based on land (both fixed sites and mobile trucks) and surface ships for?

Also, there's this golden rule - There is NO wunderwaffe, ever - No matter how military/defense pundits/journalists/bros wantonly attempt to protray any weapon systems or platforms as such.
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This is an old article but I never got a closer look at it. Apparently the secret to US forces defeating China is the JASSM. The US launched thousands of these missiles to destroy Chinese ships and land based assets. The LRASM is the anti ship version of it. Is it really that simple? Is China's land and sea based air defenses capable of handling this missile? Also, it's not like China cannot hit back. Although with the Extended Range version of this missile, the planes launching them would likely be outside of the range of Chinese air defenses.

J-ASS propaganda typically comes out when there's a B21 delay. J-ASS now cost 1.5 mil per and the delivery system is delayed. Lockheed wants to keep the program going, even by entertaining stupid ideas like dropping them out of C-17s. Keeps it going so the navy doesn't steal their budget.