PLA Strategy in a Taiwan Contingency


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I think what China is more concerned about than military difficulties and losses is international economic sanctions. Building a strong military with China's production capacity is very easy, but if the developed countries in the world impose strict economic sanctions and trade embargoes on China, export-oriented China will be severely damaged from the foundation, which will seriously threaten or even cut off the country's path to rejuvenation.


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Regarding the solution to economic sanctions, if China dominates the entire international trade, or if China's national strength has clearly suppressed or even controlled other major countries, it can make other countries dare not sanction China


Registered Member
I think what China is more concerned about than military difficulties and losses is international economic sanctions. Building a strong military with China's production capacity is very easy, but if the developed countries in the world impose strict economic sanctions and trade embargoes on China, export-oriented China will be severely damaged from the foundation, which will seriously threaten or even cut off the country's path to rejuvenation.
China is much less trade dependent than most countries.

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Registered Member
Yeah, that doesn't make any sense though.
Even if you add 12nm to both coasts, the strait is still more wide than that.
We are not talking about a lake or a closed sea here.
Outside of 12nm, you are in International Waters. No exceptions afaik.
Maybe theyre refering to the unclos section like article 38 sec 1:

"1. In straits referred to in article 37, all ships and aircraft enjoy the right of transit passage, which shall not be impeded; except that, if the strait is formed by an island of a State bordering the strait and its mainland, transit passage shall not apply if there exists seaward of the island a route through the high seas or through an exclusive economic zone of similar convenience with respect to navigational and hydrographical characteristics."


Junior Member
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Maybe theyre refering to the unclos section like:
"Under UNCLOS, if a strait is formed by an island of a state bordering the strait and its mainland, the right of transit passage doesn't apply if there's a route through the high seas or an exclusive economic zone of similar convenience for navigation. "
Nope, that wouldn't fly in court legally. Right of passage has to do with territorial waters (less than 24nm from the two shores, thus staying inside Chinas territory).

The Taiwan strait is simply much, much wider.