The last thing any Taiwanese, even of mainlander descent, desires is to be ruled by China. What for? I was in Hong Kong recently, two and half years after the handover. They don't like to be China Chinese. Many call themselves Hong Kong people. But Taiwan's international fate was forged at the Cairo conference in 1943 when Churchill and Roosevelt agreed with Chiang Kai Shek the return of Taiwan to China. If the U.S. can keep Taiwan separate from China indefinitely, the Taiwanese would be eternally grateful. But if Americans cannot, it's cruel to let them believe that they can.
Because as a result Taiwanese nationalists are set on the creation of a different national identity. This will make the eventual adjustment, whether in twenty or fifty years, that much more painful. They are indigenizing themselves, emphasising a separate and different identity, re-writing school textbooks to reverse 50 years of the Republic of China's Nationalist government's sinicizing of Taiwan. That change was intended to over-write the preceding 50 years of Nipponization. I've been through the same process. I've sung the British national anthem, God Save the Queen; I've sung the "Kimigayo", the Japanese anthem; I sang the Malayan anthem; and I now sing my own anthem. It's a wrenching experience each time - your sense of self suffers. After he's grappled with this problem for some time, President Chen Shui Bian may come to a different conclusion from Lee Teng Hui. My "feel" of Chen is that he is more pragmatic.
Clearly, the US can choose to fight and probably can defend Taiwan for another ten to twenty years. But for how much longer? Are Americans prepared to pay the price that the mainland is ready to pay? So, all this will end up in tears. It's a cruel game to play with the Taiwanese. Their spirits will be crushed.