Landing itself is not difficult, the problem is how a landing should take into account a simultaneous ongoing US' offensive. The US is the only power that can contest the landing zone, without US air, naval, ground troops swarming in, the result of the infiltrated and weakened ROCA would at its very best hold about as well as DPRK did in Incheon.
A self proclaimed retired military officer's instructional video.
Strictly speaking, it is a video that harshly criticizes optimistic tendencies. It is extremely dangerous to imagine landing operations as an easy task, as there have been no revolutionary changes in landing technology to this day, and the transport capacity of landing ships is very limited. Moreover, there are not many suitable landing locations, and the enemy can be fully prepared.
The reason Ukraine worked for Russia is that the fundamentals of the Russian state is much stronger than Ukraine, and Putin also diplomatically secured a blank cheque.Although those unmanned weapons (such as robotic dogs) look cool, they are not mature and more like tanks from World War I, which can only play a limited role under specific conditions. The cost of using those powerful long-range rocket launchers is high, and there is a risk of damaging the landing site.
Those amateur military enthusiasts tend to convey optimism to the audience, but ignore the risks involved in all military actions.
I am not a military officer who has received vocational education, so I cannot evaluate his views.
His political views are relatively 'official', believing that if the landing operation suffers setbacks, there is a risk of US military intervention. The best way is to wait for the decline of the United States.
But I cannot agree with this because the United States' "Ukrainization" plan is further reducing the possibility of peace.
It is very optimistic of Americans to believe the strategy of arming/encouraging and then openly joining separatists in battle will work against China.
Ukraine's poor fundamentals is the reason why even if they can surprise setbacks on Russia initially using their large army and morale, they could not follow up and secure destruction of Russian units. They lacked the firepower and breakthrough strength.
So for example when Russia noticed they were doing badly in Kiev sector, they just pulled back nearly uncontested. US won't have this luxury if they make a mistake against China.
China's local force/fires concentration in Asia even during peacetime footing is higher than US. In contrast, the Russian military has never lagged behind Ukraine in fire support throughout the whole war and often reach much higher levels like 10-20x. Ukraine does not possess the ability to create arms or innovate on its own, China in contrast has the largest arms production sector in the world and is at the forefront of weapons invention as well.
In short, this is a suicidally overconfident plan, which unfortunately means there's a good chance US will pursue it.