PLA Strategy in a Taiwan Contingency


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My final response is that ordinary people like me give their lives. I really care about this, because once I encounter something similar, the government and people like you don't care about me.
You will only shrug and say that this is a negligible sacrifice.
Soldiers who sacrifice themselves in war will be remembered as heroes, but in peacetime, the sacrifices of these civilians are only a part of ugly politics and are ignored.
last i checked this is a forum where people discussing things based on logic, if you want to appeal to emotions and give a motivational speech perhaps you can go to TED talks.


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last i checked this is a forum where people discussing things based on logic, if you want to appeal to emotions and give a motivational speech perhaps you can go to TED talks.
Good thing this guy is living in China and not the US
Imagine living in a country where ordinary people like him are killed by police everyday
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Unfortunately, the things you mentioned happen to be what our dear government has done. They have used administrative orders and technical means to prevent the civilian use of drones to harass Kinmen Island.
They showed extraordinary imagination in blocking people's expression of dissatisfaction, and my account has been banned several times due to "illegal information".

The price of good public security is that it is almost impossible for you to obtain weapons and bring them over. I may need a few years to plan an impossible action, and there is a high probability that the government will treat everything as non-existent after an incident occurs. You need to understand that the young man in Japan spent several years planning his assassination plan, and this was based on the extreme incompetence of the Japanese police.

But your words are just sophistry. Citizens have supported a huge army and maritime police with taxes, but they have done nothing and want to make those ordinary people with limited abilities confront powerful opponents?

For governments that are arrogant and indifferent to the bottom, what they need is a new Cultural Revolution
I can feel and even sympathize for the sentiments you have expressed here and to a certain degree I feel a degree of frustration and sometimes creeping doubt on the governments desire and principles of protecting China's core redlines. But, what always gives me or snap me back to reality is the idiom that says: "NEVER TAKE HEED OR COUNSEL FROM YOUR EMOTIONS AS IT WILL ALMOST ALWAYS BRING FORTH SUFFERING AND DESTRUCTION".

I can also say that CHINA'S ENEMIES are LUCKY THAT CHINA IS NOT A WESTERN DEMOCRACY otherwise people like yourself and many others that hold the same opinion would have managed to garner vocal and influential political, economic, societal support and would effectively choose a leader like China's TRUMP. Call out and shame people that aren't as patriotic/nationalists as you are and essentially become the very country - AMERICA 2.0 BEHEMOTH - myself would probably eventually despise in the end.

I don't agree with many, if not most of your emotional points that you raise and rightfully so I might add, but what we assume to be the best course of action lacking the overall picture, foresight regarding the ramifications and consequences of war will lead to the ruin of us all. You know this better than anyone that China's history is replete with countless wars and bloodshed and you as a proud Chinese person should have learned a thing or two about the outcome of war/conflict: it's never glorious nor pretty. I love your passion and zeal for what you think and believe to be right so I won't hold your thoughts and opinions against you just because I don't hold them with equal weight to mine and many others here that don't share yours.


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My final response is that ordinary people like me give their lives. I really care about this, because once I encounter something similar, the government and people like you don't care about me.
You will only shrug and say that this is a negligible sacrifice.
Soldiers who sacrifice themselves in war will be remembered as heroes, but in peacetime, the sacrifices of these civilians are only a part of ugly politics and are ignored.
I can feel and even sympathize for the sentiments you have expressed here and to a certain degree I feel a degree of frustration and sometimes creeping doubt on the governments desire and principles of protecting China's core redlines. But, what always gives me or snap me back to reality is the idiom that says: "NEVER TAKE HEED OR COUNSEL FROM YOUR EMOTIONS AS IT WILL ALMOST ALWAYS BRING FORTH SUFFERING AND DESTRUCTION".

I can also say that CHINA'S ENEMIES are LUCKY THAT CHINA IS NOT A WESTERN DEMOCRACY otherwise people like yourself and many others that hold the same opinion would have managed to garner vocal and influential political, economic, societal support and would effectively choose a leader like China's TRUMP. Call out and shame people that aren't as patriotic/nationalists as you are and essentially become the very country - AMERICA 2.0 BEHEMOTH - myself would probably eventually despise in the end.

I don't agree with many, if not most of your emotional points that you raise and rightfully so I might add, but what we assume to be the best course of action lacking the overall picture, foresight regarding the ramifications and consequences of war will lead to the ruin of us all. You know this better than anyone that China's history is replete with countless wars and bloodshed and you as a proud Chinese person should have learned a thing or two about the outcome of war/conflict: it's never glorious nor pretty. I love your passion and zeal for what you think and believe to be right so I won't hold your thoughts and opinions against you just because I don't hold them with equal weight to mine and many others here that don't share yours.


@zhangjim don't flatter yourself; you are not a radical. You are a fool who cannot control his emotions at best but most likely an American web mole. Everything you said, that the CCP is cowardly, doesn't care about the people, are exactly the things that the US government would want a Chinese to say and spread. Regardless of how you explain yourself, actions and results tell the truth on who you are.

It is precisely because the CCP is brave, that China fights for its independent power rather than becoming a huge American bootlicker like Japan or Korea. It is precisely because the CCP cares about the Chinese people that they delay this conflict until it can be won with minimal or no force rather than going in guns blazing the instant that they can hope to win.

Once again, you are not a radical. If you were, you'd take a boat to meet the ROC coast guard and you will fight with them. Do you dare? Or are you gonna sit back down cus you're not that radical anymore? LOL Instead, you verbally attack your own country, the actions of a traitor, NOT of any radical patriot. You are a Chinese fool and an instrument of the CIA attempting to undermine the only goverment in the world that America fears losing its crown to.

You got one thing right, though, nobody cares about people like you. The US government doesn't care about what happens to its useful idiots or shills; China doesn't care about traitors, and nobody here cares about your little boy tantrums either.
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Duke Xiao of Qin

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Calling Taiwanese people Chinese is a mega-cope. I mean it's okay to mention that rhetorically, but if you actually think like that deep inside, you have some real bias.

That's how Russia miscalculated in Ukraine. Thinking "everything will be right", "they will realize over time", "we are the same people" and other irrational self-delusions and copes.

It's okay to acknowledge history, but it's really dumb to keep living in the past. Ethnicity itself is a social construct, so why it wouldn't be changed over time especially if deliberately targeted by a masterful psy-op?

There is very little chance they will ever return to China outside of real physical/tangible action and establishment of PRC control there first.

Exactly, taiwan has been brainwashed for decades, they are now a completely different people !


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Unlike keyboard warrior zhangjim, nationalist netizens actually doxed the people responsible for the deaths. Netizens already planned to retaliate with drones.

Chinese fisherman don't give a **** and just sailed right up to Kinmen.
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This is both a good and a bad thing. The negative aspect is that the government has not performed satisfactorily so far. They have control over all actions, but such emergencies require enthusiastic ordinary people to rush ahead.
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His viewpoint is very good, and policy adjustments are limited by too many interest groups and policy inertia, so the shift is unusually slow.
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But another answer, he subtly pointed out that the current way to weaken interest groups is to "wait for them to retire".


For the level-minded people, I am just understanding now that the Chinese small fishing vessel capsized from its own behaviors as it was being chased by the ROC coast guard. They weren't shot at, water-cannoned, ramed, or anything else, am I correct? And then the ROC coast guard immediately tried to save them but resuscitation efforts failed on the 2 deceased. If this is the case, I find it difficult to even criticize the ROC coast guard without digging real deep and basically telling them that they should all mutany for their Chinese bloodline. They should but... we're just kinda not there in the conversation yet, ya know?
This is both a good and a bad thing. The negative aspect is that the government has not performed satisfactorily so far.
No, it's more than satisfactory for us, of course not for worry mongers or those on the US side.
They have control over all actions, but such emergencies require enthusiastic ordinary people to rush ahead.
So... is the self-proclaimed "radical" going to step up?
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His viewpoint is very good, and policy adjustments are limited by too many interest groups and policy inertia, so the shift is unusually slow.
You have China confused with the US.
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But another answer, he subtly pointed out that the current way to weaken interest groups is to "wait for them to retire".
Oh, that solution won't work in the US; they just get stronger and take over more and more.