PLA Strategy in a Taiwan Contingency


Lieutenant General
In my opinion, the PLA has no intention of conducting a conventional continental strike, because it is very expensive and impractical. The PLA's intention is very clear: using conventional forces to destroy key nodes of the 2IC such as Guam can greatly reduce the US military's power projection capabilities, physical distance will do the rest. Things like SSN-launched cruise missiles, bomber strikes, and container missile launchers are all Red Dawn-style fantasies. PLA will either not send any ammunition to the North American, or directly send nuclear weapons

If that’s the mindset you might as well just submit already without even trying to fight. You cannot win a fight if you are unwilling or unable to hit the enemy where it hurts.

Trying to ‘win’ by only hitting enemy local bases and forces is like trying to make the enemy loose interest because it’s hurting their fists too much punching you. A viable strategy for insignificant (on the grand scheme of things) proxy players like Vietnam and Afghanistan, but not for peer powers like China, since it will be worth America’s while to destroy you even if it costs them an arm and a leg.

Hitting the US homelands early is important both strategically and psychologically. Strategically it degrades critical US war production capacity that can be slow and hard for the Americans to regenerate. But more importantly, it will cause them to divert massive resources to homeland defence instead of focusing purely on offence. The key is to strike the right balance in terms of resource allocation. It would be foolish to be like the German navy that made harassment attack their primary focus, but the attacks also need enough teeth to make the Americans need to seriously reconsider their homeland defences. This is why I am not in favour of using subs, since those assets are too valuable to risk for such high risk missions and also lack the scale and sustainability without an excessive amount of investment by the PLAN, which risk repeating the German mistake.

But strategically, even if China can destroy all US expeditionary forces and capabilities for minimal damage, without the ability to take the fight to the enemy, all that will achieve is a WWI Armistice like temporary victory. Given the Anglo nature, there could be no question of them rebuilding their forces to come back to try again later. Sure, there is a tiny chance America might descent into internal bickering and civil war after such a calamitous defeat. But that was only ever a tiny fringe scenario that diminishes to insignificance with the Republicans and a demagogue like Trump in power, who’s bread and butter is uniting the people behind the threat of an external foe. Besides, even if that was a highly probable eventuality, it’s still not something any responsible Chinese leader would leave the fate of his country and people to. China isn’t going gamble its future on chance.

China is still massively hiding its capabilities, but this time, it’s not with hiding its own weaknesses as the aim, but rather to hide its strength. Partly to slow boil the frog to avoid tipping off the Americans how little time they have left, but mostly I think, to wait for technological advancement to allow them to have a reasonable chance of breaking the nuclear MAD deadlock dilemma. That, I think, is the primary limiting factor for China.
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For me after seeing all these overhyped and overpriced weapons in US get exposed, I don't really have as much of a strong response.
My thoughts are PLA would probably much rather ROCA spend money on big ticket items like Abrams than use that money on say, AGTMs and MANPADs.

Buying ATGM and MANPAD is actually taking asymmetric warfare seriously, buying Abrams is not. Yes, M60A3 TTS might not even enjoy advantage over Type 05, but spending big money to try to give your armour units an advantage over the Type 05 coming over the water is ignoring the fact that so many other methods are available to the PLA to prevent your M1A2T from even reaching the landing zone in the first place.

Particularly nowadays having seen what FPVs can do to Abrams. Even my 7 year old son knows "you hit the tanks with the big square turrets on the back of their turret for massive damage".


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I don't think the M1A2 is a good idea. Taiwan's existing bridges can't bear its weight. Even if there are, the PLA will blow them all up on D-day. Then let's see how many AVLB the Taiwan military purchases, well they're screwed


Registered Member
Armored vehicles are the only way to rapidly close distance against resistance in land warfare.
MBTs are the strongest way to attack w/o dismounting in land warfare. Counterattack is a form of attack.
Nothing more, nothing less.

Without APS and integral drone shooter, they're kinda outdated on arrival, but they're still modern tanks.


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My thoughts are PLA would probably much rather ROCA spend money on big ticket items like Abrams than use that money on say, AGTMs and MANPADs.

My understanding of the ROCA is that this is basically their purpose. Similar to the JGSDF, officers of which are rumored to sometimes visit Taiwan after retirement and act in advisory positions, the idea is to act as a deterrent. ROCA and JGSDF stand no chance of defeating a determined invasion of their respective islands. But they nonetheless maintain resource intensive assets like large caliber artillery, tanks, attack helicopters, etc.

If it was say, the 1960s, I'd suggest the ROCA study WWII Japanese anti-amphibious tactics used at Okinawa and planned for use at Operation Downfall. But with modern ISR and guided weaponry, I have a hard time seeing how they could ever defeat the PLA once it landed, especially with its recruitment shortfalls. In addition, part of the reason why the IJA was able to inflict large casualties on US troops and was expected to kill a million or more of them during Downfall was their fanaticism. 21st century ROCA troops just don't have that.

Morale is an interesting aspect of a Taiwan campaign. I'd expect it to be decent during the opening stages of a war, but especially if American support is not immediately effective, once the ROCAF and ROCN have been destroyed, I question whether ROCA soldiers would have the will to make an obviously futile resistance against the impending invasion.

People in the West talk about Taiwan being another Ukraine, but part of why Ukrainian resistance has been so determined is because Russia initially invaded in 2014 but then stopped, giving the Ukrainian government time to raise nationalist sentiment and purge pro-Russia elements of the armed forces.

Taiwan has none of that. Although the Air Force and Navy might be expected to fight well, the ROCA may very well end up putting up a poor fight more akin to the Ukrainian Army in 2014 than the Ukrainian Army in 2022.


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some back ground info in Chinese on how much the Japanese colonized Taiwan

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Prof Shen Yi's quote was trending recently cause wanwanese saw the video 破防了. I think his point is very correct, without a war China won't be able to pacify and fully decolonize Taiwan. For proof, just look at the people in HK, still very colonized after more than 25 years.
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Lieutenant General
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Armored vehicles are the only way to rapidly close distance against resistance in land warfare.
MBTs are the strongest way to attack w/o dismounting in land warfare. Counterattack is a form of attack.
Nothing more, nothing less.

Without APS and integral drone shooter, they're kinda outdated on arrival, but they're still modern tanks.

The problem isn't whether it has/lacks APS or integrated drone counter measures specifically, the problem is more about everything else -- whether they have air superiority, scale of signature/concealment, extent of mobility, and the overall manner/stage in which they would be usable in a conflict with the PLA (i.e.: under what circumstances and stage of a conflict would the PLA conduct a landing to begin with).